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Everything posted by Walleyedmike

  1. My current rig had a Drotto Latch on it when I bought it. I'll never have another boat without it now. Makes loading and unloading alone so much easier, and when the wife is with me she drives the boat onto the trailer after I back it in. We're loaded and out of the way in just a couple of minutes. WM
  2. My wife almost always out fishes me too! I live a long way from the lake, so I try to do some networking and reading reports before I head down. I try to fish areas that are similar to what have been described. I obviously pay close attention to my graphs while I'm fishing, but drop a line right away. Nothing on graph and no bites in a short period of time = move on. I usually fish with my wife and we rarely listen to music as we B.S. a lot. Saturday when I was fishing alone listened to ZZ Top and Stevie Ray Vaughn. Didn't seem to have any negative effect. WM
  3. Tried to post this last night, but didn't have a good enough internet connection to do it. So, anyway...Fished for walleye with the wife 9-13. Caught five keepers between us. Four on main lake points, and one on the dam. Lost two keepers at the boat. Fish were caught in 15-18' of water. On 9-14, my wife went antiquing and I fished solo. Picked up a keeper in 15' first five minutes and nothing but catfish and drum for the next two hours. Moved shallower to 10-12' and started picking up shorts immediately. Landed another two keepers by noon and then headed in with three in the livewell. Bottom bounced slow death rigs with Smiley blades at 1 mph both days. The bite is light. Several times I noticed one rod looked slightly more loaded then the other and would set the hook on a walleye. They are swimming along at the same speed as the boat with the crawler in their mouth like the crawler is a piece of chewing gum or something. I literally had a short do that as I reeled my bait in. If I saw anything in the action of the rod tips that looked like it might be something other then contact with the bottom, I'd take the rod out of the holder and let the bait drop back. Often I caught a walleye doing that. You gotta reel the natural slack out that you have with a bottom bouncer and then set the hook with a sweep of the rod. A hard bass style hook set will pull it out of their mouths every time. I had probably three shorts to each keeper. It will be at least three weeks before I get back down, so please post some walleye reports! WM
  4. Glad to hear you had a good trip Ranger Dave. Lmt out is the man. Hopefully I can spend a little time in a boat with him sometime in the future as well. WM
  5. Went down to Stockton after the holiday to enjoy some week day walleye fishing. Tuesday the 3rd had only one keeper and probably 15 shorts. Wednesday the 4th wife and I both limited. All nice 16" to 18" fish. Had to work for them and sort though another 18-20 short fish. Wednesday the 5th we went out in the morning, needed to quit fishing around 10 AM to get stuff ready to head home. I limited, and the wife caught three. Fun trip! Was nice to put a few in the boat as I struggled with the high water this summer! All fish caught on small flats in 12-18' of water. Bottom bouncing at 1mph. WM
  6. More like a gently sloping shoreline. WM
  7. Yes, some sort of crawler harness connected to a "bottom bouncer" weight. The bite was light, a good jig fisherman would probably have a lot of success. I am NOT a good jig fisherman! WM
  8. Went down to Stockton after the holiday to enjoy some week day walleye fishing. Tuesday the 3rd had only one keeper and probably 15 shorts. Wednesday the 4th wife and I both limited. All nice 16" to 18" fish. Had to work for them and sort though another 18-20 short fish. Wednesday the 5th we went out in the morning, needed to quit fishing around 10 AM to get stuff ready to head home. I limited, and the wife caught three. Fun trip! Was nice to put a few in the boat as I struggled with the high water this summer! All fish caught on small flats in 12-18' of water. Bottom bouncing at 1mph. WM This post has been promoted to an article
  9. Congratulations! WM
  10. DANG! WM
  11. 50 walleye in two days...wow. Great job lmtout! WM
  12. Trump stamp? WM P.S. Sweet boat Daryk!
  13. Thanks. Hope your guide trip leads to much more success on your trip! WM
  14. Awesome trip! Thise guys are pretty dang good. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of depths were you guys fishing? WM
  15. Both mentioned are excellent choices. Would also add a couple more options as your time frame is tight, Gary Stanton and Kris Nelson at Tandem Fly Outfitters. WM
  16. Nice walleye! WM
  17. We do need to fish together. I can't get a bottom bouncer bite going at all. I think I'm doing something that is scaring them! LOL! WM
  18. We can do that...just be advised in my opinion, I'm a bit of a novice. I do a lot of trial and error! WM
  19. Hit the lake 7/26 at 09:00, put in at RB. Bounced the RB cove and another cove on the Little Sac. Had no luck on the bottom bouncer. Moved to some main lake points on the Big Sac and trolled flicker shads on lead core. Picked up a couple of nice whites and several drum right away in 20' of water. Moved up to the 15-19' range and picked up a 23" walleye. Also picked up three shorts and a crappie. The heat over came us at 2:00 and we headed in. 7/27 hit the water at 7:00 and headed to the point that held fish the previous day. Nothing...trolled cranks baits south and picked up a couple of shorts and other species, pretty slow. Headed in at noon, lake was crazy busy. Haven't caught a ton of walleye this year, but have had a 24" and two 23" in the month of July. They were released for others to enjoy in the future! WM
  20. BOOM! Nice limit! Couple of questions. By trolling, are you talking crank baits, or bottom bouncing? Also, what kind of depths are you finding them in? WM
  21. Ken's in Arcola is good all three meals, especially breakfast. State Park Marina serves an excellent burger on the lake. We eat lunch at the Mexican restaurant in Eldorado Springs often on our way home, sorry the name of the place escapes me! WM
  22. Dang, I thought we were keeping up with your pace. I should of conferred with your experts! Wife caught a 23" Sunday and I caught a 24" this morning. Had bunces of drum and catfish as well. The wife's was on a Blue Tiger Flicker Shad in 27' of water, mine was on a crawler harness bouncing in 25'. We fished Saturday, Sunday and Monday was tons of baitfish at 15-20'. Spent most of our time trolling cranks just under the balls of baitfish. The bite was a lot more active this morning. WM
  23. Fished Friday afternoon and Saturday 9AM-3PM. Bounced crawlers Friday, only crappie, drum and smallies to show for it. Fished on the deep side 30+. Saturday trolled cranks on lead. Wanted to cover lots of water, trying different depths and lures to figure out what they want. No walleye love, picked up a few crappie and smallies again. On a side note, we put in at RB in Stockton both days, Saturday was an absolute madhouse! WM
  24. From worst to first! Game 7 tonight was very entertaining. Congrats to the Blues organization on their first Stanley Cup!!! WM
  25. Best of luck in life's next chapter in Oklahoma, RPS! WM
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