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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Like Tim Sainato says - "It was a 5 lber, give or take 5 pounds."
  2. Big M is a marina and COE campground located on the White river channel, down lake from Eagle Rock. There's also a COE ramp and courtesy dock. I have no idea how it came to be called "Big M'. Road M leads down to the park/marina so I imagine it has something to do with the road name.
  3. Spin and glows - makes we want to go steelhead fishing again. I was more of a corkie and egg guy however.
  4. That does look like a meanie.
  5. Fished several locales this morning in the Big M area, best location was "Duck Beach". There was an early top water bite, scattered fish chasing shad, caught 8 or so on the Rapala BX, 2 nice LM keepers (out over 40 FOW, they must have thought they were spotted bass),and a mean mouth keeper came on the BX. I was bragging on the BX being a bait that the fish did not miss last week when I fished it, but today they were having trouble - probably had 15 misses this morning. Broke out the drop shot tipped with a 4" green pumpkin Senko, caught another 7-8 on it, but no keepers, 12-14" spots. Chilly early morning, but water temps are still in that 82-83 range.
  6. Talked to a very reliable fisherman who says he caught a 5-10 last week in 4 feet of water.
  7. Had to wear a hoodie this morning out on the lake.
  8. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    That skunk is bold.
  9. Dang good day!
  10. It looks sweet.
  11. That would be interesting, trade him for the rest of the season, then re-sign him in the off season.
  12. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    Skunk is dialing it up a notch.
  13. Well he could put a walleye on it. A small one, in one of the corners.
  14. Rumor of Matt Kemp coming to Boston as part of a Lester deal.
  15. I'd like to see a bass themed print for Table Rock.
  16. Quillback

    World Cup

    I have no idea what those acronyms signify
  17. Great pics!
  18. Nice, a finesse swim jig. Could be the ticket with the bass feeding on the tiny shad.
  19. A nice bag of crappie, congrats!
  20. Quillback

    Skunk Removal

    I imagine that "Fancy Feast" will bring them in.
  21. Sorry to hear that. Strange that they only took spinning stuff.
  22. Quillback

    World Cup

    Yawn...Wake me up when the next WC begins.
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