Postspawn is the time for the fish to be scattered, and boy is that ever true right now.
Donna and I spent Friday and Saturday fishing mostly are beloved White River arm, although we did venture as far downlake as The Cows late Friday.
We caught fish as shallow as 1 foot and as deep as 32 feet, and we caught them at practically every increment in between. We even caught them busting shad on top over 70 feet.
Probably the most consistent bite is fishing docks with a shaky head or finesse jig, although the shaky head will get you a lot more bites. The bottom dwellers are in 24 feet or less, but you can get bit by suspended fish in the deeper slips. Watermelon-red worm on a 3/16 head will have you in business. I was targeting docks leading out of spawning pockets.
We caught a fair number Friday on a blade, tossing it along flatter main-lake banks with bushes and wind. War Eagle in mouse or lavender shad will do the trick.
You can go into the spawning pockets and throw a Fin and will have a ton of fish follow you back to the boat. A few will bite. Reel it slow as you can while still keeping the wobble right. What you cannot do yet, or at least I couldn't, is catch them on the Fin out of the cedars. I'm sure that bite is just a few days away but it wasn't here for me yet this weekend.
There also doesn't seem to be much of a fb jig bite yet, but I'm sure it is near, too.
Get out there and catch some fish. That shaky head will get you bit in a lot of places.