Has anyone on here ever been on a good ole MO. coonhunt? If not, you don't have a leg to stand on.
You shine a light up a tree and see a set of eyes, it should be identified positively, but you never see the coon till it is way up a tree. Your batteries may be getting weak in the light you are carrying. You didn't see it running along the ground, so you don't know what run up there, the hounds usually pick up a trail out of sight. What you do see is a pair of eyes and an animal that flattens itself out against the limb to make itself small hoping you won't see it. It does not realize his eyes are glowing. You aim between the eyes for several reasons. One, it is a quick kill, the animal falls out instead of running into a hole. Second, it does the least damage to the fur which is why you are there in the first place. Third, it is the only target you have.
Then this great big cat falls out of the sky and you think crap, look what I have done. You have heard stories that they are radio equipped and digging a hole won't help. Someone is going to find it and you are going to be in trouble, so you start fearing for your life. Then you think about all of the calves you probably saved and decide to come clean to the man.
Did I leave anything out???