Thanks for the report!
I think you and Champ pushed the envelope a little too far today. Trying to get in fishing and golf in one day is just asking too much. No doubt you also planned to watch the Razorback football game this evening. It's tough to pull off a day of fishing/golf/and football watching without something going wrong somewhere. But I commend you for your effort.
Me and my buddy Jeb did get out on Beaver today, found a few fish, maybe 10 between us. We fished quite a few spots, just found fish in a few of them. Decent average size, no bigguns, but a couple of 2 lb. fish, mostly LM's. The pattern, if you want to call it that, was mid-cove, on the bottom with c-rigs, dragging Trick worms and UV Speed Craws. Likewise we had no luck on the moving baits such as spinner baits and topwaters. Seemed like the blade should have worked on the windy banks, but I agree with Champ, maybe just not quite cold enough.