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Everything posted by denjac

  1. Leonard, called my son and he is going to be down there this weekend. He said he is in for Saturday night.
  2. I might just be able to make that. Never fished for trout at night, although I do night fish for bass all the time. Wish I had my wheat light from coon hunting days. Look forward to it Leonard. If this heat keeps up we might want to make it nude spinning night fishing!
  3. Leonard, right I use the super dupers in the day time. Have not tried them at night.
  4. One bait that is a must for me for spin gear is a a super duper. Gold and red seem to work the best for me.Although i haven't been on Taney this year, last year I tore em up with this lure in the restricted area.
  5. I paid $75. for a new helm for my Charger bass boat from a dealer here in Joplin.
  6. Fishing Sunday on the Rock in the back of Indian creek. Saw a mother mink with 3 young uns playing along the shore. Pesky little critters.
  7. The back of Red 11 cove. Drive to the bridge in the back of the cove and fish the rip rap on both sides.
  8. Leonard, You bear a strong resemblense to Jim Cary. Ace Venture, pet detective. LOL
  9. Had to run to Dallas this weekend. When I crossed the Red River on 69 hwy just downstream from the Dam I looked upstream and saw water going over the top of the dam! Looked like niagra falls. They sure have alot of water down there. From Pryor Ok. to Texas state line all flooded. They were worried on the news about the dam holding, yikes! Texoma is closed for all boating as are some of the smaller lakes down there.
  10. Yes the meanmouth do spawn. I caught one of the offspring last year while night fishing in Cow Creek. Heres a pic.
  11. Grand lake it as 753 and rising. Top of the dam is 755. It must be a mess down there but no one on the Grand forum is posting. All that water from Kansas has devastated this area. I guess next on the list will be Lake Hudson then Skytook. Miami Ok. is still half under water. Glad I sold mt dock down there but my heart goes out to all affected.
  12. Bass anglers reminded of culling rule From July 1 through Aug. 31, no angler in Missouri may release bass after putting them in a live well. JEFFERSON CITY-If you think summer is uncomfortable for you, put yourself in a fish's place. Your home heats up, oxygen gets scarce, and there is no air (or water) conditioning or fans to turn on. That is why Missouri fishing regulations prohibit anglers from "culling" during July and August. Culling is the practice of releasing one fish that was caught previously so you can keep a larger one. When anglers put the last fish of their daily limit in a live well, they no longer can keep any fish of that species that day. However, under certain conditions, anglers fishing in tournaments can continue to fish if they stop one fish short of a limit and release a living fish from their live well before replacing it with a fish they just caught. This allows them to "trade up," replacing one fish with a larger one. Tournament bass anglers may cull live bass from September through June. July and August are the months the no culling rule applies. The rule is meant to reduce the number of tournament-caught bass that are subject to higher mortality during the hot summer months. The rule also heightens tournament anglers' awareness of the factors that influence fish mortality. Missouri's limit on black bass is six per day. This includes any bass that are not released immediately, whether they are in live wells for one minute or for eight hours. Once you placed a sixth bass in your live well you may not replace any of the bass with another. However, if you are fishing in a tournament in which the limit is five bass, and you have five bass in the live well, you can replace one fish, one time. If a bass dies in your live well it cannot be replaced with a live one, any time. If you have caught your sixth legal bass and have placed all six fish in your live well for any length of time, you can continue fishing but you must release any bass caught immediately, regardless of size. Fisheries Field Operations Supervisor Kevin Richards said some anglers - and even some tournament officials - are not as familiar with the culling rule as they should be. They can find detailed information about culling and catch-and-release fishing techniques at www.mdc.mo.gov/conmag/2006/05/40.htm. "Let's think about why Missouri has a no-culling rule in the summer and see if there are ways we can use new tournament formats to increase survival of bass during the hot water months," said Richards. -Jim Low-
  13. Heres what I am talking about. This would work!
  14. I always thought that a 30ft launch boat like the guides on Milac Lake in Minn. would work here too. They are great for large parties 15-20 have a head on them and a flat roof. They drift fish for walleye with them. It would work for spots, whites and brownies here too. Hmmmmmm, maybe it would go over. Very safe for all ages. Need a deck hand to help work it, netting and helping folks out.
  15. Went out Sunday out of North Little Indian. Couldnt find a calmer place to fish as I had 2 grandkids with me. Big boats pulling skiers in the backs of creeks flying over covered timber. Came back in within an hour. Guess I need a boat like Jim Rogers had a big ole center console Ranger, you couldnt fall out of that in a hurricane! Took the kids back out Monday late morning. It was better then. Went to my 3 pound kentucky spot only caught one in 38 ft. Yep he was another 3 pounder. Thats all that spot gives up is big ones, have yet to catch a smaller one there. Then back to a dock in the Indians with deep water in front of it. Granddaughter fishing next to me and glanced over and her line was slack, {she was fishing a cannon ball for her sinker} grabbed her pole and set the hook and handed it back to her. The fish got wrapped around a cable deep and grandpa couldnt get it free. She was upset and thought Grandpa should dive in and untangle it so it wouldnt die. I was impressed that my catch and release was imbeded in her mind. She is 12 years old. At least when she is old enough to date she can kick her boyfriends butt at fishing.
  16. I have a very funny movie of a man fighting a bear over a fish. I couldnt upload it here, but will be happy to send it to anybody that wishes to see it. Just email at boothe4640@aol.com. Worth seeing!
  17. Bill, do you think that back in the 60's and 70's they was alot of LM to be caught bank fishing and the spots got left alone, hence the big numbers? Not so much pressure on the deep fish as today.
  18. 7 inches here in joplin so far. Still raining.
  19. Rain rain rain, Dont know how much we have in Joplin, but it has rained hard all night. Just heard on TV that highway 71 just north of Jasper is closed due to flooding. Spring river getting ready to spill over its banks. More rain forcast for the rest of the week too.
  20. To me being able to watch the drop shot on the screen isnt that important. It is kinda cool to watch, but for me it doesnt help me in the numbers. Just locate your fish and start fishing, they bite or don't. I like to find a group of fish with several on the bottom, those are the ones I target. Not an expert by any means, but that works for me, and confidance with your choice of lure and the spot is half of the game.
  21. Bill should be a Mexican cab driver. lol. I know the feeling in shallow water. Fished the Missouri river in South Dakota. Shallow and lots of gravel bars. Ask Captain Rick about it. Found out you can get up in 18 inches of water. All sand bottom up there so no rocks.
  22. Leonard, I will keep that in mind the next time I am lost in the wilderness and starving. Think I would rather eat a greasy ole possum though. Great recipie though, I didnt know that.
  23. Leonard, I ain't that hungry yet!
  24. Fished yesterday around Eagle Rock from noon to 4 Pm. I know, I got around late. Had 6 fish , 3 of them keepers all out of bushes. Jig and spinner bait. Just love the bush bite! Gar were bad though, swatting at my spinner bait. Hung a four footer for a couple of cranks.
  25. might run down there Monday. Wheres the mud line? Elk river clear? Thanks in advance.
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