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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I had Tim paint me several Predator 110 +1 just recently. They look great, but I haven't fished them yet. I did take them to a local lake and tossed them out there on 10 lb. InvisX to see how well the suspended. 3 of them needed a couple of suspend dots to suspend, one of them was a sinker (about a foot per 2 seconds). Things may change once the water gets colder, but those are the results I had.
  2. Got another call from Riley's. Too much construction going on at the place we were going to stay, so the are moving us to Cedar Gables. Cedar Gables is supposed to be bigger and nicer, and rents for more, but they will charge us the same as originally quoted.
  3. I haven't been over there this year, but it usually fished well about now. Always seems to be better if the plant is generating. I haven't heard of it being in a downward trend, just curious as to what you've heard.
  4. Just got a call from Riley's. They have just poured concrete on both sides of the back deck and ask that we be aware of that and not step in the wet concrete. It's OK to go out on the back deck, but do not exit the deck on either side.
  5. Griz - I won't get there until late in the afternoon tomorrow. I'll be up for fishing Friday and Saturday with you or whoever has room.
  6. Yeah man, really nice hybrid.
  7. It is not a bad idea, spend the day interrogating the guide to find out what baits to use based on the season and where to fish them. Nobody has mentioned jigs, that's one bait that works just about year round. Get some 3/8 and 1/2 oz football jigs. Green Pumpkin with some orange or blue. Nutech makes some good ones.
  8. Griz - I don't know what to say about Saturday night, maybe give Riley's a call and see if they're willing to work something out for you on Saturday night? Explain the situation and see if they'll give you a break. Or maybe move into the bunk house for Saturday night. Looks like Brett may be staying and if N9Bow and Lane stay, then you'll have a 5-way split. Maybe give it another day to see if people's plans firm up. Here's Riley's number 870 425 4221.
  9. Very nice, I'm a big fan of orange bellies (on lures).
  10. Mike - It should be fine as far as water visibility. I don't fish very much above where the Roaring River comes in, I'm usually fishing from about there down to the mouth of the Kings. Not saying that it is bad up there, I just don't fish it much.
  11. It's time for out bi-weekly bass chat. I don't have any topics in mind - maybe we can hear from the members that have been doing well lately and what they are throwing.
  12. It's time for out bi-weekly bass chat. I don't have any topics in mind - maybe we can hear from the members that have been doing well lately and what they are throwing.
  13. It's time for out bi-weekly bass chat. I don't have any topics in mind - maybe we can hear from the members that have been doing well lately and what they are throwing.
  14. Well, I was thinking 12/8 for the next one, doing it once every 2 weeks. But, if you guys want to do one tomorrow night, go for it. Edit - I guess this is 2 weeks since the last one, we'll do it. No idea on topics, maybe some of the guys can talk about what is working for them.
  15. Nice looking jigs Mitch. Some of those colors would work real well for steelhead.
  16. I think maybe 6 for Friday night, don't know if Terrierman is bringing 2 or 3 people with him. That's 6 without Bill, Phil, Kody, and Ham. I don't know if any of those last 4 will stay for dinner, but if so can you please let Griz know? Griz - Do you need anything else? I plan to bring ketchup, cole slaw and untensils/paper plates/cups.
  17. DOS is Denial of Service attack. Ties up a server with a high volume of service requests.
  18. Never have had fried suckers, but I hear it is good.
  19. Unfortunately, none of the new colors is in stock.
  20. Just looked at the WW's on the BPS site - they've got some new BPS exclusive colors in stock. I like the looks of the new Phantom Red for spring time warting.
  21. Yep, sorry to hear that Brett, hope all goes well with the surgery.
  22. They had some DOS attacks a few weeks ago, then this. The "for sale" section is still active as far as I can tell, but the forum is kaput.
  23. Dan, I think you've got that striper thing figured out.
  24. Looks like the lake has come up about a foot so far.
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