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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Road, stinking to high heaven. Who remembers that song? It wasn't a very good song, but popular. I did hit a skunk this morning on the way to the ramp. Came at me from the left side of the road, didn't hit it with the truck, but unfortunately the trailer whacked it. Didn't realize it was a skunk, thought it was a possum, but got to the lake and the boat was stinking. It was a sign of how the fishing went, fished with OA member Huntest (Dave), we worked hard for close to 20 bass with only one keeper. We got a few deep early in the morning on spoons and drop shot, and the rest fishing rocky banks with the Ned. Probably should have just stayed at the deep spot, there weren't a lot of fish there, but we would get a bite every once in a while. We left thinking we could do better somewhere else, but never did. It got windier than heck out there later in the morning also. Still fun to get out. Water temp is right around 70.
  2. Thanks for the tip on the 2.5 oz spoon. I picked a couple of these dudes up, thinking they might work for largemouth, but I think they have striper possibility. It's a good sized bait, 5 inches or so.
  3. For sure. Just picked a couple of tomatoes. Usually there will be a frost that will kill the plants in mid-October. I might get a couple more based on the forecast.
  4. Yeah wind can put the Ki-bosh on that surface deal. You guys ever throw those big 6" magnum spoons for stripers?
  5. To add to the motivational theme... My neighbor, who runs his own business and therefore can only fish on the weekends, fished the lower lake this year for stripers. He only fished it during prime time, May into June. He launches on Saturday mornings (early), usually at Lost Bridge Noth, and never has any issues as far as having to wait on a bunch of other boats. He usually just fishes the prime early morning hours and gets off the water around 9-10 AM. I'd call him a modestly skilled fisherman, he just fishes spinning gear, doesn't want to learn to throw a bait caster. He goes out, usually has a spot in mind to start, usually it's a main lake point, near deep water and he'll toss a 4 inch Storm Wildeye shad around all the time watching for surface fish. He's usually got his son with him. When he sees fish on top he'll motor over to them, not right on top of them, but he'll get within a 100 yards, drop the TM and sneak up on them. And he'll usually throw that shad deal at them. They caught somewhere between 25-30 stripers this spring, biggest was 35 lbs. Some days they got their limits, some days not. He doesn't get fazed by other fishermen being around, doesn't care if people see where he is fishing or what he is using, he just goes out and fishes. We're thinking about going this weekend. I'll be happy to share with you guys what happens, hopefully it won't be a skunk. If we go, I'm going to try some surface baits, love to see those big blow ups.
  6. Love those wood ducks. Nice bass!
  7. When the Elites were here for that spring tourney, 2 or 3 years ago, I was up on the White fishing on one of their practice days, I was out early, it was one of those quiet no-wind mornings, and in the background I heard the distant roar of outboards. The lake winds around a bit up there so they can be close but several miles away. Anyway the roaring got louder and here they came, probably a half dozen boats, maybe spaced out 1/2 mile between boats. They were flying, I am sure full throttle. Those guys will definitely travel down the lake if that's what they think they need to do to catch fish.
  8. And I hear you guys on not sharing exact fishing spots.
  9. Nice sack of fish for sure Mike. Personally I don't worry too much about what's "hot" and what's not. You just got to get out and fish and try and ignore the noise. And if you want to see pressure, go over to Swepco on a Saturday around the holidays, but in spite of it, that lake just produces bass. No way you'll catch me over there on a Saturday however. When I was working and had to fish on Saturdays, I would go up to the Indian Creek arm, it may not be the lake hot spot, but generally there aren't a lot of fishermen up there and it's a beautiful place to fish.
  10. I'm assuming it is a 3 day deal?. If so, I would say you'd need around 15 a day. Somebody will get them, no matter how tough it is, somebody always figures something out and gets some good fish.
  11. I have a couple that I need to fish, I got caught up in the Rock Crawler craze and just didn't fish warts much last year. Send them off to Tim Hughes and get some painted in Mo Craw and V-37.
  12. Wow, drive all the way from CA, and I assume towing a boat, to fish a tourney here? I think the Costa series has a pretty good payout, but you'd have to win to make it worth while.
  13. I see, Costa series which is next weekend. Thought you guys were talking about something this weekend.
  14. Thanks for the report. Is there a BFL tourney going on? Just wondering why all the FLW dudes are there.
  15. BTW, there is a lever on the Fortrex that you can pull back to get the motor up if the cable breaks with the TM deployed. You have to pull the plastic side panels off and there it is. Had to figure that one out one day on the water when that cable broke on me.
  16. Where mine broke you have to take the housing apart to inspect it that's why it got me. I'd rather put a steel cable on there and be done. And I'm not worried about ripping the TM off the bow when I pull it up, that would be pretty extreme. But, to each his own.
  17. Curious if any of you striper fishers have tried the 130 size plopper for stripers. Seems like it would be a good one to throw, you can cast it a mile, makes a lot of commotion, but maybe not the right action for the striped critters? I might toss it around next week some, but I hate to waste valuable early morning fishing time experimenting with lures.
  18. At least, on a busy day you'll see boats fishing points, bluff ends, etc., all day long. One boat will fish a point, leave and 10 minutes later another boat will pull in and fish that spot. Lots of guys out there 4-5 days a week and they are good fishermen. But in spite of all that, you can put your head down and catch fish here and there.
  19. I have a Fortrex, had it for over 4 years now and it works fine. My main gripe about Minkotas are that nylon pull cord. It will break at some point. And it will happen when you are out on the water. Minkota makes a steel replacement cable, and you'd think they would just sell them with the steel cable installed rather than the nylon one. I'm sure they save a few bucks by sending them out with a nylon cable. But dang it, these nylon cords have been a problem for years. If I ever buy another one, I'm going to ask the salesman to throw in a steel replacement cord for free.
  20. Very nice looking. Any of your customers fishing them on Table Rock? I never have fished them myself (bladed jigs).
  21. Maybe suggest Grand lake to them instead. A few more big boats on Grand won't make much of a difference.
  22. I wear my waterproof boots this time of year. When that metal ramp that connects the walkway to shore is wet, it sure pays to be careful when you're walking on it, I have seen people slip on those things and go down several times. You gotta be real careful when there is frost on it.
  23. These issues, as to which is the greatest state, Arkansas or Missouri, will be decided on a football field in about a month.
  24. Heck we don't even have that fancy dial up service here in the holler. I have to drive to the city and go to the library (where the one high speed connection in the county is located) to post a report.
  25. And you gotta have some skills to catch those crappie.
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