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Everything posted by Quillback

  1. Quillback


    I have not been over to Brittany in a while. I would be surprised if they made it through the summer.
  2. Excellent! Nine less honkers in the world is a good thing.
  3. 3/4" here in Bella Vista, I was hoping for another inch or two, lakes are down a foot or more and we needed something that would get the creeks flowing. Didn't get enough.
  4. Yep Bill, it's a good thing. I'm not an eye fisherman, but maybe some day I'll move over to the "dark side" and give them a shot. Nice to know they are out there. I'd like to see them fin clip or mark the hatchery eyes just to see what percentage of fish harvested come from the hatchery. I'm sure, like you're saying it's a high percentage.
  5. AGFC released around 64,000 walleye fingerlings into TR this spring. Another 175,000 were released into Beaver. They were from the Charlie Craig hatchery in Centerton AR. I believe they get all their broodstock from the White river. Might get some from the James also.
  6. Maybe 1/2 inch here in my corner of NW AR. Just a drizzle falling right now.
  7. I was expecting pics of the bass But, those are some nice eyes!
  8. Glad to hear they have a good sized fishing department. I'll probably stop by when all the hubbub dies down.
  9. Yep I would expect a lot of jerkbait action. And the weather, who knows that time of year? Could be snow, could be 60 degrees and sunny, or somewhere in between.
  10. I don't follow the stripers, so I can't help there, but last week in Jeb's boat we found some top water spotted bass, roughly within a couple of miles of Coppermine in either direction. Fishing around humps, gravelly points and flats and over brushpiles generally in 20-25 FOW. There wasn't a lot of surface activity, but the bass would respond to topwaters. Look for shad dimpling the surface. We did see a couple of white bass top water feeding frenzies in the same area, but they are brief and you have to get to them quickly before the move away. Big rain (if it happens) tomorrow may change things.
  11. Yeah Grand holds good numbers of fish, I haven't been able to figure it out yet, but next year I'm hoping to spend more time over there and hopefully get more consistent on that lake.
  12. April 11 -14, they'll also fish Grand Lake June 6-9. Grand is also getting the Bassmaster Classic, February 22-24. I didn't fish Grand this year, but I'll be getting an OK license next year for sure.
  13. Yep and that can grows more expensive as it goes down the road.
  14. The way it's looking, F&F may have some new lakes to goose hunt in.
  15. I like that projected track, it's different than the others I've seen, but maybe it's right.
  16. Depends how far up the White you're talking, if it's around Big M you can expect a lot of company.
  17. When I saw 24 hour drive to Montauk, I thought you were talking about Montauk on the eastern end of Long Island.
  18. I'll have to look into it. BTW for all concerned, I just ordered a case of shotgun shells from Cabelas, online. They are now charging sales tax to AR residents.
  19. Got yet another flyer in the mail yesterday. They've got some good deals on handguns. I'm eyeballing the Remington 1911 45 ACP.
  20. We've been finding the black bass (mainly spots) around gravelly points and gravelly/rocky flats for the most part. Usually out in the 20-25 foot depths. Find a likely looking spot and use your electronics to see if there's any fish around, if you're not seeing any, move to a different spot. If you know of any brush piles in the same depth range, those are worth checking out too, same goes for any offshore humps.
  21. Nice one!
  22. I'm just poking fun, I'm sure the bigger eyes (the ones I can't catch) give a good account of themselves. But, and I kid you not, Jeb and I were on Beaver Thursday, I was working the spoon about 25 on the bottom, got a bite, commenced reeling, and after a couple of turns of the handle, and feeling nothing but dead weight, I told Jeb - this is a walleye. Sure enough it was. Granted it was only about 16".
  23. If you snag something off the bottom that feels like you're reeling in an old wool sock that's been lying in the mud for a few years, it's probably a walleye. If you snag onto something that makes you think you're reeling in an old boot that's been lying on the bottom in the mud for a few years, it's probably a big walleye. I've been told however, that they taste good when cooked, I can't verify that myself as when fishing for the fighting species, I do, unfortunately, catch a walleye every once in a while, but they're always too small to keep.
  24. If you can't find the color you want locally, you can order them direct from the GY website. They charge a lot for shipping however.
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