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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. It's in Fort Smith off HWY 71, runs right by the Bella Vista restaurant. I bet you thought we were talking about the city of Bella Vista, no we were not. All the creeks around here are dry as they use all the water to water the golf courses.
  2. There's nothing but carp and suckers (small ones at that) in that creek. No need to fish there, just keep moving on down 71.
  3. Pete's report has a good drop shot tutorial video. http://www.hookedonbass.com/FISHREPORT.htm
  4. I'll be recording. Back in the ancient days I had a Walkman that I would use to listen to baseball games while I was fishing.
  5. OK, now is your chance, Royals are visiting Redbird land this weekend.
  6. As far as I know, traveling is traveling, whether taking a shot, going out of bounds etc., I would have to see you on slow motion replay from several angles before I could make a call on whether or not you were traveling. Disclaimer: I have never been a basketball ref.
  7. That would be weird if it is just OA. Could be a problem with his security software, . I am wondering what he sees when he tried to access OA? Any kind of error message or anything like that.
  8. Interesting. You would think that they would have planned on floods, but maybe this is experimental and will go down as a lesson learned. My guess is that there is not enough money in the budget to do a big solution such as diverting the river and then cleaning out the river bed.
  9. Hard to say, is he having trouble accessing other websites? Is the OA Forum the only site he can't access?
  10. DNA reveals dead mountain lion’s origin LITTLE ROCK – A mountain lion that was killed in November by a deer hunter east of Hermitage in Bradley County is almost certainly the same mountain lion that was sighted in southern Marion County in September. In this case, the probability of these two mountain lions with the same genetic profile is one in 182 trillion. AGFC biologists received the DNA results this week from the Wildlife Genetics Laboratory in Missoula, Montana. The DNA revealed that the mountain lion most likely originated in the Black Hills breeding population of Wyoming and South Dakota, according to the lab results. “The mountain lion traveled from Marion County to Bradley County in about six weeks before it was killed. That shows you how far a mountain lion can travel in a short period,” AGFC Large Carnivore Biologist Myron Means explained. The lab investigated the potential origin for the mountain lion using the lab’s database which includes mountain lion samples from populations in South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Oregon and Florida. The profile obtained from the Bradley County tissue sample matched the hair sample collected from the mountain lion hair found on private land in southern Marion County. The distance between the two areas is about 180 miles. The male mountain lion is a new individual to the lab’s DNA database. The Bradley County hunter was on private property when he shot the mountain lion and reported the incident to wildlife officers. It was the first time a mountain lion has been killed in Arkansas since 1975 in Logan County. Mountain lions – also known as pumas and cougars – lived throughout Arkansas until about 1920. The AGFC offered bounties and hired trappers to control predators during 1927-29. At least 255 wolves and 523 bobcats were killed, but no mountain lions were taken. Nine sightings of mountain lions in Arkansas have been confirmed in the last five years, although a breeding population has not been verified. A number of mountain lion sightings in Missouri, Oklahoma and Louisiana also have been confirmed in recent years. A mountain lion was killed in Montgomery County in 1949 and another in Ashley County in 1969. In late 1998, a team from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock observed tracks, feces and a deer kill from a free-ranging mountain lion across Hot Spring, Garland and Pulaski counties.
  11. I have no idea on goggle eye, as a matter of fact, I think their existence in Table Rock is a myth. But as far as gills, what has worked for me is a drop shot rig. Get some of those Eagle Claw pan fish hooks, use a 1/8 oz sinker, and some red worms. Hook the red worm one time through the middle (don't wad it up on the hook), and work the bait in, say 6-10 FOW. I'd look around about half way back in the coves in the middle of pockets or off secondary points. They also ought to be off main lake shelves and flats near buck brush. Water may be clearer in the area of the lake where you are fishing, so you may need to work a little deeper. Sometimes you've got to poke around a bit to find them, but they are out there and you should be able to find some nicer ones in the 7-9 inch range. I'm thinking of giving them a try myself, maybe next week.
  12. I always kept it simple when visiting coastal NH or Maine. Where's the cheapest lobster? September is the best time, the tourist rush is over and the lobster is cheap.
  13. That is one big walleye. You did a heckuva a lot better than Muddy Water and I did yesterday, we fished hard for a grand total of 3 bass.
  14. Ann has been slow for me the last couple of times I have fished it. Several years ago it was pretty good.
  15. Just don't give that guy a Speedo.
  16. Nice, healthy flathead. Bet they are some good eats.
  17. One thing to think about when it comes to MDC (or any state fisheries agency) is that their limits on length size, etc., are a compromise of sorts. They have to try and meet the demands of anglers who want to keep fish, make sure there are numbers of sizeable bass for tourney anglers, etc., It's not about what's best for the fish, it's about making the fishing public happy.
  18. Those crappie guys must be well camouflaged because I just don't see them. Around spawn time they are out there for sure, but I'd say I see 10 guys out bass fishing for every crappie fisherman. Could be they are out at night I suppose.
  19. Back in my blue cat fishing days, I would turn loose the bigger ones, they just aren't as good to eat as the smaller ones. The thing about catfish is they are not the draw that bass are. How many people come to TR to catch catfish? How many come to catch bass? You could take all the catfishers, crappie chasers, walleye catchers and bream chasers, add them together, and they won't be but a fraction of the number of people chasing bass. There's a lot of us chasing bass, and if we want good bass fishing in the future, then we need to be careful as to how many we keep. Nothing wrong with a reasonable number of bass being kept, but let's not overdo it.
  20. Good stuff. I've heard that Fork is crazy as far as the number of other boats. Considering the weather conditions (flat water, hot) sounds like you did well.
  21. I don't know what they are trying to say, but from the news release posted by the OP, they seem to be saying that in a 5 bass tournament, you can cull one time, if you never put more than 5 bass in the livewell, from July through August.
  22. Here's your exception: "However, under certain conditions, anglers fishing in tournaments can continue to fish if they stop one fish short of a limit and release a living fish from their live well before replacing it with a fish they just caught. This allows them to trade up, replacing one fish with a larger one." And then this: "However, if you are fishing in a tournament in which the limit is five bass, and you have five bass in the live well, you can replace one fish, one time."
  23. Need to call an attorney to explain that rule. I believe the one fish can be culled in a tournament only is in effect for tournaments with a 5 fish limit.
  24. Is next Saturday at Lake Avalon. Open to the public. The Bella Vista Village Property Owners Association is hosting a family-friendly event at Lake Avalon Park on Saturday, June 13th from 7:30am to 3:30pm. "Fish Fest" will be another event in the Association's year-long celebration of its 50th anniversary. POA membership is not required for the event. The event will be held on Arkansas' Free Fishing Weekend, so no fishing license is required. The day's activities will kick off with a free Kid's Fishing Derby, for ages 15 and under, which will take place from 8:00am to 11:30am, registration begins at 7:30am. Prizes will be given from noon to 12:30pm. A parent or legal guardian must sign-in all participants. Fish Fest is sponsored by the Bella Vista Fly Tyers and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Children will have the option of having the fish they catch cleaned to take home. Those who wish to fish should bring their own bait and tackle. Those planning on keeping their day's catch should bring a stringer or basket. Adults may fish from the shoreline after 12:30pm, once the Kid's Fishing Derby and awards ceremony are complete. Fish Fest will also showcase live entertainment, food trucks, demonstrations, competitions, and kid's activities. The Lake Avalon Park and boat ramp will be closed on Friday, June 12th in preparations for the festivities. The park will reopen on Saturday; however, the ramp will remain closed until 4:00pm on Saturday June 13th. For more information, visit www.bellavistapoa.com or call 479-855-5048.
  25. Good stuff, you're stopping at about the time I get up to go fishing.
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