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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by MOFishwater

  1. Thursday says "Hold my beer, Pebble Mine." Today we have the rollback of Clean Water/wetland protection and 1972 Clean Water Act and green lighting the construction of the Keystone Pipeline across federal lands in Montana. But I guess who cares, at least 401K's are up right now. Our kids can sort it out, we've got retirement to worry about.
  2. nm. thinking of a diff spot, brain fart.
  3. ? I was just looking for some new ideas to maybe try out in a spot that sees high traffic, and I'm far from well versed on river fishing. Our location obviously wasn't selected for blue ribbon fishing prospects...I'm generally happy to just scratch out a handful of dinkers while avoiding the office on the boss man's dime. You toss what you're comfy with in most instances. I was also hamstrung by only having a few boxes of mediocre baits that I keep handy in my garage for the off chance I may find a minute to get on the water; I keep my main gear out at the property where I have time to fish and chase some big ones. Thanks for the good suggestions from some of you, I'll keep the War Eagle double willow in mind next year. I tend to downsize on the river, probably due to lack of confidence, perhaps I'll get weird and go the other way next time.
  4. We had a great float, weather was spectacular and only one other boat on the river the entire day, can't beat that. Started off with a small bronze fish on my second cast about 10ft from put-in on the Whopper Plopper. I think I had 4 or 5 in the next 10 mins, no size to anything but action and fun. Put the WP down and tossed a big booyah buzz for a bit and caught another fish but it wasn't really getting much other action. Switched to a smaller tri-blade buzz in chart/white and started picking em up again rather quickly, but all small fish other than a chunk spotted bass. Came to a likely spot and flipped a craw colored ned rig (one of the mini zman trd baits) and got SMOKED almost immediately. Set the hook and had drag coming off the spinning reel...I was letting the fish play itself out a bit and still hadn't seen it but it was a dandy based on the bend in the rod. Put a little pressure on it to get it away from a downed log and the dang back-reeling switch on that reel is apparently broken. it made a big run and the reel spun backwards and gave him enough loss of line tension the hook popped out. Ugh! Never laid eyes on it but it made me sick. I lost a rather expensive rod/reel last year in a blowdown that sucked 3 of our canoes into it last year with no real way around so I started bringing some lessor rigs I'd be ok with losing and I paid for it with that missed opportunity. We made really quick time to our traditional lunch spot so we spent a good hour or so on the sandbar. The area got reshuffled with some of the heavier rains this year so the sandbar had shifted rather significantly. I fished some really deep, fast current and managed to only get a couple out of the spot while losing about 10 baits. I did manage to get my new coworker from Germany hooked up with a ned rig smallie, her first float and first fish ever, so that was exciting. Sun really came out near lunch and the remainder of the trip was pretty uneventful. I caught a couple on a spinnerbait in the shade but it was really slow so I generally altered whopper and small buzzbait the remaining couple miles. I bet i missed 25 blowups, the only really big fish was the one that came unbuttoned. River was beautiful, lots of bwteal screaming past us all day long. Beers were cold and work was avoided, all in all a successful day. No big ones but lots of small and feisty ones. Always a bummer to hit the take-out and enter reality when I'd love nothing more than to pitch the tent up and stick around to continue the day. Maybe next year. Sorry for the lack of pics, I just never had anything I deemed worthy of a photo.
  5. Got a box full of 'em as well as the 4 blade Booyah version (each blade a bit smaller). I'll give her another go tomorrow, cheers!
  6. Never seem to have much luck on the spinnerbaits, personally. Do you prefer a specific blade style or setup? I tend to assume less is more (darker/natural colors and small) with overpressured, clear water, but maybe that's why I never get much action:)
  7. Tomorrow is our annual work float (hitting the river near Bourbon). Supposed to be mostly sunny and warm. What are you throwin' at 'em right now? I always seem to get my best results on a buzzbait or a spook on this trip (this is our 15th year if I'm not mistaken floating this part of the month). Currently have a whopper plopper, buzzbait and a fluke tied on my rods... Ned rig or chompers for lower in the water column? Cranks? I think I tend to lean to the topwater just because it's more efficient when we're moving kinda quick and I'm trying to cover as much water as I can. Plus there's really nothing better than watching a blowup on top. Some years the mini buzzbait seems to really whack 'em so I've got some long forgotten Zoom horny toads packed up but last year they were destroying my big Booyah 3/8 buzzbait so I have a bigger one on for the start when I'm trying to figure 'em out. Can't wait to hit the water. The river has been so fickle this year I havent even taken my kayak off the wall since last year's float season, looking forward to some paid time on the river:)
  8. Really was a hopping stretch of river with Times Beach as well. https://www.kmov.com/years-ago-the-feds-told-all-residents-of-a-st/video_5bf5d8fd-b42f-5e36-9c0f-f2bb29ed1ad0.html
  9. thanks for sharing, that's awesome. very nice of shawn as well! great looking replica.
  10. Well we've flooded again in Eureka overnight, no access to Route 66 as of this morning, I had 2 of my 3 escape routes out of neighborhood flooded out. Might be a few days before the access is open, although the river looked about same this morning so maybe it'll recede quickly. 6.5" of rain in neighbor's gauge. Wow. Havent taken kayak off the wall still this year, might be time to toss her on craigslist and make the wife happy. Edit: Park access was open this morning (Tues) FYI. Notify your next of kin if you plan on putting in today.
  11. Seems like vehicle break ins/damage are increasing recently @ Allenton. Just a heads up, mebbe get someone to drop you off if you can. Sucks but seems to be the new norm.
  12. https://mdc.mo.gov/newsroom/angler-finds-new-invasive-fish-st-francis-river-floodwaters?fbclid=IwAR3pSjefGWwqqxrAc6VXusY0BbtrO4g_eQtju3K5wuL653C2TRVwJ454JpE Candice Davis May 17, 2019 CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. – Fisheries management biologists with the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) confirm an angler caught a Northern snakehead from a borrow ditch within the St. Francis River levees in Dunklin County. The fish was caught on April 25. According to biologists, a Northern snakehead population was discovered in eastern Arkansas waterways in 2008, so they believed it was only a matter of time before it would migrate north from the bordering state. “This fish’s wide temperature tolerance, potential to spawn multiple times in one year, and ability to survive in low oxygenated waters are reasons why it’s a threat to Missouri waters,” explained Dave Knuth, a MDC fisheries management biologist. “The impacts of this species on native fish populations are still to be determined in states where they’re already established and research is ongoing in several states to determine this invader’s true impact.” The Northern snakehead is native to eastern China and southeastern Russia. This species is a popular live-food fish in the Asian markets. It was commonly imported to the United States before the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service prohibited its importation and interstate transportation in 2002. The Northern Snakehead was brought for private fish farming in Monroe County, Arkansas in 2000, before the ban was in place, and escaped from there into Arkansas waterways. Since the discovery of this species in Arkansas waterways in 2008, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission most recently collected a Northern snakehead from the St. Francis River drainage near Lake City, Arkansas in May of 2018. This was approximately 15 miles south of where this fish was discovered in Missouri, confirming their presence in the state. MDC sampling efforts in the area where the angler caught this fish yielded no additional snakeheads, which means this species may not be well established in Missouri yet. “We will continue to monitor the spread in southeast Missouri,” Knuth said, adding a reminder that it’s illegal to import, export, sell, purchase, or possess a live Northern snakehead in Missouri. The Northern snakehead is similar in appearance to the native Bowfin. The Northern snakehead has a much longer anal fin and the pelvic fins are much closer to the pectoral fins than the Bowfin. MDC encourages anglers to not release a Northern snakehead alive if they catch one. Anglers are asked to report any sightings of the invasive fish to MDC’s Southeast Regional Office at (573)290-5858. Learn more about the Northern Snakehead and invasive species in Missouri and what to do about them.
  13. i dont disagree with you. I'm patiently waiting for a chance to put my kayak back in.
  14. She claims another one upriver. https://fox2now.com/2019/05/09/pacific-high-school-student-drowns-in-meramec-river/ CATAWISSA, Mo. – A Pacific High School senior out for an afternoon of fun less than two weeks before graduation drowned Wednesday in the Meramec River. The incident happened at the Catawissa Conservation Area Quarry in Franklin County. The floodwaters of the Meramec River back up into this area. It’s a popular spot where teenagers typically hang out. Classmates said Scotty Copeland was at the quarry with about four other friends Wednesday afternoon. He was on a Jet Ski when the watercraft ran out of gas. They said Copeland came back to shore and refueled the device. Authorities said witnesses heard a noise and when they turned around, Copeland had been thrown from his Jet Ski and was unconscious in the water. Copeland’s friends tried to rescue him but he went underwater and friends couldn’t get to him. He was not wearing a life jacket at the time. Authorities recovered Copeland’s body between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesday. "Whenever you're on a watercraft, you have to have a life jacket on,” said Master Sgt. Charles Bowles, Missouri State Highway Patrol Marine Division. “This subject did not have a life jacket and went under the surface of the water. I don't think really the flooding in the area had anything to do with this situation but anytime you're around water, it’s always a dangerous situation; that's why we stress to wear your life jacket." Classmates said Copeland was well-liked around school. The school released the following statement on Thursday: "The Pacific High School community is saddened to learn of the death of one its 12th-grade students, Scotty Copeland. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family as they process this tragedy. In addition, the school district has grief counselors on hand, ready to provide support to our students as needed." The Missouri State Highway Patrol Marine Division is continuing its investigation into Copeland’s death.
  15. Whew. At least those people wont get cancer from those windmills. Dodged a bullet there!
  16. It def looks like there is a big buildup of sand and rocks just south of the bridge work and near the bank on the west side, maybe 50yds down from the pilings. I noticed when the water dipped a bit a couple weeks ago, be careful if you're motoring around that area.
  17. I reckon she's flowing pretty fast and high. Nearing the edge of the banks in Eureka and the color of a fine chocolate milk. 8000cfps flow right now
  18. Couldnt believe how nasty river looked @ 270 as well as Route 66. Congrats on safely navigating first and foremost. Excellent fish!
  19. I just had to put more candy on the hives Monday, I'm fearing another wacky winter/spring like last year. I lost more hives this past winter than previous decade combined.
  20. Try repositioning your drip rings a touch, might help. Check out this quick video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrCwkRo4pPM
  21. Buddy had his first kid arrive last week and the boat is now for sale😂 If you might be interested shoot me a PM and I'll put you in touch. Located near 6 Flags. 1992 17’ landau flat bottom Jon boat with 40hp Suzuki jet. Everything runs great, doesn’t leak. Has a few repairs from running the river.
  22. Nice work! I went to school up that direction, used to fish there regularly and never caught much of anything but a good beer buzz. A bad day of fishing always beat a day that I should have been in class though!
  23. I can't compete with you guys and your ability to consistently boat the hogs but thought I'd shake my personal best MO smallie from yesterday's work float trip. beautiful day for a float! we headed out from Blue Springs Ranch with a few other parties. buzzbait was the ticket. Had this one miss twice on huge explosions and kept cranking and she came in for a third whack and I got her hooked up. Completely random spot with no noticeable cover or ambush site. Hooked 3 in a row on ned rig while we stopped for lunch, all little dinks. Lots of small ones and missed blowups using a mini-buzzbait, no real luck with flukes or craw-jigs. I never end up throwing crankbaits, usually just rapid firing topwaters since I'm the only fisherman on the trips. Sure beat working, nice to have a boss that loves to float probably more than i do. We do this trip every mid-sept and it's always a great time. We have a revolving cast so there's always people who've never gotten out or even been in a canoe before (folks from Germany, Taiwan, Slovakia, Mexico City, Idaho, NC, CO this trip). Always fun to show them a slice of Missouri countryside even though we're barely an hour from downtown.
  24. This might get some attention. Maybe make people think twice or exercise some common sense. https://www.kmov.com/news/mom-sons-place-crosses-in-castlewood-state-park-to-warn/article_1c8d59c8-afc7-11e8-92c4-9f5cb52a393d.html
  25. Saw the helicopters while I was in the driveway and figured we had another drowning. I guess this is the lady posting a live video just before it happened and I assume one of those children, so sad, definitely looks like a harmless stretch of the river. Heck, theyre not even up to the knees in the video at least... Out with the kids enjoying some river time on a Sunday, bummer all around... Sketchy stretch of river I guess, terrible.
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