bring a fork and be prepared to have a nice piece of humble pie, served up hot. They are very good at delivering that, but once you make contact and land your first one, they will eat away at your brain and drive you into an obsessive addict for catching them. i gave up on a smallmouth stream because i found a school of carp and completely 180* switched my focus
Walker Lake typically has some nice fish in it. They put in 3 that are considered lunkers. One of them is a dead, I saw it floating friday. Was probably about 20" and 4 pounds. It had been dead for a while, nice and rotty. I caught a 5lb fish out of there last winter, and my best one this winter yet has been about 3 lbs.
Couple years ago I caught an 11lb out of one of the lakes at Busch.
Awesome fish man!!! makes me happy to see them in there that size and in such good shape.
Look into the Missouri muskie program, they will be interested in seeing what you caught it on and such
I tagged Brain in it on bookface and told him it was just like his videos, without beer, good music and fun commentary. Music and beer would be easy, its just the time-lapse setting on my iphone camera. If I tied better flies I'd make some more but a size 10 foam hopper isnt as fun as a streamer video. haha
Tough is an understatement. Its not an easy stream to fish.
My hunting property is across the road from it, and there arent the brightest of people around at times. This past Feb when I was down there, there was also some stray dogs running about freely.
Some of my favorite carp flies are trout patterns tied slightly larger on heavier hooks. Those koi in there also like to eat mohair leeches, they dont fight particularly well though.
Those were from my last trip there, in February ( i think ). Those are by far the best fish I've caught out of there, I also caught the most I have there too, which was 5. Its a tricky creek, but worth hitting when you need a piece of humble pie or to tighten up your casting skills.
Cool!! They seem to congregate more down on the end closet to the dam. When the lake was super low last year you could see all the brush piles, so that makes sense.
This is how I feel about BSC. I go still every now and then because my property is down by it and i need a slice of humble pie sometimes. That creek always kicks my butt, however the last time i went yielded some wonderful bounty.