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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by denjac

  1. We just got a dusting of snow here in Joplin last night.
  2. I have slid down that CC ramp more than once !
  3. Thanks KC!
  4. Did you send them in to shimono for the conversion? How much did it cost?
  5. Phil, was wondering if you have any plans for another clinic like we had last year in Springfield? I do have use of a facility for free in Branson West if that would work better. Has a small stage, PA system seating for around 100 or so , kitchen ect. Not as nice as the MDC building, but not too bad either. Maybe some vendors? Just had a blast last year, and would like to see it again.
  6. Citcas are just ok in my opinion. They throw nice but there is some slop in the spool, (side to side). Just kinda clunky. Curado is well worth the extra money top notch!
  7. I think if you just post some signs like this the problem would go away. No enforcement required.
  8. Bill and I were talking a few weeks ago while boating past your dock that you need one of those sucker tubes like the banks use. Have a drive threw slip and pull in and order say a few dozen crawlers. Put the money in the tube and presto have the crawlers delivered right to your boat. Of course I am kidding, but would still be neat.
  9. I had a problem with the starting battery losing charge. Turned out it was an aniode or diode, (dont know the terminolgy) on the motor. Like wrench said , pull the leed off and then touch the post and see if you have a spark. If you do you have a short somewhere.
  10. That is a 1966 36ft Trojan I used to own. It was docked at Tira Miranda at Grand Lake. All wood , teak deck. Was really a head turner. Guess I coulda spooned and drop shoted off it. Kinda miss the ole gal. Her name was dos amigo.
  11. So I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks! Maybe there is hope for me yet. Someday, someones is going to have to teach me the fly rod thing. Just to embarassed to go down and start thrashing the water by myself.
  12. In 2003 I bought a new GMC 2500 ,duamax fully loaded ect. The same truck in a silverado was $700 less. nobody could tell me why.Guess the GMC is just a prettier truck or at least I think so.
  13. I aways run my electronics off the starting battery. Even a that it sounds like weak trolling batteries, electronics shouldnt pull that much juice.
  14. test
  15. It is easier to read with the background. Just have to get used to the change. Noticed my inbox is hidden under the arrow in the top right hand corner. Will it pop out and show when you have a message or will you have to click the arrow by your name to check it?
  16. Have you read the Lost Symbol? Maybe its a branch of the Masons.
  17. Have you read the Lost Symbol? Maybe its a branch of the Masons.
  18. Ditto!!!!
  19. That sucks ! Had a friend of mine lost a new silverado at Stockton. The truck floated for 15 minutes with the trailer attached to it. Almost made it out of ruark bluff cover before it sunk.
  20. I gave my opinion on what was stated. Eric clarified his postion that it wasnt a fly vs spin thing, but was a bait vs artificial thing. I think everbody has expressed an opinion, some pro, some con depending on what side of the fence your on.
  21. But I'll save my respect for the guy who catches a 2 pounder the sportsman's way. And how would that be? What is the sportmans way? Some fly guys are percieved by spin guys as arrogant and upity ,and talk like that just reenforces that opinion.
  22. Way to go Dylan! Chief I didnt hear you mention the fish you caught? So am I to assume he put it on the ole man?
  23. Nice going in less than perfect conditions. Whos the guy with no hat or hood .... Superman? Hes a better man than I.
  24. You lucky dog! Tell the truth is she hot looking in person? And dont tell me you didnt notice.
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