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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by motoman

  1. We are staying in Kimberling city at the moment and the water is definitely VERY high! - Seen a few 'low floaters' (water logged trees/limbs) today just buzzing around. But not a lot. - I know that may not be super beneficial in relation to where you're staying; but if others chime in at different parts of the lake; it might give you a better idea? - Visibility is maybe a couple of feet here in KC.........if that. But not really a lot of color to speak of; looks like it wants to start clearing up pretty quick? (But I've been wrong before:-) - I wouldn't worry too much about the water height three weeks from now. Cause if we don't see any freak multi-day monsoons like we did a couple weeks ago; I would think the water level could get back to normal pool pretty quick.
  2. Great post and pix there huntest! Ole Wyatt will never forget that beauty. I'll bet he's addicted now:-)
  3. I was going to say the same thing.......stroll on down to the Big Cedar dock and meet your guide to take you out for just a few hours. It will be well worth the time and money! - Otherwise, what could be a fantastic trip; has a high probability of leading to lots of frustration and wasted time on the water looking for fish.:-(
  4. motoman


    - Hahaha........fair enough.........how about.........hhhmmmm............no noticeable debris washed in by Mother Nature and heavy rains?:-P - But yes, plenty of wake boats and jet skiers flying around like lunatics. - And to be honest; the family and I were just having such a good time down on The Rock, the mayhem didn't bother me much. (Strange? Maybe I'm getting old) We just tried to do the majority of boating stuff in the morning; then around 10'ish-hit the pool or run into town to grab a bite to eat. Cause most of the rif-raf were on the lake. - I only had a couple incidents of drunks wandering around being annoying that bugged me a little; but again, we were able to ignore them. - And I woke up at 4:00am Sunday morning to load the boat and avoid the goofballs. Cause they couldn't even pull the boats into the slip without slamming the dock. I have no clue how they were going to get a boat on a trailer?!??!.........but I was back in bed shortly after loading and slept until the rest of the family got up a few hours later. - The little ones were thrilled by the kimberling city fireworks on the water. Staying in schooner it was no big deal. Idled out to the mouth of schooner; found a nice spot. Then when it was over; everyone staying in schooner idled back with lights on, single file back to their respective docks. Easy-peasy........no main channel mayhem for us to deal with big cruisers. Maybe we just lucked out?
  5. motoman


    We were in the Kimberling City area since Thursday; tons of jet skiers/wake boarders out after 10:00 am also; but no noticeable debris yet. - No fishing to report; little ones seeing all the other water activity; preferred that route. - We did our faster boating before 10:00am; then if we went out in the afternoon with everyone else, it was just idle speed with the Bimini top up to sight-see. Cause there were plenty of other people, up on plane buzzing around, no sense in adding us to the mix. So we would just idle down the shore.
  6. Another vote for the 6 pound Invisx. I've also seen it firsthand in my boat; one of us fishing 6, one with 8 using exact same baits/presentations/locations and the 6 simply getting more bites........on multiple occasions. Whichever one of us had on the 8, switched rods down to 6 pound.........and that would level the playing field. - Can't say I have any clue why either; but the line size difference made a believer out of me.........just set your drag appropriately with the 6 and you'll be fine.:-)
  7. Beautiful pic G2! Thanks for posting that up.........literally brought a smile to my face.:-)
  8. I don't have personal experience with them; but they appear easy to resell online if you don't find that it's what you expected. - I'm tempted to get one myself; just to dip down around a couple spots that hold fish and peak my interest; because these spots show nothing on the graph............Just to see if there's some unusual bottom composition drawing fish in; or something like that. - And too; I'd like to see what's been dropped in the water inside boat slips of some of the larger docks over the years.:-) - Probably just the kid in me, that enjoyed walking the shoreline of my grandparents cove at LOZ and picking up all sorts of lures that washed up...........VERY amateur 'treasure' hunting:--)
  9. Nice report bo. Glad the bite was a bit better for yah. Stinks about the phone though.:-( - Losing my phone in the lake is a real concern of mine. So after some searching, I found lifeproof makes a a phone life jacket; to be used in conjunction with their waterproof case. It's a really nice setup. Too bulky to use the life jacket everyday; but it's a snug enough fit to stay on securely, but the material it's made of allows it to slip on and off easily. You can get a neck lanyard and wrist strap for them too.......I had no clue these even existed until a few months ago; they need to market them better.Here's a link; they're available for tons of phones(I just leave it in the boat glovebox): - http://m.lifeproof.com/shop/us_en/lifeproof-lifejacket/ -
  10. Thanks for the kind words everyone. It was definitely one of those moments we will all remember. - It was goofy surreal; so I was really trying to describe the genuine excitement and emotion in the boat by all of us. - And you're right crazy4fishin; SOME people have been holding out on us here on OAF..........but we cracked the code..........Disney Princess rod and broomstickin'! Walmart will be sold outta those pink rods any minute now...........gonna need them for the tourney restriction Flysmallie suggested.:-P
  11. (Sorry that was a bit lengthy; it's just a fantastic memory) - And you're right m&m; time to upgrade rods/reels!
  12. This may not be a very timely post; and not much of report. But, here it goes anyway. - Family and I were down for a few days the beginning of this week. Overcast skies on and off; water clarity 3-4 feet. Fishing with my twin 6-year old girls, I was mostly on 'guide' duty. (Untangling lines, manning trolling motor, directing casts and helping cast) Mom was back in the room getting some rest. - Fishing time: 9:00am (only about 45 minutes before 6 year old attention span lapses) - Rods: Shakespeare brand Disney Princess rods - pink - 2 feet 6 inches long (action: broomstick) - Line: 2 pound test? (Maybe 4) - Presentation: slow drag - I had to keep it simple; so we tied on Ned and I kept the boat on the existing shoreline; and had the girls cast into the flooded bushes. They love to practice casting at home; so they did well with that. - We caught lots of the 6" smallies seen in other posts. And as the attention span started to drift off; my youngest says "daddy, I'm hung up again" - So I said "no big deal, I'll turn the boat and get it" - As I make my way to her line next to a log; I spun the boat and was reeling in; then I notice the line..........moving? - At first I thought it was just a large stick kinda tumbling in the water towards me as I reeled in; but then I noticed the line moving with a purpose........it was trying to get away! - So I handed the reel back to my youngest and said, "you've got a fish! It's yours babe; start reeling it in.......I'll get the net!" - As both girls are now squealing with excitement; I get the net to go through the 'motions' for the girls of netting the fish for them.......completely convinced it was a 6" smallie. - Then I hear the pink Shakespeare's drag start peeling off line..........in that instant, my youngest said, "uh.......daddy........something's going on here!" - As I take a look at her line; I see it make a hard charge under the boat! - The youngest tells me she thinks she needs help and asks me to take over. And good thing she did; this fish was more than we bargained for. As I scrambled around the boat and the girls grabbed their nets, hot on my heels. After what seemed like minutes, chasing this fish around the boat, pulling drag; we get him in the net and in the boat. - Our girls squealing with excitement on the boat, like some crazy women on 'The Price Is Right' who just won a new car. Throwing their hands in the air and covering their mouths while yelling with excitement. - And did I mention, this is my youngests first bass? (She's ruined) - So I snap a quick pic on the boat before taking out the hook. (Perfectly hooked, just inside the mouth) - Then mom snaps a pic at the dock before letting this fish go. (Fish had a couple hook holes in its mouth. Glad it was still swimming when we caught it, so we could have this moment:-) - We didn't measure the fish; but weighed it on my digital scale and it was right at 3 pounds......... After a few quick pix; we let that fish go make memories for another young angler.:-) - I was just as excited over the moment, and shaking like a leaf. - - - - We were fortunate enough to be staying next to Dave (dtrs) and his lovely family; so my youngest told me I had to text Dave the pic. And when we caught up with him later, she told Dave I was "shivering" with excitement. (My hands were shaking, not actually shivering:-P - The little ones had us extremely busy; so not as much time to socialize with Dave's clan as we would like; hopefully next time!:-)
  13. Fishing time: 9:00am (only about 45 minutes before 6 year old attention span lapses) - Rods: Shakespeare brand Disney Princess rods - pink - 2 feet 6 inches long (action: broomstick) - Line: 2 pound test? (Maybe 4) - Presentation: slow drag - I had to keep it simple; so we tied on Ned and I kept the boat on the existing shoreline; and had the girls cast into the flooded bushes. They love to practice casting at home; so they did well with that. - We caught lots of the 6" smallies seen in other posts. And as the attention span started to drift off; my youngest says "daddy, I'm hung up again" - So I said "no big deal, I'll turn the boat and get it" - As I make my way to her line next to a log; I spun the boat and was reeling in; then I notice the line..........moving? - At first I thought it was just a large stick kinda tumbling in the water towards me as I reeled in; but then I noticed the line moving with a purpose........it was trying to get away! - So I handed the reel back to my youngest and said, "you've got a fish! It's yours babe; start reeling it in.......I'll get the net!" - As both girls are now squealing with excitement; I get the net to go through the 'motions' for the girls of netting the fish for them.......completely convinced it was a 6" smallie. - Then I hear the pink Shakespeare's drag start peeling off line..........in that instant, my youngest said, "uh.......daddy........something's going on here!" - As I take a look at her line; I see it make a hard charge under the boat! - The youngest tells me she thinks she needs help and asks me to take over. And good thing she did; this fish was more than we bargained for. As I scrambled around the boat and the girls grabbed their nets, hot on my heels. After what seemed like minutes, chasing this fish around the boat, pulling drag; we get him in the net and in the boat. - Our girls squealing with excitement on the boat, like some crazy women on 'The Price Is Right' who just won a new car. Throwing their hands in the air and covering their mouths while yelling with excitement. - And did I mention, this is my youngests first bass? (She's ruined) - So I snap a quick pic on the boat before taking out the hook. (Perfectly hooked, just inside the mouth) - Then mom snaps a pic at the dock before letting this fish go. (Fish had a couple hook holes in its mouth. Glad it was still swimming when we caught it, so we could have this moment:-) - We didn't measure the fish; but weighed it on my digital scale and it was right at 3 pounds......... After a few quick pix; we let that fish go make memories for another young angler.:-) - I was just as excited over the moment, and shaking like a leaf. - We were fortunate enough to be staying next to Dave (dtrs) and his lovely family; so my youngest told me I had to text Dave the pic. And when we caught up with him later, she told Dave I was "shivering" with excitement. (My hands were shaking, not actually shivering:-P - The little ones had us extremely busy; so not as much time to socialize with Dave's clan as we would like; hopefully next time!:-)
  14. I had goofy trailer light issues initially on my new-to-me trailer with LEDs. I crawled under the trailer and cleaned all individual grounds; and noticed the main wire harness ground was not connected to anything. So I found a spot for the ground; dremel wire wheeled a small spot to bare metal; dielectric greased the spot and connection and solved my issues. Might be different from your situation, but just a thought to address while dealing with the trailer wires.:-)
  15. Yup, Bo's spot on. Not sure what type of actuator you have? But this vid was helpful bleeding my trailer brakes. (Good explanations/close up shots and tips in just the short vid) -
  16. - I've never used championship marine; so can't speak for them. But thinking out loud here.........is cheaper always better? Was that an apples to apples comparison with the other shops. Did they have other steps or materials in the process they used to cause the price to be higher?..........again.........I have no dog in this hunt; over the years, I've learned the hard way that paying a fair price for quality work is worth a few extra bucks and cheaper isn't always the way to go. - But for the original poster, I agree with trying the Harbor Freight $30 buffer; it's fine for the average user. Might be worth a shot with some rubbing compound. And if you've never done any buffing; checkout some YouTube vids for tutorials.:-)
  17. - Yup, black and blue laminate with blue flake. The blue is a nice dark blue too. I bought some for night fishing, but haven't much gotten a chance to use them.:-(
  18. I can't speak firsthand; but I know several people have mentioned and posted pix that these guys have a good selection and keep up on stock pretty well on Ned stuff? (Indian Point area).........I'd give them a call first. - http://www.ozarksextremeoutdoors.com/#!rentals/cqqx
  19. Showing my ignorance here..........but is that the building under construction on the south side of 44, just outside of Springfield? - It caught my attention a few weeks ago driving past. New construction and the Lews sign was good to see.:-)
  20. - I've never fished a tournament that required proof of a fishing license..........That would be a simple requirement. Good idea there...........Kinda forces peoples hands to follow one rule in particular. Gotta produce a valid fishing license to weigh any fish.......make it very clear when registering and at launch.
  21. - Good night.........that sounds like insanity.:-(
  22. motoman

    Big M

    Sounds like my kinda day.:-).........nice when the lake clears out and it's nice and peaceful. Thanks for posting.:-)
  23. Not to conjure up an old thread; but I didn't want to start a new one since this thread applies. - I bought a couple packs of the Manns Reel-N-Shad and was disappointed. Threw them a bit last week while I was down, and like was mentioned previously; I really had to move these things VERY fast through the water to get some kind of action. Maybe it was just me and I was doing something wrong? But, I can't recommend these baits unless you want to burn them back to the boat at a good clip; to get that wiggle action.:-(
  24. Indeed, thanks for the report and nice pic of that smallie:-)
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