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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by ness

  1. We love the Johnsonville brats. That said, we had a cool little meat shop near here that did a lot of different brats and sausages, some with fruit, that were outstanding. He introduced me to tri-tip steaks and other things. Just a great shop with good people. Sadly, he had some health issues and just couldn’t keep it going. I miss that place and John the owner.
  2. @BilletHead I think you need to whip up an extra special batch of your sauce, if you know what I mean🤪
  3. Perfectly portioned!
  4. Remember when you used to be able to find answers on the internet? So much crap out there now. I wish I had the World Book Encyclopedias we had growing up. The ones that said LBJ was president.
  5. I think this British guy agrees with me 😀
  6. C'mon man, I thought this was settled!! 🤪 Shire like sure. Sheer is close but wrong. And anybody that pronounces sure as shoe-er is banned from the conversation. Yorkshire, Berkshire, Hampshire, Worcestershire Wooster is Boston semi-literate mangling of Worchester. Worster sure
  7. ness

    What's Cooking?

    I died some Anaheim and poblano/ancho chilies I grew and struck out to improve the Chili Colorado recipe I did a week or two ago. These chiles were fresher and more pliable than the ones I bought at the store. I also toasted them slightly, included more onion, changed up the spice mix (even including cumin!), included a little tomato sauce and used a fattier cut of meat. This was a good improvement and the recipe is updated. With Spanish rice and borracho beans.
  8. ness

    What's Cooking?

    Man, I love good crab cakes. The best I ever had were at the Embassy Suites in Georgetown. We took the kids to DC to see the sites years back and I had them at the restaurant there. They were so good that I went back down two more times and got side orders.
  9. ness

    Photo thread

    Wifey was down west of Panama City with group of ladies Friday to Sunday. I wasn't thrilled with the idea but by Thursday night we were pretty confident it would be ok. They had sunshine and calm winds but the ocean was roaring. They were told $500 fine if you go in the water. I've got relatives in Gainesville and had rain and lost power but no damage. A niece in NC completely dodged the bullet. The damage from that storm is unimaginable.
  10. Went to a school with a guy from Woostah. That accent sure stood out in Kansas! I always remember a water fountain was a ‘bubbla’😀
  11. had it with steak tonight!
  12. I’ve heard ‘wash your sister’
  13. So, worster sure. Got it.
  14. ness

    Bobby Witt Jr.

    Well, they're in the playoffs. That 7 game skid and 27 innings without scoring sure made it look like it was all over.
  15. ness

    Photo thread

    I really like this pic my son ness 2.2 took. Not because it's me, but because it's a good capture and story. We were in Wyoming fishing small stream and we came across a side channel. I couldn't resist, but 2.2 said 'C'mon dad, there aren't going to be any fish in there.' But the old man proved him wrong I get a charge out of tiny creeks, trout and dry flies!
  16. ness

    Whatchya Drinking?

    Way back, when ciders first started showing up, I tried a couple: Crispin and Woodchuck. I really liked the Crispin but Woodchuck was sickeningly sweet. I haven’t seen Crispin in years so I looked them up a while back. It seems they went out of business, but somebody bought them a few years back and planned to revive it. Well, they did and after a year or so they have now showed up in KC. I bought some, knowing it might not be the same or it might not suit my tastes now. But dang, this is nice!! Try it, you’ll like it !
  17. The law has shifted towards protecting the kids, which I can't find fault with. You whoop a kid in the wrong jurisdiction, and have someone who's out to prove you wrong, you can spend some time in jail -- like my cousin-in-law did. Best to figure another way.
  18. I love it when the fish belly wraps around the fingers like that!
  19. ness

    Whatchya Drinking?

    We toured Teeling Irish whiskey in Dublin and they had this cool display. Left to right whiskey as it ages: change in color and lower level from evaporation. I believe the one on the right was 8 years old.
  20. ness

    Photo thread

    Rocky Mountain National Park
  21. ness

    Photo thread

    Spring Relfe Spring
  22. ness

    Photo thread

    Along Crane Creek
  23. ness

    What's Cooking?

    Sometimes you gotta let somebody else cook😀
  24. Here’s another pic of the group compliments Pat.
  25. A couple additional thanks… Thanks to Terrier and Pat for nailing down the pavilion. It was a hot afternoon and that shade was nice. Thanks to Phil for the salmon candy. Good stuff! And thanks to Sandy for jumping in and just making things work better. And, thanks for the history lesson about the area!
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