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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Well the fishing is so good now that even I can catch them. I've thought about picking up a box of Wheaties and doing some carp fishing, but I'd probably do it closer to home.
  2. Quillback

    Today's Hunt

    Very nice, congrats!
  3. All the water from one mile above Big M to point 23 is that brown color, but the fish are liking it.
  4. The tube is in retirement until the water gets cold. I agree, the bite is on!
  5. That is one big crappie! Happy to hear you guys did well.
  6. The bass are still biting, caught a bunch, close to 50. I got a late start, waited for the fog to burn off here at home, so I did not get started until 9:30 and fished until 5:00 PM. 3/8 oz GP/Orange jig is still working, Ned is working - but better fish overall on the jig. Late in the day I threw a 3/8 oz wobble head with a 6" GP Zoom lizard and they were eating that well. Threw a 3XD in orange belly craw for just a bit and picked up a few on it. Water is fairly murky up the White in the Big M area, maybe 3 feet of viz. Water temps were 65 around point 23 and a bit cooler, 62-63 up river from Big M a mile or so. The warmer water was where the mama spots were, caught 7 -8 in the 15" 17" range in 5 -10 FOW on the jig. Had one LM that was about 2 lbs., and a 20" walleye that fell for a jig. I brought some red worms with me, fished them on a drop shot set up on a ledge bank that I had caught a couple of gills on last week. It spent about an hour gill fishing and caught a dozen that were big enough to keep, including a couple of 9" bull gills. The rest were 7"-8". Took 10 home along with the walleye for the frying pan. No pics, forgot my camera, no exceptional bass anyway, but may have shown a gill pic had I brought the camera. I bet tomorrow will be a great day, south wind, water in the 60's. I'm not going, but if any of you can get out, go get them!
  7. Ok, so it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me (Whew!). Or walleye guys hacking my posts because they are mad at me for releasing walleye.
  8. I made some posts on some of the topics earlier today and they appear to be gone. I also noticed that it appears some of the posts others made earlier are gone also - anyone else notice this?
  9. Excellent, good to hear they are on the gravel points.
  10. Seems useless to write or email the Corp. Once they decide to shut stuff down they do it no matter what, the bureaucratic mind is incapable of creative thinking. Best thing to do is contact local politicians and get them to wrangle with the Corp.
  11. Thanks for the report, sounds like a great day! I saw a lot of that orange algae stuff upstream of point 23 in the White river channel. It did not appear to hurt the fishing in that area, but I've never seen it so bad.
  12. Nice!
  13. Nice quality slabs, congrats!
  14. Thanks for the report, those are some quality spots!
  15. Thanks for the reminder! Recording it now.
  16. Thanks for the report, I wasn't out there, did some yard work today. But I bet there were a few boats on the lake today - what a gorgeous day!
  17. Somebody must have read these comments about the Fish Arrows - out of stock, just one pack left! LOL!
  18. That's a heck of a gill, I'd like to get about a dozen of those for the frying pan. I'm going to have to pick up some red worms and give it a shot.
  19. Anyone know what he's getting paid at Tulsa? Seems a bit of a downgrade to me for a coach, going from Mizzou to Tulsa, but maybe he got a fat contract? He must have seen the writing on the wall. It just doesn't make sense from a resume building perspective.
  20. Fished the morning, from about 0630 to 1:30 in the afternoon. The fish were hitting the jig pretty well early, mostly finding them on rocky banks in 5 -10 FOW. That bite died off later in the morning, but I was able to start picking them up on the Ned rig. Had another good numbers day, over 40 bass, but only 4 keeps. a lot of 12 - 15 inch fish. Caught a nice redear on the Ned, I might have to bring some red worms with me one of these days, I haven't fished for redears or bluegill on the Rock, but there must be a bunch in there. They have to be one of the most under fished species in that lake, you hardly ever see any serious bream fishermen. Water temps were 54 -57. Talked to a guy back at the ramp who said he had a good day fishing a jerk bait, lots of shorts with a few keeps also for him.
  21. HAHA, good one!
  22. If we throw in Wiggle Warts and Ned rig questions, we can probably get another 10 pages out of this thread.
  23. Sorry to hear this, I can't believe the stuff people will steal these days.
  24. Had another good numbers day today, caught over 40 bass, but maybe 8 keepers in the bunch. Also got a lone 19" walleye. Biggest fish was a 3.25 lb. smallie. The 3/8 oz GP/Orange jig with a twin tailed trailer was the best bait, got around 30 on the jig. Early in the afternoon, found a point 1/3 of the way back in a cove where the cove split in two that had some breeze on it. Did well on that point on a 3XD in orange belly craw- caught 8 or 9 there casting parallel to the bank and grinding it through the rocks. Picked up a handful on the Ned also. Saw water temp of 50 when I started out in the Big M area, moving up lake towards the Kings in some of the stained coves I saw 56 degrees in a few of them.
  25. Thanks for the report. I was planning on going today, but decided to wait a day until this wind calms down. Tomorrow is forecast to be calm and cloudy - maybe that's what they want?
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