The point was "rocky mountain elk" species was never destined to live in MO, we introduced it here in a feeble attempt to replace an extinct species of elk that was native to MO for sporting purposes. It is not really about the elk, it is about hunting elk in the future. You can fluff it up by saying that they are here to kill weeds, but the main reason for the reintroduction was to create a hunting animal population for those too cheap to pay to go out west. Man's interests were the driving reason behind the elk, the personal gain of being able to hunt elk again in MO. And Elk Hunting was what drove them to extinction in the first place. Man and his interests or needs have nothing to do with what is best for nature.
It is not a native animal, who knows what disease or change it may bring to the Ozarks. Look at the wild horses, they are nice to look at, but were not native and they cause problems. Feral hogs, MDC did not introduce them, and they can't manage them. There are no predators for the elk, they will have to rely on man to control the population. It will have to be managed to prevent harming other populations of hunting animals already here.
And, if you really looked at what I meant, I was simply stating that man needs to be controlled in order for the rest of nature to be returned to balance. We know that will never happen. I never really shrug off mankind's role in the natural world, but I never stand around hugging a tree trying to figure it out. The obvious solution will never be an answer until something wipes us out.