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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. Tuesday we thought it was going to be windy and wet all day, but to our surprise, it was very nice and not windy at all. Yesterday was our best day yet out there. We boated 10 walleye with 5 of them being keepers. 4 of them were in the 5 pound range. We also caught 6 keeper bass and 4 shorts along with one keeper crappie. Water temps did not get above 39 degrees again. The bite was a little easier to feel on Tuesday with no wind. Buster''s method of fishing stick baits/jerk baits really slow has definitely improved our walleye catch rate.
  2. Sorry guys. I have to bail on this one. I'm going to miss a good time for sure.
  3. I was tickled to death with those numbers. It is a game of concentration and I found I did much better with no one else in the boat rather than being distracted with conversation.
  4. I put what I learned on Sunday to use today. Fished for 5 hours on Upper Bull Shoals using the technique learned from Buster and landed 9 bass with three of them being keepers, 2 walleye with one being 23 inches, the other short, and 5 crappie. It was a cold and windy morning with no one else on the water again. Will be back out there on Monday and Tuesday!
  5. Gotta keep you guessing.......LOL
  6. Getting better. Been talking to Nathan about that.
  7. Thanks trapshot. The boat is moving forward very slowly
  8. We had two keeper walleye. Like I said, it would have taken me a year to figure that out. Lots of fish came behind the boat. Thanks Bill.
  9. For my birthday, my wife booked a trip for my Brother Dave and I with none other than Buster. What a great learning experience! I talked with Buster in depth about fishing for walleye and absolutely picked his brain apart about the baits he uses, places he looks for while fishing, water temps, time frames of the year, and techniques. Im sure he has cut at least a year off the learning curve of fishing for walleye with me. The last 3 times I have been out by myself, I have only caught whites and bass. Yesterday in 6 hours we boated 16-17 bass, 4 walleyes, and 4 crappies. It took me a good 3 hours to get the technique down, but once I did, the fish started biting. I have never fished that slow before, and Buster really had to coax me into slowing down. We had lots of wind yesterday which made Buster's technique a little difficult, but he did a great job of overcoming. Again, we were the only ones on the lake yesterday. The ramp is in great condition. It was cold out there and water temps were between 36-39 degrees. 5 stars for Buster!
  10. Thanks for sharing this. I just signed up and it was very easy to show opposition for all these legislative attempts and even easier to send letters of opposition to the proper legislators.
  11. The whites were big enough to make fishy snow angels. They were also bigger than Brother Dave's head, and he has a pretty big head?????
  12. There is still a little snow and ice on the end of the road and launch to K Dock. Poured sand all over the ramp today and it had not been used since the snow came. Had no problems putting in and taking out. Water temps started at 39.5 this morning and we ended the day at 38.6. Got a bunch of white bass to play and one short large mouth. Had the whole area all to ourselves.
  13. Academy has the caddis brand of breathable wader that has a pretty good price point. The neoprene waders might be too warm during the late spring summer and early fall months. Also the neoprene booted waders usually have a rubber soled boot that is pretty slippery for fishing Taney. Might want to consider stocking foot waders and maybe studded boots to help keep from slipping on the rocks down there. Wader boots usually have to be one size larger than your regular shoe size to account for room for the stocking foot of the wader.
  14. I hit 43 degrees on Tuesday at Kdock
  15. He swam away after getting a picture of his ugly mug. Was really hoping he was a walleye and to be honest, was a little disappointed when I finally saw what it was.
  16. Oh, almost forgot.... Might have picked this 22 inch 16 1/2 girth fish up last Monday somewhere down there
  17. I have not had anything worthy of reporting lately. Wife and I fished 5 hours around Snap and KDock last Tuesday and caught 18 whites and two bass. I fished by myself the day before that as a major front blew in and caught 2 short eyes a couple whites and a crappie. Will be back out there Friday and Sunday. If anything worthy of reporting is caught, I'll let you know.
  18. I was the first one in that lot and last one out yesterday Bill. Sorry to learn of the damage and that is just plain rotten for a hit and run like that. My trip started after working the dock and just about the time the wind started blowing hard. Had a tough time trying to find a place to fish that was sheltered from the wind. Ended up throwing jigs all the way down by Monkey and had a blast. My payment for the trip is access to a 5 acre pond north of Joplin loaded with 4 pound crappie.
  19. That is amazing
  20. Ron, can you continue to give us the names of the representatives that introduce these outrageous bills. Thank you for keeping us updated on these.
  21. They look like white bass catching machines to me. The only thing I do different is tie them just a little more sparce like the second from the bottom
  22. Nice job Marty! The crackers hang with the emperors up in Alaska. They are very similar looking and lots of time they all get to fly away without even a shot being fired due to very last minute identification. The emperors have yellow legs.
  23. Thanks for all the feed back guys, even the negative is appreciated. There are definitely consequences in posting a false report, then letting everyone in on it afterwards. At this point in time I do not feel the report effected the fishing pressure in the falsified location to a great degree, but I could be wrong. I think it did influence a few to get out and enjoy the nice weather...not such a bad thing. If this were a different time of the year and the report was on another popular targeted species, such as white bass, I think the results could have been quite different. I do know that to participate in a "wild goose chase" can be frustrating and for that I apologise. Sitting back and observing one along with getting feed back is Definately interesting
  24. Fish24/7, did this post enfluence your fishing location this weekend? Did you fish the Pot Hole? Thanks for the feed back.
  25. Glad you are enjoying retirement. Sounds like you had a great day. Thanks for sharing.
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