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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Harps

  1. Ahh. I forgot about the Spring River in Arkansas, yes that is part of the White River basin. The Spring River in SW Missouri is what popped into my head. We were both right and both wrong!
  2. No — It's part of the Arkansas River system/watershed.
  3. I'm skeptical those are fish hooks as well.
  4. What is your source for this information?
  5. Very much cool. Beers.
  6. I had what is for me a couple of good days, but that's all relative. Maybe we should run up there, that's kinda my old stomping grounds too. Still got kin up there.
  7. Double post deleted...
  8. For the effort to drive to there from Columbia, I would say you could drive the same distance south and find a lot of truly good smallmouth water. Unless you're just checking off places you've caught a smallie and want to add that to the list....
  9. Has there been a determination as to what caused the decline? Most of the streams that they inhabit are pretty stable environments, but something apparently changed. Climate change shouldn't have anything to do with it because they inhabit both streams that have a rather stable temperature (primarily spring fed) as well as streams that vary in temp with the seasons. Some chemical element perhaps? A few of the streams have remote watersheds with little human influence it would seem, while some watersheds have a great deal of human influence.
  10. This spot is your spot, this spot is my spot From the River Headwater to the Confluence Island From the Ozark Forest, to the gulf stream waters This spot was made for you and me
  11. I'm not really bothered either, but I know some people freak out if you kill a bass. Some of those that would freak have no problem putting them in a cage and drag them all over a lake and then release them miles and miles from home. "Sorry Bass...just screwing with ya!" Fish taste good (most of them anyway).
  12. I think Oneshot is posting this to see how many he can piss off. Bragging about it on the Whitetail forum too....
  13. MoCarp bugged out. "Flyfishing" with bait is not flyfishing. It's bait-fishing.
  14. I'm in the replica camp. If I caught a 22" smallie ANYWHERE, I would get a replica. I don't have any replicas..... I would be interested in knowing the weight as well on that fish. I know a guy...............who caught a 23" smallie here in the Ozarks, fish went back in the water.
  15. How many did you see them do that to? Muskies don't come to the boat very often from what I've seen.
  16. Nice smallies! I can't imagine catching any musky, let alone a 48-60-incher and not getting a photo of it. So far I can only imagine catching one period.
  17. Like what Smallieflys said, floating with the right cats makes a float whether you're catching or not. Thoroughly enjoyed this one.
  18. Harps

    Hi guys

    Good luck! I'll be there in my 'tin boat' as well, but fishing a private tournament — fall version of the 'Walleyecrappathon' otherwise known as 'Boys Debauchery Weekend.' Heh heh.
  19. Hard to call any one float in my life the best......but this was definitely up there with the best. I'll try to add pics tonight after I get packed for this coming weekend's adventure.....
  20. Putting in at 4 or 5 won't give you much time to get downstream to find a good bar to camp on before dark. Might try getting on the water a little earlier.
  21. I saw what you did there Smallieflys........I'm not likely to get to go for several weeks at this point..... Oh, I'm a blue catfish now.....whatever the hell that means.....
  22. I'm waiting for surface temps to get below 75 before I even consider trying to catch one. Surface temps may be well below 70 before I actually get a chance to go though.
  23. In for updates...
  24. What happens when you blare music on your own property? The LEO's show up eventually and tell you to turn it down. Why don't the same rules apply to 'music venues?'
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