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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. AR, in spite of their record, is a tough out.
  2. QB is a tough position, on a college level, Cook looks pretty good from the 2 Mizzou games I have watched. These kids aren't pros. And doggone, they were playing on the road against the #2 team in the country, I think they did pretty darned good. Of course the fans want them to win, but I'd be happy to see Arkansas do what Mizzou is doing this year.
  3. Quillback

    Indigo Girls

    I had one of their CD's, many years ago, it was good, Didn't know they were still around.
  4. Got this in my email today: The Trout Management Program (TMP) conducted its annual population monitoring survey on Beaver Tailwater at the end of September. A total of 920 trout were collected, 66% of which were Rainbow Trout and 34% were Brown Trout. Brown Trout collected ranged in size from 6 to 26 inches and Rainbow Trout ranged in size from 7 to 19.5 inches. This year’s catch rate and total fish collected were slightly below last year’s sample but well above the long-term average for Beaver Tailwater over the course of the previous 18 years. Additionally, the TMP tagged 189 and recaptured 11 Brown Trout as a part of the ongoing growth and movement study on the tailwater. Fish that are tagged have their weight, length and GPS location recorded. When tagged fish are recaptured the TMP can then look at the difference between their length and weight from initial tagging to calculate growth rates. Locations from initial tagging and subsequent recaptures also give the TMP insight into how fish move throughout the tailwater.
  5. Some comments from the winner in the link. Says he caught his fish on the last day in a "drain". On a jig. But says he located them on FFS. Texan Mrazek Claims Top Spot With 47-Pound Total - BassFan
  6. Yep, I thought to win, Mizzou needed GA to make a turnover, but it went the other way.
  7. I don't know if it is because of FFS or not, but the BASS schedule for next year is for the most part on lakes where you'd think guys fishing "old school" will have a chance.
  8. Appears to be a changing of the guard.
  9. It was a good game. Mizzou was competitive, with a break or two they could've won. The officiating was bad IMO, but it didn't seem to favor one team or the other.
  10. Pretty much lost interest in this one once it became clear it was an FFS show. Those folks gotta do what they gotta do to compete, but it doesn't make for anything worth watching for me.
  11. Snake river is pretty close to your final destination of Oregon, jet boat ride through Hell's Canyon would be pretty neat. Snake River Adventures – Hells Canyon Jet Boat Tours and Fishing Charters
  12. Was there any top water striper activity?
  13. If I am ever in Cody, WY again, I plan to visit this place: Cody Firearms Museum - Buffalo Bill Center of the West
  14. Big game for Mizzou today, I doubt they'll win, especially since they'll be at GA, but I will be pulling for them.
  15. Yo se Dos Equis, pero, what is El Jimador Repsosado?
  16. Go through South Dakota, watch for pheasants, it is amazing how many of them live in SD, Black Hills are neat and a good scenic drive. Take a jog south and see Scott's Bluff, Nebraska.
  17. Most likely said by people that were on the verge of starving to death. 😃
  18. Jumping mules are pretty neat, but even so, no way I'd ever own one. My personal opinion, based on very limited research, is that they are between horses and dogs on the intelligence scale.
  19. Depends what you want to see, make a list of what you want to see and then plot a route. I would go either before kids get out of school or after. Popular places like Yellowstone are mobbed in the summer.
  20. I have been to this park when I was out in Nebraska bird hunting. Trail ruts. Ash Hollow State Park- Windlass Hill Area (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)
  21. Here's a read for you guys if you are interested in the trail as it is today. I read it, it kind of bogs down at times but quite a bit of it is interesting. I tell you one thing after reading it, I'll never, ever own a mule. The Oregon Trail: A New American Journey by Rinker Buck | Goodreads
  22. HAHA, you are a funny man.
  23. Do you want to take a scenic trip, or fastest way by interstate?
  24. All the times I have fished TR in the fog, I've had seen a handful of boats on plane in thick fog, the 4 we saw today equaled that in about 20 minutes. Tournaments cause some people, not all, but some, to do some really stupid stuff. Just looked at the results so far, leader has 15 lbs. with plenty more still to weigh in.
  25. I only had that one keeper, one more that was close. Still enjoyed myself, I love to fish. Thanks for the trip Dutch!
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