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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. The conservation agent said that to get it officially declared a public waterway, be prepared to take it all the way to the Missouri Supreme court. I know the judge real well hearing the case. Might show up with the boys and show him the wildlife code book and some pictures. Who knows? Like a Lawyer once told me. Good Lawyers know the law, Great Lawyers know Judges!
  2. Son went and talked to Conservation agent today in Joplin over the trespass deal on Jenkins. He said by definition Jones and Jenkins are public waterways as they can float a log or canoe,,But Have not been deemed so by the conservation dept or by any other State enity. And it has never been tested in court as a public waterway. He said in most cases Judges side with the land owner on trespass with these two creeks. County bridges and right of ways grant acsess to rivers and streams for the public waterways that are deemed public. So its sounds like they are going to have to pay the piper. Bummer
  3. I think they are way out of line on there prices . Wonder if thats where the boys got in trouble at??
  4. A rare photo indeed. I have never seen that. Kinda looks like me in the mornings though.
  5. denjac

    Stream Team

    That works for me.
  6. Phil, did you guys get to fish? Check out the inventory as it were.
  7. Good luck on yet another adventure. If you go much further west will have to refer to you two as comrade Lilley and comrade Babler. Just dont come back wearing funny looking fur caps.
  8. I too have had the same bite up the white. The top water bite for me has been slow at dawn. Had to wait em out for 30 - 45 minutes after breaking light for them to start and then it was good. The spook and sammy gave been better for me than the fin. I keep a baby spook tied on too for the white blowups. Yesterday morning when the front blew threw and the hurricane force winds started we went to the other side to get out of the wind.Was bobbing around in some timber when crack a tree 8 inches in diameter and twenty feet long broke off and hit me right on top of the head. I saw stars. Still have a goose egg. Think it was the fishing gods telling me to fish the timber which we did after the blow and took several nice fish off of the trees.
  9. Thats my take on it too. Ever see the ponds, lakes at a golf course? Look just like that one.
  10. A Jim Rodgers deep Jim crankbait. Grand Lake, Honey creek. 8 lbs 4 oz.
  11. motoman, it was a first for me. They eyeballed me pretty good before coming into the water. After that the didnt pay any attention to me. They were close enough I could have hit them with my jig. Where are these deer at during hunting season?
  12. [ By the way, noticed an ozark anglers bumber sticker on a truck at the ramp. Nice. Hope you caught the snot out of em'. It was me. I did have a decent day up the white. Spook, grub , spinnerbait. Lots of fish biggest was 3 pounds. Couldnt find a big bite but did have lots of keepers.
  13. The funny part is, he let the tarpon off next to the boat w/out pictures! And when my wife asked (and she didn't know any better) if tarpon were good to eat (even though we weren't planning on keeping it), he looked at her like she was nuts and informed us that tarpon were protected, and a very prestigious sport fish. He seemed to think we were real missouri hillbillies, but I wanted to say..."Uh.. we just caught this protected prestigious sport fish behind a shrimp boat using a dead fish, and you're judging us because we asked if tarpon was good to eat?!!" Anyway, got off topic. sorry bout that. Did he at least pop off a scale and run the tarpon flag up on a pole?
  14. I was left speechless .
  15. Was fishing this morning in the dam area and had four deer come out into the water whille I was fishing. The were eating the leaves on the trees out in the water.
  16. Water temp was 70. Buzz, had a mixed bag ky, sm and blacks. they were just acting goofy, trying to kill the bait but wouldnt hook up.
  17. Had a topwater bite early, 5:30 until about 8:00. All dinks. Missed a bunch, they would hit it 2, 3, 4 times and not get hooked. didnt mater if it was the spook, sammy or redfin. Theywould just knockit out of the water. one fish hit me a solid kathump and I knew right away I was no bass. Didnt figure out what it was until I swung it into the boat. A 3 1/2 pound rainbow on a redfin in COW CREEK. Who woulda thought..
  18. I think if it goes to court they plan to ask him (the MDC agent )to show up. Not sure what side of the bridge they went on. Thanks for the info chief I forwarded it on to the boys.
  19. Great clip and nice bow. What was that thumping noise in the background?
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