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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Well funeral homes would benefit greatly if we all die. Sorry to hear you are in a business where you make money off other people's misfortune. There's a heck of a difference between that and the fishing business.
  2. I don't disagree with that, but walleye fishermen tend to keep the keeper walleye, at least in TR. And I don't have a problem with that, but what I am pointing out, is that it is what they do, most bass fishermen release their bass, it's what they do. And walleye fishermen, for the most part, don't have a problem with keeping walleye, it's a different mindset than bass fishermen, and, I'm not condemning one group or the other. There was a discussion on the Beaver forum about keeping walleye, everyone, including the AGFC biologist, seemed to think it was fine to keep every legal walleye you could catch. I don't have a problem with that, but I would not want to see every bass fisherman (and all others) keep every legal bass they could keep.
  3. Sure they all bring in money, and that is good for the businesses that deal in that kind of stuff. BTW, what fish is shown on the HLS logo?
  4. Nope, that wasn't my point at all. But it is one of the benefits.
  5. Common sense and observation. But if you have data showing another species brings in more buck to the local economy, please share.
  6. I always thought that was part of getting a game license - that you could be asked for it by the AGFC. Sounds like they will have to see you commit a violation before asking for your license if this holds up. When I lived in Massachusetts you were required to wear your license (hunting or fishing) on the outside of your clothing. Don't know if that is still the law there however.
  7. Not really - almost every walleye fisherman I know on TR keeps the legal walleye they catch. And AGFC stocks walleye fingerlings into the lake.
  8. From an economic stand point they are the most important fish.
  9. Dude, guys gave me a hard time for posting pictures of keeper walleye that I released. You can't win around here.
  10. I've said before that there's a reasonable number of fish that can be kept. I think there's a post on here somewhere where Phil quoted the MDC as saying that an overwhelming majority of bass anglers practice catch and release. As long as it's a reasonable number, I'm OK with it. If every one of us kept every bass over 15" that we caught, they would not be abundant anymore. At least the keepers would not be.
  11. I was just telling someone the other day that some people seem to want to keep bass out of spite. Sadly, that has just been confirmed.
  12. I keep saying I want to be part of this vast secret Ned financial conspiracy, but no one has yet sent me a check.
  13. Thanks for the pic, that is an ugly color. Might be some good catfishing If there is any access around there.
  14. Nice brownies BTW, I am very jealous.
  15. I would have to think that this was the work of a lower level employee or two. Can't see someone like Mozeliak being involved.
  16. Yep, and the Royals took two from the Brewers.
  17. Fillet a brown fish in the state of Missouri, this will be the reaction:
  18. Nice fish! Are they resident bows or steelhead?
  19. Yeah, hard to figure. I credit them with knowing what they are doing (I hope), but sure would like to hear the reasoning.
  20. Man, we are right in the bulls eye according to the forecasters.
  21. Yeah those Mississippi lakes, Sardis and the others nearby, are just big mud holes with hardly any cover. They just get hammered by fill the cooler crappie fishermen (kept a few myself). But they are crappie factories. Something like 200,000 crappie a year are kept at Sardis.
  22. They'll come up with some name for this that ends in "Gate".
  23. What's a Ned rig? Dave would you please explain? LOL, yeah lots and lots has been written about it. And it's not just here, it has been a topic of conversation on the national boards also. And it seems to have been universally named the Ned rig, nobody, except a few on here, calls it the little rig or little varmint. Makes we wonder with everyone throwing it now if the fish will get wise to it. So far they don't seem to be.
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