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Everything posted by Champ188

  1. I love it!
  2. Bo, once again we are on the same side of the fence. Dragging any lure with the trolling motor is trolling no matter what they want to call it. It’s cheating.
  3. Given the evidence presented by established experts, I retract my comments about the 10-degree difference. I'm well aware that temps vary pretty widely from one end to the other later in the winter, but I had no idea water temps could be that low already. My mistake.
  4. Donna wants to know if we can have a one-drum division instead of one walleye. And spoiler alert ... no one else has a prayer of beating her.
  5. I like it, brother. But beware, one of my cold weather projects is going to be putting up another 8-foot section of pegboard. I think I'll use it just for my "defense buys" --- i.e., all the stuff I horde from Hook Line & Sinker just to keep Quillback from getting his mitts on it.
  6. I thought the same thing at first but my understanding is that somehow that tunnel is "building" a column of water for the prop to run in that is actually above the surface of the river.
  7. I'm not interested in fighting either so I'll acknowledge upfront that we aren't likely to find common ground on this. I'm good with that and sounds like you are, too. So we are way ahead of where other contentious topics tend to go around here. The general feeling about it among those who dislike it in tournaments --- and yes, I am one --- is that it stretches the traditional limits of sportsmanship and that it tends to make "heroes out of zeroes." For example, what is to keep one from tossing the rig up near one bank of a big pocket or small creek, then "strolling" across to the other side on the TM with the spool disengaged, then retrieving the darn thing 150 yards or more across that pocket/creek channel? In essence, isn't that the same as trolling? But more of an issue among us "old timers" is that the rig tends to level the playing field where skill is concerned. No one can deny that some who rarely do well in derbies (but always show up to donate ) started inhabiting the check line when the rig first came out. Yes, the fish seem to be becoming more conditioned to it these days so it isn't the "magic bullet" that it was at first, but still there are times when folks who otherwise can't catch a fish from a mud puddle with a throw net bring in a big sack and either finish high or win. Any other time of year, these same guys are consistently empty-handed at weigh-ins. I'm not saying there is NO skill involved ... not at all. The better fishermen still win most of the time, or at least those who throw the A-rig, because no matter what you throw, you still have to find the fish, and that will always separate the haves from the have-nots. But the importance of the actual act of presenting the lure is lessened considerably with the rig, IN MY OPINION. That's my feelings in a nutshell. Not saying they are all grounded in concrete facts. As stated in the beginning, you also have yours and you are most welcome to have them and to state them. This is a public internet forum and civilized, intelligent discussion is what these places are all about. Besides, we're talking about fishing here --- not world conflict --- and as long as we're all taking care of the resources, there isn't really a lot to get upset about.
  8. Ask the BASS folks. It’s banned from all of their events. FLW too.
  9. I’m not gonna say it’s impossible to have a 10-degree difference from RB to the upper river area.
  10. No, that confounded A-rig. Worst thing ever to happen to tournament fishing.
  11. I don’t know how that WT can be right. I fished Thurs until dark around Rocky Branch and the water was still 48-49.5 even in the backs of some pockets. Readings were consistent on both of my Humminbird 998 units. May have an issue with your temp gauge.
  12. Champ188

    Big M

    Very nice trip. Thanks for sharing the report and here's hoping that 2018 is an even better year for you. That's a mighty fine green fish you have there in the last pic.
  13. Ten pounds on Beaver is a respectable bag anytime. I’ve cashed Central Pro-Am checks with less.
  14. Was still 48-49.5 around Rocky Branch on Thursday.
  15. Good job of covering water guys. Good job of everything until you pulled out that contraption 😆
  16. Could very well be a meanmouth. Markings tend to vary widely on them.
  17. Pretty sure it makes more difference to me than the fish. Have to admit that it's just plumb purty.
  18. Count me in the 20-degree threshold group with Sore Thumbs and bluebasser. I do love me some winter fishing.
  19. Really great to see those nice spots. Obviously the catch-and-cut crowd hasn’t hurt them too badly.
  20. Yep, a LM for sure.
  21. Donna and I caught a good sack Christmas Day with some really healthy LM and spots. Seen very few poor fish lately.
  22. In her modesty, she neglected to mention that several of those keepers were hers on a jig.
  23. Merry Christmas to all from Donna and I. This is no ordinary website and you are certainly not ordinary internet friends.
  24. Donna and I are getting ready to head out now 😄
  25. I’ve apparently even taught myself enough to catch fish on Beaver. Nah, it’s like I said to start with, the old pond is on the rebound.
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