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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Yep it would be fun, but maybe wait until the weather cools down.
  2. Getting a nice soaking rain for the last couple of hours after a couple of T-storms last night that rained heavy for short durations. It is much needed.
  3. Cook some walleye or crappie fillets with that gar also, just in case....
  4. I resemble that remark. As to the case, yes it will be interesting to hear what happened. Sounds like there were quite a few witnesses.
  5. Yeah I could see bigger stocked trout making it by the stripers.
  6. Surviving the stripers would be the challenge.
  7. I don't see the liberal bias in Justin's responses. Choosing not too carry a firearm makes you a liberal?? I consider myself to be a fiscal conservative, and a gun rights advocate, but I don't carry concealed. I might someday, and I want to have the legal right to do so if I choose. Am I now a liberal?
  8. It was fun watching Tiger and Westwood duel on the back 9 yesterday. Westwood seems cool and calm. Pressure appeared to get to Tiger a bit. Seems like nowadays when Tiger is in contention in a major, he lets the pressure get to him.
  9. Let's hope these scumbags get caught.
  10. As far as I know, once a year for stripers and walleye. They also stocked some LM fingerlings this year, and they always release crappie fingerlings once a year. And there's catfish, both blues and channels, that are stocked. The cats are usually "catchable" sized when they are stocked.
  11. Cook one up! I want a 2nd opinion on the gar eating, F&F eats about anything that swims, walks or flies and he always says it's fine eating. I don't trust his taste buds.
  12. Whatever happens, you hate to see something like this. But given all the tensions between SOME landowners and floaters it was just a matter of time before someone got shot.
  13. If you'd quit catching them all, they would not need to stock so many, LOL.
  14. AGFC has stocked 62,800 striped bass fingerlings and 179,460 walleye fingerlings into Beaver lake this spring.
  15. "The lake on 71" Are you talking about lake Bella Vista? Lake BV had a pretty good population of bass and some crappie before they drained it a few years ago. If they'd quit jacking around with the water level that lake could be a good fishing lake. They lowered it again this year, but now it's full again. They lowered it in the past as they were worried about the dam collapsing, they did a few repairs and raised it again and I thought they'd leave it alone, but they dropped it for some reason earlier this year. They were also planning to build a new dam, but lost the funding for that. I haven't heard any news lately so I don't know what the heck is up with that lake. There are bass in the streams above Lake BV also.
  16. Ole Miss has a decent team this year, I think they'll be a challenge for Mizzou. But looking at Mizzou's schedule, they definitely have a shot at a 7 or 8 win season.
  17. Thanks for the link.
  18. No rain here (whine).
  19. Definitely some bass in the BV creeks, never have seen one over about a lb. or so, but doesn't mean they aren't there. A larger fish would have to survive some nasty hydraulics and drops during a high water event if it was washed out of a BV lake.
  20. Must be a nice creek if folks are coming from a long ways to trespass.
  21. Come on October!
  22. Ol' Monster - R.I.P.
  23. Fished from daylight until 11 AM. The early morning Ol' Monster bite did not happen for me today, wasted valuable early morning fishing time throwing one around and not getting a bite. No bites either on the Zoom Trick worm. Switched to a 3/8 oz GP/Orange jig and caught some fish on it, 8 or 9 total, mostly LM's that were a bit north or south of the 15" mark, nothing over 2 lbs, fishing steep chunk banks. Water temp was 84 when I left.
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