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Ron Burgundy

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Ron Burgundy

  1. Well it turned out good for u guys!
  2. First time I've heard that story!
  3. Dang taxes or I would be up there tomorrow.
  4. Kings River Golf course is up river from Viola a few miles.
  5. Last Saturday the water temp up kings varied from 45-50 degrees.
  6. Sorry I meant to put this in the Beaver forum.
  7. I saw on HLS sign where the crappie masters are coming to Beaver?.....is that the same Crappie Masters tournament trail that is on TV?
  8. A few yrs ago while walleye fishing in the spring time we were about 2 miles up river from the swinging bridge there is a small cut and a striper had some shad cornered in that cut and it was having a hay day.
  9. I figured espn 2 would air the weigh in live but after checking my guide they won't.
  10. Chris, u have to be really getting blown around today.....man it's bad.
  11. Nice batch of fish F&F!
  12. What's their number?
  13. Champ, my Costas arrived the other day I got the green mirror lens but the green is not as dark as i thought they would be.....I got the 580, is that why?........
  14. Save your money and spend it somewhere else Turpentine is a joke.
  15. Anyone in NWA u guys would recommend that builds good quality boat covers?
  16. When u say good color do u mean it's not muddy or it's muddy?....kings is muddy and I loose all confindence when I see it muddy.
  17. Ron Burgundy


    What are the dates for the Classic?
  18. I put in at beaver town on Friday and the water was muddy, I could see only 2" down. Two miles up river the water cleared up and I could see 10ft down.
  19. Talk about bad fishing ethics, spear fisherman are complete pricks!....they race to a point u are fishing throw out their anchor then look at u as to say my point now and the law protects me from u getting close to me.
  20. Yes Jerry they spear eyes on BS....Even have a tournament I beleive.
  21. I only pay attention to the walleye reports and I found it strange when it said they were catching them on bouncers and crawlers....I know two guys that load the boat each outing, they catch over 100 walleyes each summer out of Beaver and all they use is bouncer and crawlers....100% of the time.... and when they say they can't find them in the winter time, I had doubts when I read that report about bouncers and crawlers.
  22. How much stock should one put In the fishing reports u read in the newspaper?.....they seem to be the same yr around.....baileys and JT crappie guide I belevie are the two contributors.
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