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About whitebassman

  • Birthday 03/01/1978

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    Walnut Grove,Mo

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. The whites are going full out all the way past Taylor's bridge. Limits everytime we went the last 3 days.
  2. Ya, it's just fair at Stockton. Killed this one there last year, with a bow.
  3. Just curious if anyone has had any luck yet on whites busting shad on the flats. I've been working a lot so I hadn't been out yet. I'm going here before too long out of Mutton Creek.
  4. Are you fishing from the bank or from a boat?
  5. Were you fishing from the bank or from a boat? Just curious.
  6. Nadams824, the largemouth bite is awesome right now. I have been getting my big fish on the jig off of chunk rock banks. Me and my son caught probably 15 or 20, with 4 big keepers in about 2 hours at cedar ridge Tuesday afternoon. Hope this helps you!
  7. Powerdive, that's where we've been catching them also. Most of the ones we are catching are blowing their eggs as they come out of the water. You can catch males all day in 15 to 25ft.
  8. The bass have been hammer'n the jig and chunk for me. Watermelon green
  9. Catch them on lake or river?
  10. What were you using and how deep were you fishing?
  11. Were you fishing with minnows Straw Hat?
  12. Yes we were fishing under lights, one green and one white. We fished from dark till about 2 in the morning.
  13. We were fishing along a bluff. We actually went to the same spot Friday evening and caught 20 big crappie, 3 keeper walleye, and 16 nice whites. Still caught several shorts though. Hope this info helps, slowtroller!
  14. Went out the other night, not expecting much. Wow was I surprised. Caught 2 limits of nice crappies, all over 12". Caught probably 40 shorts. Also caught several nice whites. No walleye. This probably won't last much longer. Fish were about 20' down, with the boat setting in 40'. If you get a chance, take a kid fishing. It will make memories your kids will never forget. This is a great type of fishing for kids, if they get tired they can just lay down and go to sleep! Until next time, Good fishin' to ya!
  15. Phil, I'm with ya on that one. I can catch just as many on the ole slider as they can on the a-rig. Try down there just beloww cedar on that flat that runs out in the lake, I've been catching some really big whites down there. Hoping to go as soon as this snow gets gone!
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