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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. I believe it is. Didn't see anything in the rules about it. But better wait for an official ruling.
  2. John's hot props in springfield.
  3. Like Bill said, table rock tackle and marine in Stoneridge just 2 miles north of KC. The new highway bypassed his business and he is struggling.
  4. They puked up morels ! The whites are shallow this year.
  5. Aunt creek.
  6. Way to get after them !
  7. They will spend more money closing it than it would take to run it for a year. What a waste.
  8. Agreed again . Bills reports and others should be enough to figure out where, what and when.
  9. Agreed again . Bills reports and others should be enough to figure out where, what and when.
  10. In the 2nd pic is that the camera guy holding a pole against the dock to keep the boat off of it (
  11. Look at the report under This postm
  12. 51 to 53 in the creek arms.
  13. Glad to have met you yesterday. And congrads on the 7.2 Also bumped into waterpossum. The crappie hunt wasnt to good so we switched to bass around 10 am. Found em on the flatter stuff, but not pea gravel. Boat in 6 to 7 ft most of the day. They whacked the blade all day long ! I know, high skys, but did have a slight breeze, although we caught them the same on flat water. Ended up with around 30 , we had a couple in the 3 pound range as our big fish but half of what we caught were keeps. Bigger whites were whacking our blades too and if we had thrown some smaller stuff I believe we would have tore the whites up. We were in the sons creek arm. I threw the wart in the same stuff and didnt get bit, go figure.
  14. By water you can go straight in to birch branch all the way back on the right. You should be able to see the road that goes to the parking area. Pretty good walk from the parking area about 1/2 mile. Just follow the lane and there should be a sign that says cemetery going left off the trail. You can also drive to the parking area by driving across cc bridge for 4 or 5 miles. Road going into it on the left but hard to find as its not marked. hope that helps as my directions are kinda vague.
  15. We will be up there. Hope to see you.
  16. I too apologize about my response. I am thin skinned too and shoulda known better. Wont happen again.
  17. Wow ! There has been arguements and disagreements on here before, but I have never seen anyone threaten physical violance before.
  18. Glad you got out and caught em. Going to give the crappie a try sat and do some bass fishing too.
  19. Inside birch branch where I deer hunt I have found several points in the same area. But all have been broken or unfinished. Leads me to belive that area was a point making factory per say. Also in the same area is the pioneers cemetery. Lots of old grave markers in there.
  20. Wow, really figured they would catch bigger numbers. But thats how its been fishing for me too.
  21. I have attached and get a signal 90% of the time on the lake. Don't know about eagle rock area though as bill won't let me go up there.
  22. Guess what I meant to say our annual passes wont work there anymore.
  23. Just saw a FB post that Bass Pro has taken over Long creek public access. Starting this Saturday it costs $5. to launch there. Ugg.
  24. Another thought. It could have been a small grist mill there at one time. They seemed to like to build them on bends in the river.
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