Some friends have been catching some around Beavertown off the bank using chubs....I know of two 9lbers caught .....there was some males caught in the last couple days.
I've did very little jerk bait fishing , when u first jerk the bait down to u give it 5 or 6 aggressive jerks to get the bait down then start the slow process of fishing it back to boat?
When fishing the PWT as an amateur some of the pros would just wear a T-shirt while fishing but just before we headed to weigh in they would put their jersey on.
I caught LOTS of 8-10" smallmouth this year while trolling for walleyes.....I was fishing from Diamond City to Music Creeks.....I sure hope the walleyes make a come back.
Ain't that the truth Champ!.....I was complaining about the KC cops to our old friend Martin one day as we drove through KC, he said "don't speed"....his brother in law was the police chief at the time so I got no sympathy....ha....sure miss that guy.