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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. For some maybe, but not for me. I've been to a few before that were hyped by similar vague "lots of vendors" ads, and found them to be worthless. This could be a great show, but I don't know if I want to spend 2 hours driving to find out.
  2. They finally aired that Sequoyah episode today. It didn't look like they caught a lot of fish, but certainly some nice quality. That crab cake stuffed, fried catfish with some kind of Louisiana shrimp sauce ladled on top served by Rue New Orleans restaurant sure looked tasty.
  3. I'm looking for something a little more specific.
  4. Might as well bring in some gobies with the Zebras.
  5. Yeah I might be interested myself if I knew what to expect.
  6. Sweet!
  7. Thanks for the offer of help Larry - If you want to bring some food you are certainly welcome to do so, but it is not mandatory or expected. We might need another card table or similar type table, rps is bringing one, but I'm thinking we may need at least two, if you or anyone else has one you'd like to bring.
  8. That is a sweet looking boat Hunter - congrats!
  9. John called the location today, I can't argue with his choice.
  10. You already threw a full-Nelson on me and had me pinned.
  11. On 2nd thought, yes feel free to trailer. Just remember start time is 0700 and end time is 2 PM (be back at Eagle Rock by 2 PM if you have a big fish you want to weigh in).
  12. OK, I'm easy - seems to be no reason to not allow it - so trailer away if you want.
  13. Well, there I am all bundled up with a 6.25 lb. bass I caught today out of the back of my buddy John's boat. Got her on a Ned fished near a brush pile in 10 FOW. We put 10 in the boat today, John got a 3.5, and we caught a couple more in the 2 -2.5 lb. range, including a nice Kentucky. All were on the Ned, and came from 2 locations, the brush pile and a rocky point. A couple of the point fish came in 30 FOW. Also had a lot of dead time on other spots, seems to be if you can find them you can pick up multiples in that spot. Tons of shad in Monte Ne, but we could only catch one bass there - has to be more back in there. Water temps were 39-42.
  14. You could do that - I thought I saw in one of the threads that someone had a open seat in their boat. I can't find it unfortunately. Tough bank fishing area there at Eagle Rock.
  15. Sorry, no trailering.
  16. Nice ones! Light tackle and spots are made for each other.
  17. Nice, healthy,brown.
  18. I always like to hear these good customer service stories.
  19. Here's a link to the info: I'm going to see if I can get Phil to pin it to the top.
  20. No info needed from you, I'll probably do a list of attendees for all to see once we get closer. There's an older thread with a lot of folks saying they are coming, looks to be about 20-25 boats right now. For now, just say you are coming in this thread or the older one, mainly so I have a rough count.
  21. If it is cold, a fur lined one might be the way to go.
  22. If you've got the time, it sure would be interesting to hear what your recommended redear tactics are, been thinking about pursuing them on Table Rock.
  23. A reminder - March 14, 0700, Eagle Rock COE ramp. COE permit arrived yesterday, also have the MO Regatta permit.
  24. Quillback


    If it was today, that wasn't me. Glad to hear you caught some fish, it is tough out there.
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