For my birthday, my wife booked a trip for my Brother Dave and I with none other than Buster. What a great learning experience! I talked with Buster in depth about fishing for walleye and absolutely picked his brain apart about the baits he uses, places he looks for while fishing, water temps, time frames of the year, and techniques. Im sure he has cut at least a year off the learning curve of fishing for walleye with me. The last 3 times I have been out by myself, I have only caught whites and bass. Yesterday in 6 hours we boated 16-17 bass, 4 walleyes, and 4 crappies. It took me a good 3 hours to get the technique down, but once I did, the fish started biting. I have never fished that slow before, and Buster really had to coax me into slowing down. We had lots of wind yesterday which made Buster's technique a little difficult, but he did a great job of overcoming. Again, we were the only ones on the lake yesterday. The ramp is in great condition. It was cold out there and water temps were between 36-39 degrees.
5 stars for Buster!