Glad to have met you yesterday. And congrads on the 7.2 Also bumped into waterpossum. The crappie hunt wasnt to good so we switched to bass around 10 am. Found em on the flatter stuff, but not pea gravel. Boat in 6 to 7 ft most of the day. They whacked the blade all day long ! I know, high skys, but did have a slight breeze, although we caught them the same on flat water. Ended up with around 30 , we had a couple in the 3 pound range as our big fish but half of what we caught were keeps. Bigger whites were whacking our blades too and if we had thrown some smaller stuff I believe we would have tore the whites up. We were in the sons creek arm. I threw the wart in the same stuff and didnt get bit, go figure.