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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by joeD

  1. β€œ You might not be the first, but you might be next! Woooo!” Ric β€œThe Nature Boy β€œ Flair
  2. joeD

    Why the FBI?

    Why is the FBI involved in collegiate sports? Don't they have anything more important to do? Like terrorism in the US? Computer hacking of our financial system? Why do we care that some elite players get paid to play? How does it affect our lives? It doesnt . We want our teams to win. Everyone is complicit, so , why bother? Happy universities, happy alums who donate, happy students who benefit from scholarships due to increased available money, happy parents, happy TV and their viewership. Also, why the assistant coaches? Is this Enron? The collapse of Merill Lynch because of some random employee? How would you feel if your alma mater paid, outbidding other institutions, a significant sum of money to bring a brilliant scientist to your school? I would guess nothing. But a black athlete ? Now that is cause for a full scale investigation of schools that certain individuals in positions of authority want to stop. Duke, North Carolina, Michigan State, we know you do it, but we like you, so you're OK. The FBI breaking the news that some college basketball players get paid to play at some universities. Just spectacular. The sheer doggedness and moral integrity gives one hope for our government, yes?
  3. Fly fishing is about the "act " of fly fishing, which is wedded to the history of writers ,past and present , using millions of words describing and romancing and ascribing life lesson metaphors to : fly fishing. Not spin fishing with plastic and treble hooks. ( Unconducive to writerly writing). In other words, catching fish is secondary to "how" one catches fish. Apparently, one is an art, and the other, utilitarian expediency for the less refined. Why else do we have to explain, justify, pontificate, reason, ignore, and otherwise put in a separate category , fly fishing? Its not special. It's just fishing . Which we love to do.
  4. joeD

    Whatchya Drinking?

  5. True. However, coaches move all the time. ALL the time. It's called MONEY. If we want Mizzou to be a player in the SEC, therefore nationally, they need to open up the athletic wallet, so to speak. Not a guaranty of success by any means, but, hoping a passionate, yet unproven coach will lead the program to success just isn't working. Also, maybe, just maybe, our estimations and evaluations of the talent on the field is over optimistic. Maybe Mizzou just isn't good. Coaches. Players. Just a thought..
  6. What!? Charlie Strong!? He had better players and magnificent facilities and financial support, and still couldn't get it done. Just like Kevin Sumlin at A&M, who will be out of a job soon. How about a coach who has had success? Consistently. Stop with former players and graduates. Just look what happened to the BB team with Kim Anderson. It's happening now with Odom. We're falling behind in a cutthroat conference.
  7. Yes, it is a button bush. Good call. BTW, my last fishing trip a few weeks ago, we noticed that the wildflowers and bushes along the banks were absolutely beautiful and plentiful. Don"t recall the absolute plethora of flowers in many years on this stretch. Flooding? Cool dry August? Great to see though.
  8. joeD

    What's Cooking?

  9. Barry Odom just isn't quite ready for prime time. The athletes are mostly there, just...just...
  10. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    Mediterranean cuisine has a lot of olive oil, grapes, local seafood and olive oil. White beans and spinach is a stretch. rps- As a self proclaimed foodie, why would you cook a meal for guests that has nothing to do with where you live? Why wouldn't you cook a meal that showcases what MISSOURI has to offer? We have meat, vegetables, fruit, all grown here. Cook it brother, and ease up on other "ethnic" cuisines. We bend over backwards trying to replicate natural food from other countries, yet sometimes ignore our backyard. (coffee chocolate european butter I get it . Still..)
  11. Good grief, settle down Francis. It's a chain. I'm yanking it.
  12. Smells Like Middle Aged Advertising. Not Teen Spirit. Five specific mentions. Not to mention colors. Ok with me. But you would have reported a less than stellar day with the craw right?
  13. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    "The recipe was not willing to fight the standard limitations of home cooks in America." Pray tell rps, what are our limitations, and how can we overcome them?
  14. As I have stated before, there is a huge difference between working a top water standing on a jet boat, or, sitting on a canoe seat. The angle and ease of movement of the former is significant. Still, any and all topwater lures are always on a rod of mine. Your complaints of constant twisted trebles on big fish fall on deaf ears. So, what you're saying is, screw Missouri, and go to X......
  15. joeD

    "Banner" Day?

    So, what your saying, is, one doesn't have to travel to Minnesota to catch a 20 inch smallmouth. It's right here in Missouri. In our backyard. Huh. Who woulda thunk?
  16. joeD

    Whatchya Drinking?

    Face it, all alcohol is good, as long as one drinks it. Moderation is overrated.
  17. I get the tough love and bootstrap ideology. There is merit to it. It is not for everyone however. When our children and grandchildren become seriously ill or diseased, it will be dedicated doctors and researchers who have gone through years of rigorous higher education that will save their lives. The monetary cost of their (doctors) education will be immaterial to grateful parents.
  18. If one thinks of higher education solely as a pathway to employment, then, naturally, one has ample reason for uncertainty. However, if one has a desire to learn, meet other people, discover new interests, grow as a person, become disciplined through study and effort, then, maybe college is worth the intangibles and cost. Also, ask a graduate from Annapolis if he or she thinks their degree is just a piece of paper.
  19. There are affordable college options all over the country. No one is owed anything. Higher education is expensive. Like everything else. I don't hear the hue and cry over 6 year loans on a $ 50,000 pick up truck. You're old and things ain't what they used to be. Boo hoo. Get over it.
  20. I was wondering , what is the premise of this thread? 1. Mizzou sucks? 2. Ethnically undiverse Missouri State doesn't? 3. College is great. 4. No it's not. 5. Too expensive? 6. Too rigged in favor of the wealthy? 7. Too much government interference? 8. Too little? 9. In my day, I ..... 10. Despite its many flaws, and there are many, our higher education system is still the best in the world. It will survive and change just as we do.
  21. Boxing needs a compelling heavyweight with a personality. An excellent villain. There has been no one since Tyson. We want big guys with big punches who knock opponents silly. Tired of 5'5" 135 pound banty roosters pecking at each other, no matter how ripped and tatted up they are. Boring. I think pay per view for mediocre bouts isn't helping, either.
  22. joeD

    What's Cooking?

    rps - Let's review your review, as your credentials as "..a very picky critic, who has eaten in Michelin starred restaurants all over the world." First, you declare that this basic eatery in the middle of nowhere had a "wonderful atmosphere and great service that made the meal delightful." Adding that "much of the food was superb." Then, you put your "critic" hat on, and contradicted your previous statements. Among the restaurants' transgressions, you found that: "The menu was uninspired." The wine list "less than ordinary..." "The salmon had pin bones. The plates were cold." "No flan, no brulee, no pot de creame(sic), no souffle, no cuisine desserts. They need to upgrade their coffee." Horrible parking. You are reviewing a small town restaurant as if people cared that their simple meal (what they want) won't be followed by a dessert made from scratch from a CIA trained pastry chef. Maybe you should review Applebees and tell us they suck because they don't serve Peking Duck. The "Grotto..." is just a place to grab a bite to eat. Nothing more. Nothing less. Finally, as you so exemplified, and aptly put: "Eureka Springs is a SMALL tourist town that attracts primarily cheap tourists."
  23. joeD

    Favorite Movies

    "Baby Driver" is definitely worth seeing, for the music alone. "Brighton Rock" by Queen? Yessir. "Hocus Pocus" by Focus? Bingo. Sometimes a diversion is what I want.
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