Donna and I fished about 7 hours each both Saturday and Sunday.
Launched at Baxter on Saturday and spent our entire day between there and Campbell Point. Started out bed fishing and spent about 4 hours doing that, mainly because I marvel at how Donna has picked up on it in just a couple of years' time. I'd say we caught a dozen doing that, then pulled out and started tossing the varmint and another not-to-be-divulged-until-after-the-May 2 BFL dragging bait. Found good numbers of fish on both main-lake and secondary points with smallish rock down to gravel -- enough to finish the day with a conservative estimate of 60 total. At least 35 of those came off one 75-yard stretch in the final 2 hours. Only 8 keepers for the day but total weight for best five would've pushed 15 pounds hard.
Got off to a slow start Sunday in more ways than one -- forgot to get ice and had Harter House ribeyes marinating in the boat for dinner that night. What's Up Dock for some unknown reason closed in late April, so had to dock the boat and go back up the hill at the resort for ice. Finally got going around 8:00 and then ran into fishingaddiction from the forum, so we visited with him and his bro-in-law for 20 minutes. Time well spent.
We caught a few down around Kimberling but was not catching them at a rate to our liking, so went back up to more familiar waters in the White and picked up where we left off Saturday. Finished with around 40. Keepers were few again ... maybe 7 ... with our best five at 14 pounds. Again, some on beds but most on the varmint in 8-15 feet of water on points.
Grand total was right at 100 fish for the two days. Not bad but have a feeling it's gonna be even better the next few weeks.
Oh, and then there was this ... on the varmint, of course.