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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Just wait until Saturday, if this shutdown thing goes on that long.
  2. Viney entrance is now closed. So much for that idea.
  3. Anyone know if the Eagle Rock marina has a courtesy dock? Do they have a drop box for the launch fee for us folks that show up at oh-dark-thirty?
  4. Yeah I guess the fish have been outsmarting me too much lately, I'm starting to give them more credit than they deserve.
  5. Good question, since logic doesn't seem to apply in this situation, I assume it's to piss people off. If that's the goal, they're doing a good job.
  6. But you're not a fish. And if one of those cheeseburgers stuck a hook in your nose, you'd probably be a little more cautious in the future.
  7. Just took a little trip over to LB South to see if the ramp was open, got there just as a ranger was telling a striper guide that had just launched to reload his boat and leave. I talked to the ranger for a bit and he told me all COE launches will be closed. The rangers are still working BTW.
  8. Just got back from Lost Bridge South on Beaver, happened to get there as a ranger was at the launch telling a striper guide that had just floated his boat to reload and leave. The ranger was getting ready to barricade the entrance. The rangers are still working, just keep that in mind if you remove a barricade and launch.
  9. I like to give the fish a different look at times, they see a lot of warts.
  10. But they don't work, up and not running would be a better description.
  11. Any colors that you Table Rock crankers would recommend? One of the versions runs at that 6 -8 foot depth, in other words, in the Wiggle Wart range. I like the red and green crawfish versions, but would be interested to hear other opinions. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Yamamoto_Chikara_Crankbait/descpage-YCC.html
  12. I just fish the White river channel so that's about the only thing I can recommend.
  13. I hate thieves, and I agree, keep an eye out for yourself and your fellow fishermen.
  14. It seems the better quality smallies come from down lake. I would think that it would be better fishing for smallies in the river arms, but it doesn't seem to be that way. Only reason I can think of is that the smallies do better in the clear water down lake. Not that I'm an expert, just thinking out loud (via keyboard).
  15. Are you fishing for bass? Is the Viney public use area (on the White river channel) further than you want to drive? Viney has quite a bit of fishable shoreline, the area around the ramp can be good, as is the point. If it was me, I'd try a Carolina rig and fish it out as far as I could cast it and drag it in on the bottom, and tip it with a Trick worm or a craw like a Zoom Ultravibe Speed craw. I'd also try a football jig and have a top water on hand just in case a top water bite breaks out.
  16. Quillback


    And the Pats are in a very weak division.
  17. Quillback


    Well this week they are playing the Titans in Tennessee, Titans have a tough defence, but with Locker hurt their offense won't scare anyone. As long as KC doesn't commit a lot of turnovers, they should win this one.
  18. Glad to hear the ramps are open.
  19. Yeah I wonder if the ranger will go knocking on campers doors telling them to get out. Closed bathrooms could lead to brown trout being released in the woods (watch where you step).
  20. That's a good point, I can't see them closing access to the marinas, for example PC.
  21. Quillback


    I saw that, I believe their reasoning is that Brady, just speaking of this year BTW, has 2nd class receivers to work with compared to what Manning has.
  22. I was thinking of going over to Big M tomorrow, you'd think that I would stay open as that is the access to the marina as well as the camp ground and launch.
  23. I was concerned what effect the possible shutdown will have on COE launches, I called the Rogers AR office and the person there told me they will close the parks if the shutdown goes into effect. Rangers will go out tomorrow morning and barricade the park entrances. This is what I am told, if you have questions, you should call the Corps.
  24. After posting this, I thought, why not call them and find out? Anyway, called the Rogers AR office and the person there told me they will close the parks if the shutdown goes into effect. Rangers will go out tomorrow morning and barricade the park entrances. This is what I am told, if you have questions, you should call the Corps. I guess it's possible the region that handles Table Rock could take a different course.
  25. Curious if the government shutdown will effect COE launches?
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