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Fishing Buddy
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About lonkm

  • Birthday 11/24/1942

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Taneyville, Mo
  • Interests
    Fishing(Duh), woodworking, gardening. Love to fish for walleye and crappie,then anything that will pull on my string.

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lonkm's Achievements

Golden Shiner

Golden Shiner (21/89)



  1. lonkm


    what size baits work best for walleyes this time of year? 3 to 4 inch or smaller.
  2. They made up my mind for me. Sold all Hummer 10 megas. Dont know how they sold all of them overnight. Went to bed at 1000 pm, woke up at 430 am. they were all sold.
  3. Which would you buy? Lowarance 12 ti2for 999.97 or Hummingbird 10 mega,etc for 1600.00? Lowarance doesnt have many choices in trolling motors. Lots of new and used Mincotas. Will a riptide do judt as well in fresh water and connect with a Hummbrd? cant make up my mynd, have heard bad things about Low service.
  4. Lots of boats coming and going to Beaver today. I live on Foxglove so they pass me.Fishing is really hot or not.
  5. no ice anywhere
  6. Never thought of that. Thank you.
  7. why will walleye be 15 foot deep under ice and 40 foot deep in open water?
  8. How good are Lowrance rebuilt fish finders. They have one pretty cheap now.
  9. lots of info. like that kind of vid. thanks
  10. reports from Fishing Chums web site.I am getting pretty good fishing reports on all the lakes. Check him out.
  11. lonkm


    Where did every one go? This site used to be busy. Now it is no body here.
  12. Who says fishermen brag? Cant be true. No one is talking about their catches. Some one has to be catching some thing!
  13. the lake is going down, but real slow. temp is too. sugarloaf marina has this info
  14. lonkm


    how do you cook them. they taste like dog food. might try them, the bull isnt producing.
  15. lonkm


    what do you do with trout after you catch them
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