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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. They all look good.
  2. Our buddy Iaconelli is in the Basstrak lead with 27 and change. I thought that Guntersville might be a little overdone from all the pressure it has gotten the last few years, but looks like they are sacking them today.
  3. Erhler already has 5 for 18 lbs. according to Basstrak.
  4. I want one of those "adjustable" bodies.
  5. Starts today. Looks like the live coverage will only be Saturday and Sunday. Probably a good thing for me as I have stuff to do today.
  6. Not a good idea to dump them at the ramp for sure. I imagine that is at that gravel launch in PC? Vultures may get them, but it's not good to have vultures hanging around a place where you are parked, nothing worse than coming back to a vehicle covered with vulture crap.
  7. That's what I was doing a couple of weeks ago, drag the wobbler, get what bites I could, then follow up with the Ned.
  8. Yeah, did the same thing when I was young, and into middle age. Used to get burned pretty good.
  9. I can't find one - spent 6 hours last night driving around looking for one, had lots of adventures along the way. Back to the Buff - No one should think because I wear one that I LIKE wearing one. I had a couple of pre-cancerous spots removed from my lips last year, you can put sun screen on your lips and/or use chapstick type screens. But, it comes right off. I can cover my lips with the Buff and keep the sun off. Laugh if you want, but melanoma is a bad way to go.
  10. Nice mess, and a couple of nice redears. Love those redears, might be time to get some red worms and chase them. Just so hard to put down the bass rods...
  11. Great report! I might be out Friday myself, but probably will be up the White river channel. Looks like it will be a great day as far as weather.
  12. In other words, go "Full Iaconelli" ?
  13. "Porch poodle gecko stubs" - I like it! Question is can I remember it when I need it? A string of 4 words is hard for my brain to retain.
  14. Thanks for the info.
  15. Ok, cool. Two days ago that point was good, I went to it first thing yesterday and only got one bass off it.
  16. I wear a buff with pride, for practical reasons, definitely not as some kind of statement. That sun just eats me up.
  17. I must have seen you Bigmo, that's pretty much where I was for most of the day. I've got a silver/black Phoenix.
  18. I get Jay Kumar's "Bass Blaster" email. I don't know how I got on the list, but a few months ago I started getting it. For the most part it is worthless, but every once in a while it has some useful reading. I mention it because today's email took a little shot at Ned for Ned's comments on how fishermen should not emulate the pros. Here's a meme the guy used. Kind of funny the guy would take a shot at Ned.
  19. Good deal, much better than my day.
  20. It's possible for sure that some of them may have moved, but I did try further back in the coves where I found them yesterday. If the wind had not started blowing like it did, I was thinking of going 1/16th Ned with a different color worm. Oh well, the fish won today.
  21. How things change in a day. Got out at first light expecting a great day, only caught 8 and not a keeper in the bunch. Some Ned fish and a couple on a Rock Crawler and the Menace Grub. It got very windy, and with the lousy fishing I was experiencing, I left at 1130. Lots of boat out there today, maybe some of you other folks did well. Water temps 57-58.
  22. Good deal, nice bass!
  23. I had forgotten about the first cast, first fish jinx. Maybe if you catch a fish on your first cast, but don't remember the jinx, it doesn't happen?
  24. Good deal, glad to hear you got the young'un on them.
  25. My parking lot keeper - Pulled into the lot this morning, first one there, saw a fish swirl about 30 feet off the bank, grabbed my Ned rod off the deck, threw Mr. PB&J out there, dragged it about 10 feet and there he was. Fish are biting, put 40 bass into the boat, no Big Lebowskis, but some good keeper LM's and quite a few spots around the keeper mark. Seems like just about every rocky point on the cove mouths held multiple fish. Fish were a bit deeper on average today, usually in 5-15 FOW, not right up on the bank like they were last time I was out. I believe that is because the water has cleared a bit more and the surface temps were a degree or two cooler. 56-57 degrees. Caught 2 bass on a 3XD, the rest were Ned fish (PBJ).
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