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Trevor K

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Trevor K

  1. I noticed that too.
  2. Seems like that record gets broken a lot anymore.
  3. Has anybody sent those pictures into the MDC and asked what they thought could be causing it?
  4. They're both lucky that they didn't hit their head and get knock out when they went overboard too.
  5. I've had a similar situation happen to me before, but it was just in a pond, so it wasn't really a big deal. My boat didn't tip all the way over either, just enought to send my dad and me into the drink. Those guys got really lucky that you were in the right place at the right time and able to help them.
  6. You guys are killing me! How can I be expected to not go crazy while I'm waiting to get down there in Oct if you guys keep posting stuff like this?
  7. I'll be down there right after you, so you'll have to let me know what they're biting on...haha
  8. Wait, so you're going to be down there in Aug. or Oct?
  9. Man, those pictures make me excited for my trip down there in Oct. Hopefully there are still a few nice ones biting then.
  10. Must be a partial albino. That's really cool none the less.
  11. It depends on who you are asking on whether or not there is an over abundance of deer. I'm sure if you ask a farmer or insurance agent they will say there are too many. If you ask some hunters they will say the opposite. I grew up in northern Missouri. I've never lived in Southern MO or the ozarks, but I know people who do. I would guess that deer numbers are definately higher in the northern half for exactly the reasons that ozark trout fisher stated. That rugged country just can't support the same number of deer as some other parts of the state. I would be pretty disappointed if MDC didn't try to fight this ruling. If they are going to let this slide, then what is next?
  12. Wow, this got way off topic. I doubt anybody is going to change anybody elses mind either. Time for me to go back to reading the fishing topics.
  13. I didn't say it was something that I wanted to go do. I would think that if it was done correctly it is just as humane and any other way of killing an animal. But, like I said, that is just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their own
  14. Maybe it's just me, but I never thought those regulations were that vague.
  15. As bad as it sounds I think I have to agree. I think a lot of it is because baby seals are cute. If people were clubbing rats then it probably wouldn't be as big of an issue. Just my 2 cents though.
  16. There are a couple species of swans that migrate through MO every year. There are also domestic varieties as well, so they may be that.
  17. This guy is definitely not a hero. There are many out there, myself included, who can identify with how he felt at the time. I'm not saying that makes what he did any better. Everybody has days where they just want to explode and quit their job, but most go home, calm down, and do it all over again the next day. Bottom line is he should've handled himself in a more professional manner.
  18. I'd be interested in seeing a little more about this "study" that they are siting here.
  19. I've never fished the White or the Norfolk, but I have fished the Green River in Utah with a personal pontoon boat. Tons of people do it out there. The Green even has some small rapids and it was fine going down it. You just have to pay attention to where you are going, but you would have to do that with any boat. I say go for it. Gives you access to more places.
  20. Yeah, hopefully they at least got a fine and won't come back.
  21. That's good that there were undercover agents. It would be interesting to know what exactly happened.
  22. My largest came out of a tiny pond on my college campus. The pond couldn't have been more than a few acres, but the fish was 8.5 pounds. Definately wasn't expecting to see that come up and inhale my buzzbait.
  23. That is the one I ended up getting. I figured with it being on sale it would be worth a try. We'll see if it works out.
  24. What size circle hooks are you using with powerbait? Do you have to use the powerbait dough or can you put 2 eggs on?
  25. I was wondering how long it would take for somebody to say that...haha
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