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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. I launched out of Big M in the fog around 0800, fished a jig for an hour and only had one bite. Tried some other stuff to no avail, put on a t-rigged tube, caught 5 bass fairly quickly, thought I had the secret, then I fished the next 3 hours with just a couple of weak bites. Pulled out about 1430 and headed home. Beautiful day, but the fish did not think so.
  2. You guys are killin' me.. If only we get some good recruits, if only we get some good play calling, if only we could play well for all 4 quarters, if only the teams we play stink... If only all the stuff comes together next year, we MIGHT get into a mid-level bowl. But I like your prospects for next year better than the Hawgs.
  3. The web site (you can Google "2013 Bassmaster Classic") says that it is open to the public, so you don't need advance registration or tickets. Don't know if there's a door charge, but it doesn't mention it on the website. I'll probably head over there for one day myself.
  4. Donna you and Champ did good, glad to hear you got into them!
  5. Maybe they test different types of habitat based on species? I wonder who the "local bass clubs" are that they are seeking input from on as far as the proposal to allow people to keep spots less than 12"? I think I'll send an email to the contacts listed on the report and ask them these questions.
  6. Those are some nice spots you're catching. Maybe AGFC sees smaller fish because they're netting in the wrong part of the lake, or maybe you're fishing where the big ones are?
  7. Here's the link: http://www.agfc.com/resources/Publications/FishQtrly/D1.pdf
  8. Some interesting reading here (link below). One thing that I found interesting is that it takes 7 years for a spotted bass in Beaver to reach 15". Once again AGFC is going to propose increased catch limits for spots. There's too many of them and they are growing to slow. 83% of the spots sampled were less than 12" in Beaver.
  9. Or should I say "Ugly"? They made Baylor look like a title contender. Baylor ran the ball at will and their D made K-State look confused and helpless. With Oregon losing also, it's starting to look like Alabama (or another SEC team) vs Notre Dame (if they don't lose at USC next week) in the title game.
  10. Something about that yard light looks suspicious...
  11. Nobody cares about a ML sighting in MO - I guess the 3 pages here were written by "nobodies", including yourself. I'll see if I can find a pic of a UFO sighting over Branson.
  12. BTW, nice pic of a beautiful fish, look at that kype on the lower jaw, you know what he's getting ready to do (if he hasn't already done it).
  13. I've always thought they should go to catch and release laws on the browns, doesn't hurt to take a limit of stocker rainbows home, but release the browns. A couple of years ago AGFC shocked up a 25 lb, brown from below Beaver, they said they've seen that fish a few times when doing thier annual surveys and it's always in the same hole (they did not specify where exactly). But in spite of all the pressure, there's some big ones in there.
  14. As I said before, there's no point in faking bigfoot, UFO's etc. There are practical jokers in this world. What is the white stuff? Reflection from the flash? Snow? Frost? Lint? Did MDC send someone out to check the location, to verify the location where the pic was taken? If not, that photo could have been taken anywhere. I'm not denying there's ML's in MO, but until given some reasonable proof, I'm not going to agee that the photo proves there's a ML wandering around Branson.
  15. Nobody's got anything to gain from faking bigfoot, but they do it. That image looks suspicious to me also.
  16. I agree, looks like a fat beagle wearing a pig mask.
  17. Fished out of Jeb's boat yesterday, we launched at 0600 and fished until 1300. We found a good jig bite early on steep, chunk rock banks, the bass being for the most part right up on the bank. We also picked up a couple on the spinner bait whenever there was a slight breeze to riffle the water. later in the morning it started to get really tough, flat calm, no wind, bright blue sunny skies, just tough conditions. We ended up with around 15 or so, all in the 13-15" range. Foliage is pretty much done, wind blew all the leaves off last week.
  18. Quillback


    Jeb and I fished it yesterday, we caught short of 30 bass, several in the 2.5-3.5 lb. range. Curly tailed worms have been working for us. I suggest if you're going Saturday to get there early, yesterday the parking lot filled up by late morning. The lake is getting a lot of pressure this year, seems to be more boats out there than normal.
  19. Well if there's going to be back room shananigans, it wouldn't surprise me if the boys in the back room advance the cause of Notre Dame. Notre Dame vs Alabama? It would not surprise me. From a ratings standpoint I would think the network executives would rather see AL vs ND rather than K State vs Oregon. I think from a football standpoint, K State vs Oregon would be a better game than AL vs ND.
  20. If KState, Oregon and ND all lose a game between now and the end of the year, it will create a BCS mess. Is it next year they begin the 4 team playoff? I could see a case where we're going to wish the playoff started this year.
  21. I've got a TFO 665, good value rod, I don't fish it much as I've become a fan of longer rods, and it's not the most sensitive rod for bottom dragging t-rigs or c-rigs. But for pitching jigs it works fine. Drew if you lived closer I'd be happy to let you borrow it for a test drive as it just sits on my rack unused right now.
  22. That is a nice mount, ever get any woodies? I would think that would be a nice one to have on the wall also.
  23. You'll get a lot of opinions on this subject, but I've gone over to floro for the most part except for topwaters and Spinner baits which I use mono for. I love the sensitivy of floro. Gotta tie good knots, and check for abrasion and kinks as floro is pretty unforgiving, but other than that I'm happy with it.
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