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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. Your right 5 minutes or so to the bridge.
  2. Technically long creek runs all the way to the dam, but we never say we're in long creek until we go under the bridge.
  3. Nope that's brushy creek long creek is the arm that runs into Arkansas. Although brushy creek is in the long creek arm.
  4. Very nice. Makes it good when you can make a kids day.
  5. 6.30
  6. And let's toast the 40 fish that are swimming somewhere!
  7. I didn't see anybody discouraging anybody. Just telling it like it is.
  8. Guess I could just turn on my hydrowave.
  9. That makes me too dizzy!
  10. I can't get the deck less than 3 rods. Always have to have something top , a jig plus whatever.
  11. I am going to Stockton tomorrow, where shallow is in the dirt and deep is 30ft. It's all relative on what body of water your on.
  12. You old river rat you. Good job.
  13. By the time you buy em it will be over.
  14. Of course it gets good. I left!
  15. I think those are 2 day totals.
  16. Your lucky you got smokey Joe back. Sorry we couldn't hook up. Bill was afraid you would beat us to our junk. Lol. Our junk didn't play out well, but we tried.
  17. Fin, with champ and I in the boat I am sure we will be slinging and if we get beat down we will hang our heads and drop. I got me an idear that might work. It did 10 years ago! Lol
  18. I will give you a realis 80 tomorrow to try. Try it before you buy it kinda deal.
  19. Since this spring I have caught 5 or 6 smallmouth that were humpbacked. I have caught them in years past but this year seems a little extreme. I have read electo shock, parasites ect can cause this. Any thought on the matter? I had 1 that weighed 3 pounds and was around 14 inches. If I had whopped him in the spine with a hammer he would have been 17 inches.
  20. Happy birthday. He's joining the ranks of grumpy old men.
  21. I suspect if he followed me he would burn some gas without many fish. Had company down this weekend and had to play hospitality guy so didn't get to fish. Be out there tomorrow fishing the cold front. by the way its a black phoenix.
  22. Just as champ said. I too have the fortrex and would never go back to mg.
  23. Take it to Dewey Short . They will fix it there.
  24. That is fuuny!
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