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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. Very, very nice fish! Biggest one I've heard of in quite some time. Congrats!
  2. We only made it as far as Beaver. Fished noon to 5 pm. Wasted too much time trying to force feed them a jerk bait, then backed out and caught four in the last 1:30 on a Ned from 15-25 feet. Should've been doing that all day but I'm admittedly bullheaded. Cold and cloudy, spit some snow on us on the way home. WT 46-47 in the Indian Creek/dam area.
  3. Belated happy birthday, Bo! Glad you got to spend it on the lake.
  4. That's my kind of weather. I'm working today. Be there tomorrow!
  5. Wonder which one of the Big Cedar guides emerged from the scrum as the one to put KVD on those TV fish. 😆😂
  6. Nah, the Russians are our friends now. Some say they even help us elect presidents. Had to be ISIS.
  7. That's just nuts. May have to sell my entire shallow water arsenal and buy me one of those Panoptix units and a handful of spoons. 😁
  8. Hey now, Donna and several others on here including Ranger185 will tell you that I can hold my own with most anyone come the post-spawn shaky head bite. I'm sneaky like that. You guys just THINK that I'm purely a winder. 😆 🤣
  9. I'm having great luck so far with four Pflueger Supremes in the 30X size. Not a single problem or complaint.
  10. We can't all go to the prestigious Liberty Bowl and get beat by a 6-6 Big 12 also-ran.
  11. I agree. If you aren't in the four-team playoffs, why not use your bowl game to develop your younger players for next season?
  12. Yeah, that's the one ... you know, with Tennessee, Vandy and South Carolina ... and most years, that basketball school with the slickster coach.
  13. Arkansas is still at least a couple of years from being relevant again, especially since we don't play in the "soft side" of the SEC. 😄
  14. Donna and I would like to have them and you have our word we will put them to personal use.
  15. So far, it’s still a free country and you have every right to female doggy all you want. So knock yourself out. Incidentally, the last three boats I bought were not discounted one thin dime so you and I are in the same boat, so to speak.
  16. Bo, unless you bought a new boat you didn’t pay one dime towards marketing costs for any boat company. And the way you are constantly poor mouthing, I doubt you ever bought a new one.
  17. Just a gorgeous job on that replica.
  18. Good stuff, Bill … brought back a lot of memories of my own boat dealings as an outdoor writer. One thing is certain … the promotional end of the business has really, really changed. As you pointed out, there are NO deals out there like we used to get. Funny thing is, we basically had free boats and didn't even wear jerseys! LOL
  19. Got pics of those Warts?
  20. Welcome to OAF and a big thank you to both you and your wife for your many years of service in law enforcement!
  21. I caught a beautiful SM/LM cross near Shell Knob a few years back and I believe I posted the pic here. I also sent it by email to MDC and they thanked me for the pic and confirmed it was indeed a SM/LM cross. I had seen plenty of SM/spot hybrids (meanmouths) but that was one of the first SM/LM crosses I had witnessed. So yes, they will cross-breed in the wild.
  22. Yup, and you don't have to fish over 80-100 feet of water unless you just want to. All kinds of ways to catch em.
  23. A very good day and thanks for the report. Donna and I are gonna try and get up there Saturday. Any Walters?
  24. Bo, you've obviously already talked to the fish. Tough to explain your kind of success any other way. 😄
  25. You just have to experiment, Dave. Doesn't have to actually be a shad kill in order for them to bite it. Anytime the water dips down around 50 or below in the winter, I'll be throwing it.
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