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Everything posted by Forsythian

  1. Thanks guys. It has a 2006 Optimax 115 on it now. I've been told it's shot but I really don't know the extent of it. Was thinking another Merc to approach a plug and play scenario.
  2. Any recommendations on how to go about buying a new OB would be appreciated. Mother in law's motor seized up on her pontoon boat, rated for a 115, thanks!
  3. Hammock camping is where it's at BTW!
  4. Put in at Greer on Saturday, took out Riverton Sunday. My first kayak overnighter, kind of a shake down cruise and equipment check. Gavin is always giving me grief for packing the kitchen sink, so let's see how minimalism goes! The river is up a bit, I like to wade below 1000cfs for the most part, so I thought to get a good paddle on instead. Hadn't seen the river below Whitten in years. I was reminded why 🙄 it's some pretty boring water hahaha. Got that out of my system. Pitched maribous all day and caught all I wanted to. Decent size, and very healthy by all appearances. Had a good camp below Whitten and my setup kept me dry overnight in some good downpours. Got off the river by 9am before it really came up! I was surprised by the crowds once again. I'm starting to think it's always been crowded and my memories of the "good old days" of solitude on this river are fabricated. Thoughts?
  5. Nice! I've been twice this fall from Greer to Whiten and I agree it's been crowded. I've not considered Cane Bluff put in this time of year, how was the water level?
  6. Great report!
  7. Andrew! Good to hear from you as well. I'm doing great, hope you and the family are well. Gavin, I've always liked the gear and the comfort that goes with it, plus I've lost 80 lbs in the last year which leaves me with even more gunnel to work with 🙂
  8. I used Buffalo River Float Service, they keep the vehicle there on their lot until your take out day. 80 seemed a little steep, but Eleven Point is up to 60 this year so I guess it's proportionate. Peace of mind on take out day has value. Snagged, there were two pair of kayakers who passed me on day 1, after that I saw only 1 other person on horseback in 2 days. All in all more people than I was hoping for 😐
  9. Here's a couple more pictures. I'd definitely recommend a compass and a good map to track your pace and progress. Know that the last mile or two ahead of the White is completely flat water. On the White itself, they were running some pretty good water so that 5 miles to Shipps was a cake walk.
  10. Solo trip, and my first on this section. Put in 9/27 and took out 10/1. The Harriet gauge was 150 cfs (3 ft). Only had to get out and drag a handful of times, but I wouldn't float it any lower. I heeded advice regarding the wind, it can really blow through the canyons! I rode a NW wind the first 10 miles and stayed put near big creek for a day until it turned back around from the South. Caught smallmouth just about non-stop. Crawdad crankbait worked the best. Nothing over 16" though. Lots of eagles and deer and solitude. The scenery is hard to put into words... It's really an amazing place!
  11. Good to know you're still out there Sam! Hope all is well with you
  12. I was out there the last 2 weekends in September. Saw no jet boats above Turner. There's some gigging out of Whitten, but the water was pretty low and I wouldn't expect much boat traffic above Black Hollow. Heading back out there myself this weekend.
  13. Very cool
  14. Welcome! Your post title "Music Creek" caught my eye... my absolute favorite section of any lake I've ever had the pleasure of boating and fishing. A couple of years ago I traded my bass boat for a house boat I keep at Buck Creek, so I haven't been to the Music area in a while. Hollar at me if you're in the neighborhood, Ken
  15. So, I've got some relatively "civilized" folks who want to car camp later this month and do a day float. I'm thinking of suggesting Round Spring for camping, and a day float from Pulltite back to camp. My question is after October 15th do they close all bathrooms other than a pit facility? Also, do they keep the electricity on the electric sites after October 15th? Thanks a bunch
  16. Had a great float and camp last weekend. The folks at Two Rivers are very nice. It's been a long time since I've floated below Round Spring. This stretch has great scenery and a ton of great campsites throughout. The paddling is super easy, almost to the point of boring, but would make for a good safe Winter stretch. This was not a fishing trip per se, though I did pitch an olive marabou some both days. Caught short smallies, but no trout. Didn't really see but one or two trout in the first mile or so. Sure was good to get out and scratch that itch.
  17. Say hello to the old fat man in the DIsco 169 if you see him this weekend... Fall is finally here!
  18. According to the MDC the campground is open. Let us know if you go, I'm not far behind you
  19. Buck Creek is open for business. Decent launch at the campground. 3 or 4 foot visibility on Sunday.
  20. Must vary by campground... Buck Creek on Bull Shoals is open for primitive camping this Winter.
  21. I think you can stay at the COE campgrounds for free, no water or electricity(?)
  22. Hey Debbie Downer, it was good to see you on the river week before last. I forgot to ask you what Paul Dallas is up to... running a Scarab on Havasu maybe?
  23. Hey CWF, glad to help... that was a crazy coincidence running into you like that! Hope the rest of your weekend went well.
  24. Hey Justin,

    Hoping to get a shuttle this Saturday (2/20) and maybe a campsite Saturday night.  Would arrive about 11am.  Are you open and how's the fishing?  Will send an email to the ranch as well,



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