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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. You can also buy them at Hook Line & Sinker in Rogers, AR. Unless I get there first.
  2. We all work for what we have, or at least most of us do. Some of us spend $50K on a boat and another $25K on tackle (rods, reels, lures, etc.). Others are happy to have a pair of waders, a fly rod or two and some flies stuck in their hat. Regardless, none of us really want to hear about anyone else's financial state. No one is forcing anyone else to fish. It's optional. If you can't afford it, quit. But to frequently complain about the price of boats, rods, reels, lures, etc., can make it sound as if others are spending their funds unwisely. In fact, certain members here have come right out and said as much. And frankly, no one on this forum has any right to say --- or imply --- a single word about how anyone else spends their money.
  3. All I can say is if the cost of lures is an issue, bass fishing probably ain't for you. In fact, some of us would consider it a favor if you found another pastime or at least another place to whiz and moan about how broke you are.
  4. I think re-tired is when you're already tired and you get tired some more.
  5. Dave, drink in every minute you get with her in the boat. One morning she's gonna sit down at the breakfast table and blurt out, "Dad, I have a boyfriend." And yes, the twinge of nausea you just felt while reading those words will be 10 times worse. Unfortunately, there's not a darn thing you can do to ward it off or stop it. It's just part of the process. I've already been there. You'll survive.
  6. That's just as cool as it gets, Ben. I would second Nick's request for a unit at Campbell Point, which would give us a lower White River station, and perhaps one at Big M for a middle station in the White.
  7. Wait a minute. I might have to go ahead and pull the trigger. Heck, a couple of years from now, I can make a fortune on eBay selling them as "pre-order Plopper double buzzers."
  8. Nice meanie, Pepe!
  9. WW, I got my start in tournament fishing back in the early 1980s with a club like that. It was one of the oldest clubs in Arkansas and one heckuva learning experience for a 20-year-old kid. The things I learned over several years in that club could never have been bought with money.
  10. Lots of really good info there, Hammer. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Ham, a significant portion of people who buy Yeti coolers don't give a rat's ear about the price or the manufacturer's profit margin. They just want the Yeti name on the side as conspicuously as possible. Disclaimer: The above statement represents my personal opinion and is not to be construed as anything remotely close to fact.
  12. Thanks for the report, kdc. Getting to be that tough time of year.
  13. I gotta call bullpoop on this one. California company reaching way out there to extend profits on its Whopper Plopper. I'll stick with my War Eagle and Cavitron buzzers.
  14. Being here on vacation with his family, Dave doesn't have a lot of flexibility in the hours/days he fishes. Sounds like a pretty good trip given the circumstances and one the boy is sure to remember. Keep at em, Super Dave.
  15. From what I understand, state park rental slips are uncovered.
  16. Preach it, brother!
  17. A picture is worth a thousand words? Trying to decide whether to golf or fish this weekend. Throw me a bone!
  18. About time for Babler to weigh in. He is as knowledgeable about Mizzou sports as anyone I've ever met. More so than a lot of today's so-called pundits.
  19. Not a bad trip at all for June. If the weatherman can be believed, sounds like the dog days are right around the bend. I may be driving a Titleist more than the Ranger for a bit.
  20. I know 100% that the first KVD Big Bass Tour derby on Table Rock in 2010 was won above Holiday Island. The fellow who won it and his dad are both lifelong friends from Hot Springs. The tournament was in June that year and Brady's fish weighed 6.98.
  21. You guys are in a totally different world up there around Holiday Island. Because of the influx of cool water from Beaver Dam, water temps along with oxygen and pH levels are much different than in other parts of the lake. Enjoy it but understand that not all areas offer the same luxuries.
  22. Joe Bald!! How the devil did you get all the way up there? That's a solid 3 miles from KC!!!!
  23. He was talkin' about football, Vernon, in which case KU's last five years' cumulative record is 9-51. Missouri's is 41-24 and Arkansas' is 33-30 over that same period, both of which include the rigors of SEC play.
  24. Nailed it.
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