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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. Don't bother looking at Hook Line & Sinker. I cleaned out the half dozen that they had.
  2. Gorgeous stuff. Thanks for the pics.
  3. Awesome deal, man. Nothing like those little ones getting a taste of the action. She will remember that fish for many years to come.
  4. Good stuff, Dave. As always. Glad you guys are having fun.
  5. I would feel differently about keeping spots if we knew for a fact they were overpopulating (electrofishing surveys have not shown that to be true), if the length limit was reduced to 12" (not killing a fish that is 5-6 years old) and MOST IMPORTANTLY if bass were being restocked in the lake. Because there is no stocking program and no plans (immediate or long range) to establish one, I hate to see any bass taken out of the lake for any reason. This lake is getting pounded day in and day out by an ever-growing number of residents, tourists and tournament anglers. It's publicized nationally as one of the best bass lakes in the country, which only draws more pressure. So my OPINION is that we need to give these fish all of the help and respect that we can, including not running a knife through them. You can say that you paid for your license, boat, etc. and have the right to do as you wish within the law. That is correct. But I also buy a license and spend a pile of money fishing, so I have the right to my opinion and to express it. Dave (dtrs5kprs) hit it on the head when he said the icing on the cake was the old-school photo of the fish strung up on a piece of rope. RickF, you had to have known that wouldn't be widely embraced. Bottom line: You can catch and keep whatever you want within the limits, if that's how you roll. But you can't post a pic on ANY public fishing forum in this day and age and not expect some backlash.
  6. Great report, Pete. Thanks for posting. The Ranger is doing great. Really enjoying it.
  7. Bo, I'm starting to think our fish are spending increasingly more time out there suspended. I really don't have enough information to theorize why, but I'm inclined to agree with you that it has to do with the natural loss of shoreline and shallow cover, especially wood.
  8. I fished the BFL tournament on May 2 and had a limit by 9:30 a.m. I had every opportunity to sight fish the rest of the day but chose not to for two reasons: 1. It would have handicapped my co-angler terribly; and 2. I didn't want to haul fish off the beds and destroy their spawn. Some things are more important to me than money --- especially ethics. So please don't fire that bullet in my direction.
  9. Really enjoyed this post, Cody. It's refreshing to see a young father taking time to share the outdoors with his family. More young dads should follow your example.
  10. Good job, bo. Night fishing time is here.
  11. From their location and depth, almost sounds like those fish might be caught on a Ned rig.
  12. QB is master of the meanmouths. Period.
  13. OK, I'm already on the ledge and the wind is blowing, so I might as well jump. Walleye are stocked into Table Rock at the rate of nearly 100,000 per year. Catfish also are stocked. Bass (LM, SM and K's) are not. While it certainly is NOT illegal provided the fish meet the 15-inch minimum length limit and you are within the daily creel limit, absolutely nothing good can come of stringing up a bunch of bass, especially when they are full of eggs. That is my opinion and I do not apologize to anyone for stating it.
  14. Good report, Dave. And yes, some days fish just do what they want. I suppose it keeps us from getting cockier than we already are.
  15. An excellent post, Cody. Most excellent. Thanks for taking the time to share all of this. God bless America!
  16. Heck, don't bother putting in and just stand on the ramp! Seriously, good luck out there. If you aren't already familiar with the Ned rig, research it here on this forum and get some. You'll be glad you did. Just keep your bait in 15-25 feet of water and you should get plenty of bites. Light line (preferably 6-pound test) is a necessity in this part of the lake.
  17. our It's getting to be that time of year when we can't rightfully expect 20-and-upward fish every time we go. Thanks for sharing your not-so-productive trip, but like denjac said, you did OK for a short trip. Honesty is one of the things that make this forum what it is. Besides, we all like to be reassured that we aren't the only ones that struggle sometimes.
  18. That topwater bite from the deep trees takes extreme commitment. Isolated trees work best most of the time, and I have literally run 2-3 miles from one tree to another only to make a few casts, fire up the big motor and be off again to the next. It does not make for partner-friendly fishing. I save it for either a solo outing or a derby. On another note, kudos to you and Muddy Water for getting up a trip together. I had some good times on the water last year by making impromtu trips with OA members, yourself included. There are some great folks on this forum and I can't think of a better place to get to know them than in a boat.
  19. Sounds like she's the right one. Congrats!
  20. Richy, you must not be married. You're supposed to JUST LISTEN, NOT TRY TO FIX IT.
  21. Donna and I launched at Cape Fair about 7:30 to clearing skies and the most magnificent rainbow either of us had seen in our combined 115 years on earth. It was definitely the highlight of the day. Started in Buzzard Branch and caught a couple on a Fin around standing timber and another on a blade way back in the flooded stuff. Motored down to Buttermilk Basin and managed another couple of fish off a gravel point on the varmint. Tooled on down to Aunts Creek thinking we might get a decent varmint bite going down there but wasn't to be. Might have had to do with the fact that it was 11:30 by then and the crazy bunch was starting to come out in force. On a whim, decided to return back upriver and ended up going well above Bridgeport -- upwards of the split. Fished a fair ways up both the Flat Creek and James River arms, finding colored to muddy water up both. Caught fish flipping a Sweet Beaver and a War Eagle jig, and also continued to catch some on the War Eagle blade. Ended the day with 16 fish total, but just one keeper. Donna caught a studly 'gill on the varmint. Certainly not a banner day but enjoyable being out. One thing is certain ... the fish are scattered and the decent ones are still hard to find. OK, that's two things.
  22. Donna and I launched at Cape Fair about 7:30 to clearing skies and the most magnificent rainbow either of us had seen in our combined 115 years on earth. It was definitely the highlight of the day. Started in Buzzard Branch and caught a couple on a Fin around standing timber and another on a blade way back in the flooded stuff. Motored down to Buttermilk Basin and managed another couple of fish off a gravel point on the varmint. Tooled on down to Aunts Creek thinking we might get a decent varmint bite going down there but wasn't to be. Might have had to do with the fact that it was 11:30 by then and the crazy bunch was starting to come out in force. On a whim, decided to return back upriver and ended up going well above Bridgeport -- upwards of the split. Fished a fair ways up both the Flat Creek and James River arms, finding colored to muddy water up both. Caught fish flipping a Sweet Beaver and a War Eagle jig, and also continued to catch some on the War Eagle blade. Ended the day with 16 fish total, but just one keeper. Donna caught a studly 'gill on the varmint. Certainly not a banner day but enjoyable being out. One thing is certain ... the fish are scattered and the decent ones are still hard to find. OK, that's two things. Attached Thumbnails http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-4532-0-48413200-1433123684.jpg http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-4532-0-41512400-1433123704.jpg http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/uploads/monthly_06_2015/post-4532-0-28616700-1433123721.jpg
  23. I happen to know denjac very well and can assure you that he meant no malice in posting his opinion. He simply stated his view on conservation and made a point to include that the guy had a right to do as he wanted with the fish. While I'm at it, my opinion is that this "anything goes as long as it's legal" attitude is a threat to the blessings we all enjoy as residents of the Ozarks. Keeping a mess of fish to eat occasionally is one thing. Keeping the 8-pounder is not a sin, although some of us would like to have seen it swim away. But a general attitude of "by gosh it's legal so it's OK" doesn't show the kind of responsibility we need to uphold as sportsmen and stewards of the resources that we all enjoy.
  24. I have a 998 and 958 on our boat and have had no leakage issues.
  25. J-Doc, if they weren't in the bushes last weekend, then one of the best tournament fishermen there's ever been on Beaver misidentified a sackful of fish he caught between Horseshoe Bend and Big Hickory.
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