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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Thanks for creating that video Brett, good job!
  2. I had a buddy that had one, he'd say the same thing as bfishn.
  3. Dang, he got a couple of nice ones!
  4. Don't have one, but you'll have to let us know what you think after you've fished it.
  5. Duck - were you in the yellow boat today? I saw you guys a couple of times.
  6. I heard some of it on ESPN radio today, the talking heads were having a field day with it.
  7. Another InvisX fan here. I've seen a lot of "discussions" on the various fishing boards about mono vs floro when fishing JB's. One of these days I'll try mono for this technique, but I just can't get away from my InvisX.
  8. Hit the water about 9 AM, when I launched it was glass with a bit of fog that quickly burned off. Got a few fish on a tube fished deep (15-25 feet) right off the bat, so stuck with the tube for most of the day, but I did also toss a jerk bait for a bit to no avail. Shortly after lunch the wind started whipping me like a jockey whips a slow horse, I kept at it for a while but bite detection was getting next to impossible so I had the boat on the trailer by 2 PM. Caught 8 bass, couple of 2 lb. LM's were the biggest fish. Water temp was 46-48.
  9. Sears hooks - I remember when they were in the fishing tackle business.
  10. I most deeply and sincerely apologize for participating in the thread hijack by asking about Snooker's health. I have a soft place in my heart for dogs and I was genuinely concerned Snooker might have had a severe case of indigestion after consuming a stuffed rat. A very old stuffed rat. But it sounds like Snooker is in fine feather and gotten back to his job of harassing cats.
  11. A couple of years ago the JM spinning reels were given a "Best buy for the money" award by Outdoor Life. I've got a couple of them, they work just fine.
  12. Welcome Mrs. B!
  13. Very nice!
  14. Nice one Derek, if you're only going to catch one, then that's the size you want!
  15. Thanks for the report!
  16. Here's a link to some info. You might want to contact the USFS office responsible for the Ouchita NF and see if they can give you any info regarding this project. It does appear it can benefit quail. http://www.fs.usda.gov/detailfull/ouachita/home/?cid=FSM9_039689&width=full
  17. My teeth are crooked so I don't have that problem, never have been able to bite line. But I've had plenty of other dental issues to spend my money on.
  18. I'll have to poke around I see if I can find out where that restoration stuff is going on, I know nothing about it - are they taking out wooded type cover and replacing it with bluestem creating a prairie like environment?
  19. You guys done good!
  20. Good job Josh!
  21. I don't know of any public land in Arkansas that has a lot of quail habitat, but there could be some out there. Western MO has quite a few prairie conservation areas that have good quail habitat, and may be worth checking out. I plan to do a little poking around in MO myself, if anything me and the dog will get some exercise.
  22. HAHA that's great! - I hope Snooker didn't get indigestion from eating that stuffed rat.
  23. Well I'm back home now. Not much I can add to the reports, except that I was impressed by now well the Zig jigs and the jigs Phil sells work. I had never fished them in my life until yesterday, and I caught a little over 50 trout in one day on them. But much of the credit also goes to Kyle (Hoglaw) for providing the boat and motoring us to the spots and to Brett (Little Red) for keeping us on the drift with the trolling motor - I just sat in the middle and caught fish A long list of thanks - thanks to Kyle and Ham for bringing boats and letting us boat less folks fish out of them, thanks to Phil for many things including some jigs and smoked salmon (and for providing a great forum), thanks Richard for the hats and T-shirts, thanks Brett for those tasty flathead fillets, thanks Cody (Gotmuddy) for the great brisket, and thanks Rick (Terrierman) for the wonderful apple crisp. I had a great time, and met some great people - let's do it again!
  24. I've never owned one, but been in a few during my time living in the Pac NW. As Trigg said, if you're fishing by yourself, they are tough to fish out of on moving water, you'll really need to beach it or anchor to fish. And when you do have someone going with you, one of you will be on the oars most of the time. So if you've got friends that are comfortable switching off you can make it work, but if not, you're not going to be able to fish much unless anchored or in slow water. Had a friend who had a 100 lb. (or thereabouts) 36 volt trolling motor on his driftboat, batteries were under the middle seat. If I recall the motor wasn't mounted directly on the stern but on one side on the rear. It pushed the boat pretty quickly through slack or slow water. I would not recommend it for running back to the launch on a long float however. I imagine if you do a search on "trolling motor drift boat" you'll find a lot of stuff out there.
  25. Wouldn't you know, I just accidentally busted off the connector on my cell phone charger. It's about 2/3 charged, but I'm going to turn it off until I get there.
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