I would say this about any pro who runs a boat in a tourney, but I always take their recommendations with a grain of salt, because the top guys, KVD being an example, get a new boat at least once a year. So it's hard for me to trust their recommendations, I'd rather hear what people say that have owned a particular brand of boat for several years and have no sponsorship to uphold. I think one thing Nitro could do to improve their image (if you think it needs improvement), is get testimonials from long-term Nitro owners who are happy with the construction and durability of their boats. When I was researching boats a year ago, I read and talked to many owners of the brand I eventually purchased you were impressed by the construction of the boat, features, and commitment to service. I'm sorry to say, I just did not get that from the Nitro brand. I'm not meaning to bash Nitro at all, but I am saying that Nitro has an image problem that they just can't seem to get out from under.