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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I don't know that they've announced a broadcast time yet, but in the past, they've done a show on ESPN2, usually early on a Sunday, 7 Am or so Central time. And It will be a week or two after the tournament.
  2. Quillback

    Big Rain!

    Just looked at the Beaver lake level gauge, red line is shooting straight up.
  3. Don't hold me to this, but I've seen the whites really turn on in the backs of coves in the Indian creek area after a big rain like we've just had. It's hit or miss, but if they're there you can have some good fishing without the crowds.
  4. "Egyptian gnat larvae" - You gotta be kidding!
  5. Quillback

    Big Rain!

    And it's going to get followed up by a possible freeze tonight. I still haven't planted any tomatoes, grrrrr.
  6. Well I must admit that I did not go, turned out the NCAA championship was that night also, so sometimes you have to make hard choices and I opted to watch the game. There's supposed to be one more meeting for the "public", if they send me an email about that, I'll post it here.
  7. Thanks for the report, that wind must have been whipping yesterday afternoon.
  8. I thought it was a pretty darn good show myself. What surprised me was that gal in Maine running that baby eel gathering operation and getting $2500/ lb. for those things. And that guy building that weir in the Delaware river, there was a lot of rock in that thing! I've had unagi (eel) sushi style in Japanese restaurants, it's one of my favorites. And for those of you squeamish about raw fish, when you order unagi, it's cooked.
  9. Used to accidentally catch them in Massachusetts when fishing for other fish when I was a kid, "slippery as an eel" is a true statement.
  10. Yep I agree it's getting better, but is it better than Table Rock, or Grand, or Bull? Will it ever be better than the other big reservoirs in the area (for black bass)? I'd like it to be.
  11. Good point on the stumps, ab. Bass like them and they're not the snag magnets that brushpiles are. Dunno if you guys watch "Hook and Look", but there was an episode where they were fishing and underwater filming on a Georgia lake that was known for a good population of spots, they did some filming around a stump field and the spots were definitely hanging out around the stumps. There was one big spot that was sitting completely underneath a stump hiding out in the roots.
  12. Well Table Rock gets just as pounded as Beaver but yet gives up the bigger fish, and more of them, relative to Beaver. My off the cuff observation, can't back it up with any stats.
  13. Tonight at 7 PM Central, Nature (PBS) will air a documentary on eels, from the trailers it looks like an interesting show.
  14. Didn't know Lake Superior is stocked with brookies. Are there enough to support a sport fishery? Do they get sizeable living in the big lake?
  15. Found this link on TW's website. Christie went up the White to get his fish and he was fishing the a-rig shallow. I thought it was also interesting that he caught the big fish of the tournament at 6 /12 pounds, you'd think this time of year there'd be an 8 lb. or two caught by one of the pros. You just don't see the big girls being caught in Beaver like other lakes. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/catpage-JASONBEAVE.html
  16. I could see adding some rock piles, they are definite fish magnets. One thing l saw this winter when the water was low, was how many brush piles are in that lake at least around the Big M area. They are a lot of them out there. I could see adding shoreline cover to provide shelter for fingerlings, but seeing how the lake levels fluctuate so much it wouldn't make much sense to try.
  17. Yep I get a kick out of fishing it, still a little early for it I believe, I gave it a shot on some deeper water hoping I could find some big gals, had a couple of bites but only could stick that one smallmouth.
  18. I'm fishing a finesse deal, I use a 3/8 oz tungsten worm sinker, floro main line and 8lb. mono for a leader. I haven't been down lake around KC or the dam, but from what I'm reading the water is much clearer than what you see up the White, so I'm speculating that's why the fish are deeper in that area.
  19. Thanks for sharing that. Interesting that most of them headed for the clear water, I always heard if you want to win a tourney on Beaver you need to fish the river arms, but maybe they are chocolate milk with runoff?
  20. It was a dinkfest rodeo out there today. Lost exact count but had around 50 black bass, with maybe 8 of those being keeps. Biggest was 2.5 lbs. Mix of spots and LM's with 2 smallmouth. Most fish came on a c-rigged Zoom Speed craw, t-rigged tube was working well, caught maybe 7 or 8 on the float n fly (a first for me), and got one of my smallmouth Biffle Buggin. Best depths were 5 - 15 feet, rocky structure, nothing steep, sometimes with wood, sometimes not. Visibility is around 8 -10 feet in the upper White in the coves, water temps were 57 -59 degrees. Best bite was early in the afternoon, but it was pretty much an all day bite. Beds are being made, eased into one little pocket and saw 1/2 dozen beds in a 20 yard stretch in about 3 - 5 feet of water, and saw several 12" males hanging around the beds.
  21. I'm not a fan of a team starting off with a cupcake schedule then jumping into the SEC dogfight, Arkansas has been doing that the last couple of years and it seems that this sets you up for failure. I think a team needs to play at least one good opponent so you get a chance to see where the holes are and hopefully make some adjustments if needed, get off to a bad start in the SEC and next thing you know, you're hoping your team can qualify for some bowl in El Paso.
  22. I've been holding off on planting anything so far, looks like yet another chance of frost later this week. Last year I had tomatoes out on March 20th. This year, NOT!
  23. Thanks for the report, it's always interesting to hear what's working.
  24. I don't know the rules on Table Rock, but on Beaver you are prohibited from fishing around the big commercial docks. I believe out to 50 feet from the dock. But you can fish around small, private docks. I've seen several private docks that have "No fishing" signs attached to them, but I've never had someone come out and yell at me for fishing around their dock. Just watch out for armed crazy people protecting their docks, it's not worth getting shot.
  25. Jason Christie hung in there and pulled it off! http://www.flwoutdoors.com/bassfishing/flw/tournament/2013/6945/beaver-lake-professional-results/
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