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Everything posted by Seth

  1. Everybody always making fun of my rubber crappie net! I'll have you know that I did not experience any of these issues when netting my buddies 4.96# brown last year! It has been used for netting blue cats up to 12# as well.
  2. Your employer got tired of you wasting too much time on here and ordered the net admins to specifically block your devices. I also heard through the grapevine Verizon started a new anti-fishing campaign and will be restricting related traffic on all of their data networks. Looks like you're just out of luck!
  3. I guess I've been lucky since I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary when accessing the forum.
  4. That was part of my problem. Since I was sitting fairly high, I decided to play it safe and go with what the majority of the pundits were picking. Christie killed me last tourney and I bailed on him this time. That was a big mistake.
  5. Doh! I knew that. Not sure what I was thinking! I'll fix it..... JesterHK, DJ, JD, JDmidwest.....close enough.
  6. Man, if it weren't for killing it with my classic pics, I would be hurting. Three sub 1000 tournaments and then the one well over 1300 that is saving my bacon.
  7. I know this is about a month after the fact, but here is some footage of the nicer fish I boated during the CAM tournament. The main thing to watch in the video is the mad net skills that @JestersHK was blessed with!
  8. I just checked the historical levels and you have to go back to 2011 to find a May where it hit 656. It has always been 657 to 658 by now.
  9. That crappie in your left hand on the second picture might be the prettiest crappie I've ever seen!
  10. You're going to the wrong lake if you don't like crappie or largemouth. LoZ is arguably the best for both in the state of MO.
  11. Break it in half and thread it on the hook inline like you would a grub, NED rig, etc.
  12. I really need to make it down for that one of these years. Seems like I always have other plans during that time though.
  13. Basically if an angler has a high ownership and flops, he hurts a lot of people. If you pick a guy who does really well and has a low ownership, you make up ground against the majority. I try to mix my teams up by oucking some dark horses and going with a few of the heavy favorites to hedge my picks.
  14. Christie killed me this time around. The only saving grace to him is that he had a really high ownership so he hurt a lot of other people as well. I figured him and Evers were the two most obvious picks for this event, but neither did very well. Bailing on Wheeler hurt me as well. I botched this one.....
  15. What a day!
  16. How is this possible?! That’s my favorite wild fame to eat.
  17. Congratulations BH!
  18. Aside from KVD, I'm not doing that great this tourney. I did however realize that I'm ahead of Champ, but not Ketchup. Since this will probably never happen, I had to take a screenshot so as to not forget how great I was for one day.
  19. Thankfully he did not! Once I got a look at those things, I was thinking that would NOT have felt good! That longest one was freakin sharp!
  20. Finally sealed the deal on my second bird this morning and it wasn't a jake this time. Was trying to get the boss a shot and the dang birds came in where he couldn't get a shot and I ended up shooting as they began to turn and walk away. 23.5#, 10.25" beard, 1 1/8" and 1 3/8" spurs In case you are wondering why I have a hand full of tail feathers in the first picture, it's because I had to tackle the turkey and step on his head after the shot. There was a little brush in the way when I shot and I guess I didn't get quite enough shot in him to stone cold kill him. When I got up to him, his head was still up and he started flopping down the woods. I dove after him and fell a bit short and ended up getting his fan and yanking half of it out. The second time I full blown tackled him and rolled a time or two before I stomped on his head to finish him off. My boss told me that dive would have made Pete Rose proud! If only I had been wearing the GoPro....
  21. Went out this morning and heard two groups of birds gobble just a few times on the roost and then all went quiet. I slipped in on the ridge above where I heard one group and sat down, but never did see or hear anything from them. After waiting a while, I slipped down to where I had heard them gobble and found fresh gobbler droppings beneath the roost tree. I have no clue where those birds ended up going. I thought I had them pretty well cornered to where they would have had to walk my way, but I was wrong.
  22. The co-angler champ was only out fished by his boater one day and that was by Mike McClelland, who is arguably the best angler fishing this tournament on TRL. He stomped his boaters the first two days. That really is amazing! Chad G Allison Day 1: 15-7 Peter Wenners 9-3 Day 2: 16-2 Brandon Bolton 11-10 Day 3: 8-1 Mike McClelland 9-0
  23. So Duane is human and actually gets his butt handed to him by the fish once in a while?
  24. This video is from the weekend before. I imagine it's still fishing about the same. The fish will move up shallow and feed during the last hour or two before dark. We also fished the dead channel below Truman dam Thursday and Friday. It wasn't anything to write home about, but we managed to catch 25 keeper crappie, 5 blue cats and 5 whites on Thursday and 18 crappie, 3 blue cats and 1 white bass on Friday using minnows and just slowly moving around with the trolling motor.
  25. I made my fourth sit this morning and FINALLY saw a legal bird, which was a jake. It's been a few years since I've taken a jake, but with the lack of gobbling and not really much to go after, I decided I was going to at least make sure I filled a tag and got some turkey breast this season. The fact that the jakes actually gobbled and worked in like a big bird made me a little less guilty about shooting one. I've got the rest of season to try and find a tom. I'm going to throw in the towel on what is normally my honey hole and go check out some other properties. Hopefully I'll stumble across a tom that wants to talk and actually work in."
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