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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. Heck no, the dam area seems to be producing more keepers than the river arms. Big C is brand new to the lake and had a great day yesterday down there, and so did Hammer Time and denjac. Hate that for Fred ... he seems like a really nice guy and a class act. Might do better to read OAF and rent a boat next time.
  2. Super day, Chris. Donna says considering all the keepers you guys had, I should follow my own advice better. Look forward to having you and the family here on a regular basis.
  3. Donna and I fished about 7 hours each both Saturday and Sunday. Launched at Baxter on Saturday and spent our entire day between there and Campbell Point. Started out bed fishing and spent about 4 hours doing that, mainly because I marvel at how Donna has picked up on it in just a couple of years' time. I'd say we caught a dozen doing that, then pulled out and started tossing the varmint and another not-to-be-divulged-until-after-the-May 2 BFL dragging bait. Found good numbers of fish on both main-lake and secondary points with smallish rock down to gravel -- enough to finish the day with a conservative estimate of 60 total. At least 35 of those came off one 75-yard stretch in the final 2 hours. Only 8 keepers for the day but total weight for best five would've pushed 15 pounds hard. Got off to a slow start Sunday in more ways than one -- forgot to get ice and had Harter House ribeyes marinating in the boat for dinner that night. What's Up Dock for some unknown reason closed in late April, so had to dock the boat and go back up the hill at the resort for ice. Finally got going around 8:00 and then ran into fishingaddiction from the forum, so we visited with him and his bro-in-law for 20 minutes. Time well spent. We caught a few down around Kimberling but was not catching them at a rate to our liking, so went back up to more familiar waters in the White and picked up where we left off Saturday. Finished with around 40. Keepers were few again ... maybe 7 ... with our best five at 14 pounds. Again, some on beds but most on the varmint in 8-15 feet of water on points. Grand total was right at 100 fish for the two days. Not bad but have a feeling it's gonna be even better the next few weeks. Oh, and then there was this ... on the varmint, of course.
  4. Keep reading the reports on here. You might also want to go to hookedonbass.com and watch Pete's video report. All good stuff that will help you on your trip. A word of advice that is often taken for granted by the regulars but is good to remind visitors of from time to time ... this is a clear, highland reservoir and it demands that you fish it with finesse most of the time. Bring your spinning gear and spool it with either 6-pound mono or 8-pound fluorocarbon. Big line equals big disappointment in most cases on Table Rock. This is for Ned, shaky head, grub and other finesse tactics. For larger bottom-contact baits such as jigs, swing heads, etc., you'll want baitcasting gear with 10-15 pound fluorocarbon. Topwaters and spinnerbaits can be thrown on baitcasting gear with 15-17 pound mono. Cranks work best for me on 10-pound mono.
  5. J-Doc, were you on Table Rock? Donna and I had over 60 Saturday. Best five around 15 pounds. I don't think we talked to anyone who had less than 30. Ours came mostly on the varmint. A few on topwater and probably a dozen by bed fishing.
  6. Ditch the footsy PJs and man up. It was only about 10:30 when we left. I drove all the way back to Bella Vista without falling asleep. All you had to do was walk (around the boxes and bags of tackle) to your bed.
  7. Nice report on a great day. Thanks for sharing, Ken. Keep after 'em when you can.
  8. Glad you guys got out and caught some. Looks like you had a big time. Sorry we didn't run across you on the water but we never got above the mouth of Big Creek.
  9. By gosh it does kinda look like a sand shark. Tastes better, though, assuming a sand shark isn't choice table fare.
  10. I think those Walters know about Randy's cutoff point. Donna and I caught two the other day including a 20-incher not 100 yards below Rock Creek.
  11. Great job taking your dad. Wish mine would still go but he just doesn't enjoy like he used to. Still does lots of yard work and such that he enjoys more, so whatever keeps him happy and active at 86. Cute purse you have sitting on the front deck. Was it on sale and where can I snag one? LOL
  12. I think I have one, Ham. Doesn't R-A-N-G-E-R spell BassCat?
  13. Macsimus, that's one of the best posts I've ever read on here. Downright moving, and I'm a writer/editor by profession. Was very glad to meet you at the OAF hootenanny (Southern word ) in March and look forward to when you can make it back. You have an open invitation to climb into my boat and perhaps see yet another aspect of fishing The Rock. Everyone does things differently to some degree. Love the Traver quote. If a guy/gal can read and ponder on that without it touching a nerve, I have to question whether they're a true angler. Unfortunately, there are too many out there who aren't. Travel safely and please stay active on the forum. And by all means, keep taking great care of that great-looking BassCat. See you soon.
  14. Ham, your words are hurtful. I'm taking my Ned rigs and going home and you will NOT see me at the next OAF social.
  15. Cody, it might be a good idea to have someone who knows what they're looking at to check over your steering system on that boat. A lot of bad mishaps with older boats happen because of poorly maintained steering systems. Ulrich probably did this but it would pay to be sure. Nice rig. Hope she carries you on many a memorable trip.
  16. Good stuff, Dave. Thanks for keeping us up to date on your adventures.
  17. I did hear one gobble Saturday. Don't remember exactly where we were but it was somewhere around Big Creek.
  18. Addiction, we'll be buzzing around Sunday/Monday in a white/silver/gunmetal Ranger. Make sure to say hi if you see us Babler would tell you if the above-described boat is more than a pitch from the bank, it ain't us.
  19. My grandfather was a crappie catchin' dude ... fished every day for weeks on end in spring and again in the fall. He always talked about crappie being cyclic, i.e. big populations some years and not so much in others. Don't know if there's any scientific support for that theory or not.
  20. I grew up in Hot Springs where those were made. Used to buy them from the outlet store at the plant by the 100 bag. Smoke and army green colors (same as watermelon I'm sure).
  21. Holy kamoly those are some big smallies ... I'm working on my northern expressions for our trip next year !! I figure Macsimus might be able to lend a hand, and I can teach him some Arkansas/Deep South dialect for when he's out ram-wreckin' dem big ol' green fish in his BassCat. We'll be gittin' him mixed up with Fat Cat Newton in no time!
  22. You guys stay out of that dirty water. Nothing to see there. Move along, please.
  23. He and his partner finished 43rd in that college derby with four fish for 7-12.
  24. Nice to hear someone is close to a 50-50 ratio of keepers. Gives me hope that I'll get my batting average up soon.
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