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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by davekeim

  1. Water is dropping pretty quick on TR. I can finally walk down the ramp to my boat at Gages. That shuttle boat was a pain. Anchoring on Taney. Usually not a good idea at all when water is running until you get down past the landing. When little water is running I feal comfortable anchoring anywhere below Fall Creek. Always keep a very sharp knife within reach just in case you you have to cut your anchor line. Signed, Cardiac
  2. Ah, good ol St Lou. Left that place six monthes ago to live done here. Much better being here. People are great cost of living is low. Unless your looking to be right on the water. Welcome! Say hi to my mom and dad! Signed Cardiac
  3. Would that be anywhere near Richland MO? If so here is a link! http://www.foodline.com/cgi-bin/getLocatio...ocationId=86495 Signed, Cardiac
  4. Well Patfish hang in there! Keep the chin up. What is it you supply to AB (ABIB)? We also do a lot business with AB but I don't think anything will change with us and AB. Just six monthes ago we lived near you as Arnold (ranked one of the best cities to live in the USA) residents. Now we live on TR. If you like it down here make the move. Things are much more reasonable and easier down here. Signed, Cardiac
  5. It's a global economy now. We all share most everything in the world. If my Bud Lite said made in China there may be some concern. Look at all the things you use or consume, you'd be surprized who owns what. Yoplait, Kleenex, Wrigley, on and on. Yes people from other countries own things we deem USA. But people in USA also own companies that people in other parts of the world think that are local businesses. It's the same story for ages, 95% of us can get along with everyone. It's the 5% that swings the wrench. Signed, Cardiac
  6. You'll be fine with the 17-20ft. TR is nothing like LOZ. Depending where you go you may not see another boat for 10-15 minutes. I live by Long Creek near the bridge on highway 86. One of the most boted areas on the lake and we do fine with a 20ft pontoon. Signed, Cardiac
  7. Happy B-Day Patfish. Go with the flow on the ABIB situation. It may work to be a better deal in the long run. I'll do my part to keep you employed! More Bud Lite! Signed, Cardiac
  8. davekeim


    Hey Kansas Boy, are you prepared for the September Cubs meltdown? Happens every year. For what now? 100 years? Kinda like the Chiefs I so love! Signed, Cardiac
  9. Are the chances of theft less at a public marina like Gage's or State Park marina? Signed, Cardiac
  10. After five years I've have not noticed anyone being too far out of line. Congrats to all! I must have missed what the mod is referring to. Signed, Cardiac
  11. Upper end Lilley's. But I prefer the Lake Shore Drive area. At night you can at least fish off a dock. The water runs too fast at the upper end. Signed, Cardiac
  12. What a wife! Signed, Cardiac
  13. Always take the boat! It's the best way to learn. I used to fear it until I said to myself just do it. You'll gain much more confidence that way. Going out at night on Taney was always out of the question for me because of the fog. Once I got there I noticed a window of clear vision between the water and the fog. I love doing it now! Signed, Cardiac
  14. There is a little resort just east of the bridge to launch. Also they added walkway to the dock. Not sure if they charge to put your boat in. Signed, Cardiac
  15. So what are you Card fan? I'm as close to a lawyer as possible. Salesperson! Signed, Cardiaac
  16. Way too go Terry! Anything helps when you've been down! I'm happy for you. Signed, Cardiac
  17. davekeim

    American Idol

    John McCain cares! Signed, Cardiac
  18. Congrats on that kid! Hope all goes well. Signed, Cardiac
  19. E-mail me. I'll get you you in touch with all the local dives and diners! Signed, Cardiac
  20. davekeim


    Cheer up! The Chiefs are fine. Allen is a trouble maker. His new big deal will put him further in the ground. Wait and see! Signed, Cardiac
  21. Fill up near St Clair. I been traveling 44 for some time. Always cheapest there
  22. Kansas Boy! Still living in 1985? Signed, Cardiac
  23. Hey Dennis I know a buddy who lives in Highland. Do you know a Gene Schmidt? Signed, Cardiac
  24. Same here. If anyone needs some help with something please let me know! Signed Cardiac
  25. Welcome St Louis! Just moved away from all that confusion. Lived on the south side near Arnold. Now we live on the south side of Table Rock Lake! Gotta love it. People are wonderful down here. Signed, Cardiac
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