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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Us oldsters have to google it also, I could not remember who Paul McCartney is. I thought I remember him playing running back for the Browns...
  2. Good deal Bo, I bet that wind was something yesterday out on the lake.
  3. Thanks for the report Hammer. I have nothing to offer as far as ideas, I would have probably fished about the same way you did. That wind here in Bella Vista yesterday was blowing pretty hard.
  4. Ab nailed it, Champ is the official OA fisherman's fashion consultant.
  5. Anybody know how to contact Ketchup? Haven't seen him on the board in a while and I would like to contact him. If so, please ask him to check his OA mailbox. Thanks
  6. Permits are approved, March 12 is getting closer! Here are the rules, such as they are. Feel free to bring food. We had a pretty good spread last year. March 12, 2016, Eagle Rock COE Ramp, 0730 start time, Tournaments ends at 1430. Big bass format, largest weight wins. Any black bass (Largemouth, Smallmouth, Spotted Bass, Meanmouth) are eligible, but only one bass will qualify as the biggest. No entry fee, trophy will be awarded to the winner (and just think of the bragging rights you will have on the forum). Immense prestige will accrue to the winner of this tournament. You can fish multiple people out of a boat, but the trophy will go to the individual that weighs in the biggest bass. You can trailer to another Table Rock launch if you prefer. Typical bass tourney rules apply - No bait, no trolling, and no A-rig or multi-arm lures. No promises on what will be there as far as food, but last year things came together and we had a pretty good spread. I recommend you bring your own drinks. Always a chance that weather could be bad in March, if it is looking bad enough to make travel treacherous then we will have to reschedule. We'll notify everyone a day or two in advance it if look like bad weather. Feel free to take some pics during the tourney and post them on the forum. As of now looks like we have close to 30 participants.
  7. Keitechs are great baits. Very soft, so I'll superglue them to the head. Been thinking about swimming them on a drop shot set up. Something new to try this year.
  8. I bet a few, I'm certainly not claiming that I think I could beat those guys, but like Trophy is saying, fish that Ned around those docks and a person would catch some fish. And steep bare rock banks look inviting. I'd try some deep Ned in about 20 FOW off those banks.
  9. It seems unjust to me that the NCAA punishes the team, as in the players, this year and next by taking away a scholarship and denying them to participate in the SEC tourney. Haith does the dirty deeds, but the kids in the current program get punished?
  10. Joking around. But, if there is some government program that sends a check to those who can claim hillbilly ancestry, I want in on it.
  11. I think that quite a few of those guys just have that 5 big fish mentality burned into their minds. They are going to fish like and throw the baits they would use in a 5 bigguns tourney. Hard for them to adjust to go for numbers.
  12. This link will answer your questions. http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/prog/grazing.html
  13. Dave, you may be in Kansas, but you definitely got some Arkansas redneck in you.
  14. On 2nd look I have to agree that it is a regular WW. There was a pop up at the beginning that mentioned Mag wart, I saw it and my brain somehow thought it said he was using a Mag Wart. Still don't see how it could cost $60 unless that color is a standard color and he bought it new in package. in an Ebay tussle.
  15. That was a Magnum Wart? How do you spend $60 for a Magnum Wart, you can still get the originals (pre-Rapala) pretty cheap on Ebay compared to a regular pre-Rapala WW. All I can think is that it must have been one heckuva custom paint job, as you can get a custom paint job for a lot less than $60. I'm not buying this story.
  16. Years ago I asked my grandmother where her family came from, she said "Oh, they were just a bunch of Tennessee hillbillies". So I'm at least 1/4 hillbilly. Ought to qualify me to receive a payment from the government.
  17. You were right.
  18. If you're looking for active wear stuff, as in paddling down rivers and so on, I would look at lightweight rain gear rather than the 100 MPH stuff. Layer up, keep it as light as possible, put on the rain gear when you need it.
  19. As far as taxes, the land is generating revenue for the federal government in the form of grazing fees. If the land were to be somehow transferred to private ownership, then they would probably pay some sort of real estate tax to the county, and maybe state. Probably would be a minimal tax as most of the BLM land is not exactly prime grazing land and would not be valued very highly. And, farm land tends to be taxed at a lot less than commercial or residential real estate. Probably not much to be gained from a tax standpoint by transferring the land to private ownership. Heck, these guys don't want to pay grazing fees, they'd probably protest just as loudly if they had to pay taxes on the land. And just to be clear, I'm referring to the protesters who, for the most part, do not represent the majority ranchers or farmers. The specifics of who owns that wildlife refuge, well the Paiutes say that they were the original landowners, they signed a treaty to sign the land over to the federal government, BUT Congress did not ratify the treaty. So a good case could be made that the land still belongs to the Paiutes. A good chunk of western land was acquired by the federal government through treaties negotiated with Indian tribes. US government being the only government entity that can sign treaties, so the land went to the feds. It then got parceled out to homesteaders or to the railroads. Lots of shady dealing between the government and the railroads as to how the land got distributed, makes for some interesting reading if you ever have the time.
  20. I think I'll stay home and watch football.
  21. It is 2 PM this coming Sunday at the Cabelas in Rogers. Description is "Fine tuning your bass strategies" or something like that. Anybody know anything about this as far as who is giving it? I'm thinking of going, but really don't want to go if it's a generic how to bass fish thing.
  22. Lots of public land out there, I lived in Washington state for close to 20 years. Ranchers pay a fee to graze their cattle on BLM and other federal owned land, and that fee is less than what they would pay to graze their cattle on private lands. It is not open range, free to whomever wants to use it for whatever action they want. Most ranchers recognize they are getting a pretty good deal, being able to run their cattle on government land.
  23. I like the looks of the 6th Sense Flow Glider, just hard for me to throw $60 at a lure that I don't know how well it will work. Threw the small I-slide around a bit a month ago, did catch one 12" spot and had a "follow" from a much bigger spot. It does swim really well, nice side to side sashay, almost 180 degree turns. Doesn't cast very well, it's not very aerodynamic, tends to flutter on the cast.
  24. At Mizzou and the Hogs aren't that good, I expect a close game - but I could be wrong.
  25. Should be a fun game, go Hawgs!
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