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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Saw it listed as a new product on the TW homepage. It's in stock. No, I have not purchased one, but the fingers are getting itchy. Must wait for the TW 4th of July sale....
  2. I like the concept, Jitterbug crossed with a jointed minnow body.
  3. Makes me wonder if the first run of Rock Stars will have the same issue. If it goes like the Rock Crawler intro, Champ and others will clean out the shelves right away and the shelves won't be restocked for 6 months. You have to roll the dice and buy them right away if you want any.
  4. LOL!
  5. Here it is..
  6. Please, no more baits...
  7. Man arrested, accused of drunkenly crashing his boat into Prospect yard LOUISVILLE, Ky (WDRB) -- Scott Barlow, 31, was arrested Saturday night after police say he drunkenly crashed his boat into someone's yard -- and his boat was still sitting there on Tuesday afternoon. "I was shocked nobody got hurt. It was amazing they didn't hit any boats,” said Steve Draper, Harbor Master of Captain's Quarters Yacht Club. Draper says the wreck was near the marina's 'no wake zone.' That means an idle speed is required, but witnesses say Barlow was driving his boat much faster than that before be crashed. “For as far as he went, he was probably going about 35 or 40 miles an hour I bet,” said Draper. According to police, Barlow was highly intoxicated, using profanity with kids nearby and yelling at people when officers arrived on scene. He was arrested and charged with alcohol intoxication in a public place and disorderly conduct. Witnesses say Barlow was causing a scene long before the wreck. They sent us video that shows a man they say is Barlow pulling down his pants and mooning people as he drove by the marina. Barlow works for a local insurance company. On his bio page, it says he enjoys boating in his free time. Draper is just glad no one got hurt. “He could have hurt someone real bad or done some damage to these million dollar boats out here,” he said. According to court records, Barlow has had a DUI in the past. Police say he wasn't charged with DUI in this case, because the arresting officer didn't witness the wreck. Barlow had no comment for this story and neither did his attorney.
  8. Fry survival is much better in high water years.
  9. Something about the forum software that will always set the long side of the picture on the bottom. I can't figure it out either. Just need to remember that when taking pictures you are going to post.
  10. Thanks for posting, interesting stuff.
  11. Good deal - welcome to the forum!
  12. Bill, you should have gotten their email address so we could invite them to the next OA One Bass. We could video the whole thing, and no doubt it would go viral.
  13. Based on what that guy in the picture is holding, must be about cooking sardines.
  14. Welcome!
  15. Cukes are coming in well, and the squash has just started producing last week. I'm also stuck with green tomatoes, I'm hoping some may get ripe in the next week or two.
  16. I-70 Series is a possibility.
  17. That is true. Stay off my lawn!
  18. Yeah based on the picture, I would say white bass. A nice one for sure, but that size is not unusual for Table Rock.
  19. I have one of these also, except mine is a different model. I like it. I have had one issue, the foam handle wrap split and came off fairly quickly.
  20. I'm starting to like winter fishing more and more.
  21. Well for the Major League Baseball All-Star game has a requirement that a player from every team is on the roster. Looking at that list it seems to me that they put a lake in from every state.
  22. Son of a gun! We have a topic named "Big Worms" and yet talk about the Ned rig finds it way in. Just can't get away from it.
  23. Quillback

    Joe Kelly

    Hopefully, for the Sox sake and Craig's, he makes it back. One thing for sure is he is getting paid at a Major League level, $5.5 million this year, $9 million next year, and $11 million the following year.
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