Man arrested, accused of drunkenly crashing his boat into Prospect yard
LOUISVILLE, Ky (WDRB) -- Scott Barlow, 31, was arrested Saturday night after police say he drunkenly crashed his boat into someone's yard -- and his boat was still sitting there on Tuesday afternoon.
"I was shocked nobody got hurt. It was amazing they didn't hit any boats,” said Steve Draper, Harbor Master of Captain's Quarters Yacht Club.
Draper says the wreck was near the marina's 'no wake zone.' That means an idle speed is required, but witnesses say Barlow was driving his boat much faster than that before be crashed.
“For as far as he went, he was probably going about 35 or 40 miles an hour I bet,” said Draper.
According to police, Barlow was highly intoxicated, using profanity with kids nearby and yelling at people when officers arrived on scene.
He was arrested and charged with alcohol intoxication in a public place and disorderly conduct.
Witnesses say Barlow was causing a scene long before the wreck.
They sent us video that shows a man they say is Barlow pulling down his pants and mooning people as he drove by the marina.
Barlow works for a local insurance company. On his bio page, it says he enjoys boating in his free time.
Draper is just glad no one got hurt.
“He could have hurt someone real bad or done some damage to these million dollar boats out here,” he said.
According to court records, Barlow has had a DUI in the past.
Police say he wasn't charged with DUI in this case, because the arresting officer didn't witness the wreck.
Barlow had no comment for this story and neither did his attorney.