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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Wholesale gas futures for April down to 70 cents per today. Another way to isolate yourself is to hop in a car and drive around. Won't cost much to do so.
  2. I can understand if people want to cancel, or maybe postpone until the fall when all this shakes out. But it is up to you folks, if you want to cancel, my feelings won't be hurt and we need to make that decision soon.
  3. Bad news for sure to be put on one.
  4. Don't know the details. Some of the really bad cases get hooked up to ventilators.
  5. Drove into Rodgers this morning to get some dog food. Traffic was light, I'd say about 50% of what you would see on a normal weekday. Stopped by the grocery store - lots of empty shelf space, but I still could get what I needed. No TP or hand soap of course.
  6. Well then there is this one (somebody posted it on BBC). Easier format. Personally I think they all use the same data, they just show it in different formats. https://ncov2019.live/data
  7. I look at this link, numbers seem to match up with other sources, but who knows? https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
  8. Yes have thought about that myself - instead of tossing out the TV, we should be tossing out the internet. Or maybe both. Watched a little bit of the guv's proclamation that he was shutting down schools, he mentioned that the CDC said it was not necessary, but due to "concerns" from parents, and teachers they were going to shut down. You can bet those concerns are driven by social media. And maybe it is the right thing to do, but who knows? We've got so many social media experts out there that it is getting hard to filter out the noise.
  9. I like these Evergreen 125's. They walk and spit some. Solid piece of plastic that casts a mile and distance is important. Super sharp hooks right out of the box. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Evergreen_SB_Topwater_Plugs/descpage-EGSBS.html These Yellow Magic poppers are pretty good too. Smaller bait, but the 1/2 oz casts pretty well. May not get you any giants, but works well for the 4-12 lb. fish. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Yellow_Magic_Japanese_Popper/descpage-YELLMJP.html A buddy of mine throws Storm Wild Eye shads and does well with those. Redfins work well on top, they aren't the best bait for distance and you should change out the hardware, but one that swims well will get them. Whopper Plopper does not do well for stripers, don't know why but they don't seem to like it. Had a guy in the back once throwing a plopper and I was throwing a walking bait - he couldn't get a bite on the plopper and they were tearing up the walker.
  10. If you want updates from around the country, check out the BBC Lounge forum. Yeah there's a knucklehead or two (including me) on that board, but it's interesting to see what is going on around the US. I just learned that the state of Illinois is closing all state parks and boat ramps and will not let any planned events happen (think tournaments). The governor of PA is calling for a closure of bars and dining in at restaurants (still allowing take out). There seems to be a follow the leader aspect to all of these closings, once a state or two does it, they all start doing it.
  11. Thanks for the info, I like my Birds and I've stared at them for so long that I have become pretty good at understanding what they are showing me, and that's one of the things that keeps me from pulling the trigger on an upgrade.
  12. Well Arkansas just announced the closing of all schools through spring break. I would think it will be a lot longer than that. Something else in good old Arkansas is that the first COVID patient here was put in ICU. Three of the medical people (including a doctor) that were treating that patient in the ICU now have tested positive. Maybe their ICU containment procedures were not followed correctly, or this stuff is pretty darn aggressive and hard to contain. I don't know, hopefully just a random event.
  13. There are others on here that are more knowledgeable about their movements, I primarily will only target stripers when they are on top. My personal opinion is that for top water fishing on the dam end, the prime time is all of May into about mid-June. Every year seems to be a little different, I never know what I'll find when I go out looking for them. Get a nice warm May morning with flat water and you can see them from a long ways off when they come up on top. It really helps if you can get out and look for them, usually a good indicator is seeing some guide boats in the area. I would not surprise me to see some stripers around Starkey in April, might be a bit early, but who knows?
  14. I'm still clinging to my antiquated (8 years old) Humminbirds. One of these days I'll probably pull the trigger on an upgrade myself.
  15. Yikes, $20K!
  16. Used to smoke salmon using alder, worked darn well.
  17. My grandma on my mother's side, was raised in a large family in Missouri that were basically farm laborers before, during, and after the Depression. She said growing up that basically what they lived off of was beans and cornbread.
  18. If I knew I could get the mild version, I agree, get it, get over it, and get on with life. Main drawback is that I live in a community with a lot of elderly folks so if I got it I would certainly have to fort up for a while - don't want to spread this stuff. Speaking of pizza, I guess a guy could live off pizza delivery for a couple of weeks, tell them to drop it off on the front porch, leave a 20 out there under the mat.
  19. Had several emails today from various corporations concerning the virus. Thought this line from a PetSmart email was funny: They also recommend those who are sick to avoid any close contact with pets, including kissing and sharing food.
  20. More ridiculousness: The fast food chain announced Friday it would suspend a U.K. ad campaign focused on its famous “finger lickin’ good” slogan in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
  21. I see Ned rig stuff... I'm getting emails from various corporations, along the lines of "We're doing all we can to ensure we are providing a safe environment for out customers". Latest one was from Papa Murphys.
  22. Personally, yes I think we should still carry on with this, but if a bunch of folks want to cancel, then I guess we'll cancel. I'll bring some hand sanitizer...
  23. I agree, this is ridiculous.
  24. Wow, being in high school in the early 70's, I can't recall anything that extreme for kids that got caught smoking the evil weed. Shock therapy was a bad deal, really stupid to administer it to a kid for weed smoking.
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